9661471954 | Abjure | to renounce | 0 | |
9661471955 | Anomaly | deviation from the norm; odd or peculiar occurrence | 1 | |
9661471956 | Equanimity | stability, calmness | 2 | |
9661471957 | Estrange | to alienate | 3 | |
9661471958 | Flay | to whip, to remove skin | 4 | |
9661471959 | Florid | rosy-colored, reddish | 5 | |
9661471960 | Interminable | tiresome and long | 6 | |
9661471961 | Lugubrious | mournful, gloomy | 7 | |
9661471962 | Nondescript | having no individuality | 8 | |
9661471963 | Propitious | favorable, auspicious | 9 | |
9661471964 | Rife | abundant, prevalent | 10 | |
9661471965 | Truncate | to shorten | 11 | |
9661471966 | Ubiquitous | occurring everywhere, omnipresent | 12 | |
9661471967 | Vernacular | everyday language | 13 | |
9661471968 | Zealous | fervent, fanatical | 14 | |
9661476000 | Arable | fit for cultivation (land) | 15 | |
9661476001 | Brigand | a robber or bandit | 16 | |
9661476002 | Carte blanche | authority with no bounds | 17 | |
9661476003 | Consummé | clear soup | 18 | |
9661476004 | Contemptuous | scornful, haughty | 19 | |
9661476005 | Cosmopolitan | worldly, sophisticated | 20 | |
9661476006 | Discerning | distinguishing differences, detecting | 21 | |
9661476007 | Donnybrook | fight, uproar | 22 | |
9661476008 | Incantation | charm; recited magical spell | 23 | |
9661476009 | Interlocutor | questioner; on-stage speaker | 24 | |
9661476010 | Metamorphosis | transformation or dramatic change | 25 | |
9661476011 | Nomenclature | naming system in an art or science | 26 | |
9661476012 | Serendipity | a fortunate discovery made by accident | 27 | |
9661476013 | Stentorian | extremely loud | 28 | |
9661476014 | Vestige | trace, evidence | 29 | |
9661479138 | Abstemious | eating and drinking moderately | 30 | |
9661479139 | Archaic | no longer current or applicable; antiquated | 31 | |
9661479140 | Dulcet | melodious, pleasant to hear | 32 | |
9661479141 | Expurgate | to remove objectionable words from | 33 | |
9661479142 | Idyllic | carefree, simple; nearly perfect | 34 | |
9661479143 | Iniquity | sin; a wicked or evil act | 35 | |
9661479144 | Lithe | supple; graceful in motion | 36 | |
9661479145 | Patronizing | to treat in a corresponding manner; talk down to | 37 | |
9661479146 | Pellucid | transparent, clear | 38 | |
9661479147 | Perspicacious | keen, mentally sharp | 39 | |
9661479148 | Relegate | to assign | 40 | |
9661479149 | Scapegoat | one who bears the blame for an offense | 41 | |
9661479150 | Talisman | magical charm for protection | 42 | |
9661479151 | Usurp | to take over; to seize power | 43 | |
9661479152 | Vacillate | waver; to sway indecisively | 44 | |
9661480179 | Acme | the highest point | 45 | |
9661480180 | Apocryphal | of doubtful origin; fictitious | 46 | |
9661480181 | Catharsis | an extremely emotional experience | 47 | |
9661480182 | Desiccate | to dry up completely | 48 | |
9661480183 | Dissipate | to waste; exhaust | 49 | |
9661480184 | Efficacious | effective; producing the desired outcome | 50 | |
9661480185 | Ineffable | inexpressible; beyond description | 51 | |
9661480186 | Intrinsic | of or relating to the basic nature of a thing; inherent | 52 | |
9661480187 | Inundate | to cover with; to be overwhelmed with | 53 | |
9661480188 | Kudos | praise, fame, glory | 54 | |
9661480189 | Maxim | fundamental principle; rule; familiar statement | 55 | |
9661480190 | Putrid | partially decayed or decomposed; having a foul smell | 56 | |
9661480191 | Revere | to regard with respect, awe, and adoration | 57 | |
9661480192 | Servile | submission; slavish | 58 | |
9661480193 | Superfluous | unnecessary, excessive | 59 | |
9661481329 | Consternation | dismay or worry; concern | 60 | |
9661481330 | Conundrum | a puzzle or dilemma; a problem | 61 | |
9661481331 | Coterie | a small group of people who share interests and associate frequently | 62 | |
9661481332 | Emollient | something softening; soothing to the skin | 63 | |
9661481333 | Expiate | to atone, to make amends for | 64 | |
9661481334 | Extricate | to release, disentangle | 65 | |
9661481335 | Flippancy | to disrespect | 66 | |
9661481336 | Foist | to pass off as worthy or real | 67 | |
9661481337 | Incongruous | incompatible; not harmonious to the situation or surroundings | 68 | |
9661481338 | Inocuous | harmless | 69 | |
9661481339 | Inveterate | habitual, continuing | 70 | |
9661481340 | Plethora | abundance; excess | 71 | |
9661481341 | Preamble | a preliminary statement | 72 | |
9661481342 | Soluble | easily dissolved | 73 | |
9661481343 | Vitriolic | bitterly spiteful; caustic | 74 | |
9661486643 | Camaraderie | rapport between friends; comradeship | 75 | |
9661486644 | Haughty | proud, arrogant | 76 | |
9661486645 | Hubris | arrogance resulting from excessive pride | 77 | |
9661486646 | Imbroglio | difficult situation | 78 | |
9661486647 | Malinger | to pretend to be ill or injured to avoid work | 79 | |
9661486648 | Peregrination | traveling on foot; walking | 80 | |
9661486649 | Platitude | cliché | 81 | |
9661486650 | Sanctimonious | false piety or righteousness | 82 | |
9661486651 | Scullion | a kitchen servant | 83 | |
9661486652 | Sectarian | narrowly confined to a particular group | 84 | |
9661486653 | Stringent | strict; rigorous | 85 | |
9661486654 | Trite | hackneyed; clichéd; lacking interest | 86 | |
9661486655 | Venerate | worship or hold in high regard | 87 | |
9661486656 | Wrenching | violent, forceful twisting | 88 | |
9661488454 | Anecdote | a short account or story | 89 | |
9661488455 | Cerebral | relating to the brain; intelligent | 90 | |
9661488456 | Churlish | boorish or vulgar; surly | 91 | |
9661488457 | Cogent | convincing; clear reasoning | 92 | |
9661488458 | Convoluted | intricate, difficult to discern; overlapping | 93 | |
9661488459 | Entreat | to ask or petition for; plead | 94 | |
9661488460 | Gibberish | nonsense; unintelligible speech | 95 | |
9661488461 | Incumbent | obligatory; necessary | 96 | |
9661488462 | Inimical | adverse; hostile | 97 | |
9661488463 | Livid | angry, furious | 98 | |
9661488464 | Lurid | sensational; ghastly | 99 | |
9661488465 | Promulgate | to announce; to make known | 100 | |
9661488466 | Spurious | false, incorrect | 101 | |
9661488467 | Staid | sedate; dignified; proper | 102 | |
9661488468 | Surfeit | an excessive amount | 103 | |
9661489525 | Allay | to reduce the intensity of; relieve; pacify | 104 | |
9661489526 | Ameliorate | to make better, to improve | 105 | |
9661489527 | Asperity | roughness or harshness; severity | 106 | |
9661489528 | Exegesis | critical explanation or interpretation of a text | 107 | |
9661489529 | Extradite | to release an accused criminal to another jurisdiction | 108 | |
9661489530 | Hypocrisy | two-faced; falseness | 109 | |
9661489531 | Inveigh | to protest, oppose | 110 | |
9661489532 | Lionize | to honor or celebrate | 111 | |
9661489533 | Pander | to act as a go-between; to exploit weaknesses of others | 112 | |
9661489534 | Profligate | wasteful; immoral | 113 | |
9661489535 | Recalcitrant | stubbornly resistant | 114 | |
9661489536 | Renunciation | rejection; abandonment | 115 | |
9661489537 | Unimpeachable | beyond doubt; unquestionable | 116 | |
9661489538 | Unwieldy | not easily held | 117 | |
9661489539 | Vitiate | to reduce the value of; to corrupt or debase | 118 | |
9661491110 | Benign | beneficial; favorable | 119 | |
9661491111 | Blithe | carefree and lighthearted | 120 | |
9661491112 | Bumpkin | an unsophisticated person | 121 | |
9661491113 | Corroborate | to make more certain; add evidence to | 122 | |
9661491114 | Culpable | blamable, responsible for | 123 | |
9661491115 | Frenetic | frenzied | 124 | |
9661491116 | Goad | to urge; to prod | 125 | |
9661491117 | Indecorous | lacking good taste; improper | 126 | |
9661491118 | Indolent | lazy | 127 | |
9661491119 | Pervasive | permeating; present throughout | 128 | |
9661491120 | Provocative | stimulating; inciting to action | 129 | |
9661491121 | Punitive | punishing | 130 | |
9661491122 | Recrimination | an accusation made to counter another | 131 | |
9661491123 | Sopoforic | something that induces sleep | 132 | |
9661491124 | Toady | a person who flatters; sycophant | 133 | |
9661492035 | Circuitous | indirect, roundabout | 134 | |
9661492036 | Circumlocution | an unnecessarily wordy or evasive form of expression | 135 | |
9661492037 | Deleterious | having a harmful effect; injurious | 136 | |
9661492038 | Extenuating | lessening the seriousness of | 137 | |
9661492039 | Inchoate | unformed or undeveloped | 138 | |
9661492040 | Largesse | generosity | 139 | |
9661492041 | Luminous | bright; full of light | 140 | |
9661492042 | Majordomo | follower, butler | 141 | |
9661492043 | Perambulate | to walk about, stroll | 142 | |
9661492044 | Prevaricate | to lie; mislead | 143 | |
9661492045 | Propriety | appropriateness | 144 | |
9661492046 | Timorous | timid | 145 | |
9661492047 | Tremulous | timid; fearful | 146 | |
9661492048 | Untenable | incapable of being defended | 147 | |
9661492049 | Veneer | any thin, attractive surface layer | 148 | |
9661492962 | Bulwark | a wall or embankment for defense | 149 | |
9661492963 | Crescendo | a steady increase in intensity or force | 150 | |
9661492964 | Disingenuous | crafty, not straightforward | 151 | |
9661492965 | Dogged | unrelenting, persistent | 152 | |
9661492966 | Etymology | the study of word origin and change | 153 | |
9661492967 | Extant | in existence | 154 | |
9661492968 | Impresario | producer of entertainment; manager | 155 | |
9661492969 | Intransigent | refusing to moderate a position; uncompromising | 156 | |
9661492970 | Lachrymose | inclined to shed many tears; mournful | 157 | |
9661492971 | Malaise | discomfort; unease | 158 | |
9661492972 | Pallid | pale, dull | 159 | |
9661492973 | Palpable | able to be handled or touched | 160 | |
9661492974 | Pundit | a critic | 161 | |
9661492975 | Requisite | required; important | 162 | |
9661492976 | Waive | not enforce a rule; set aside | 163 | |
9661494804 | Assiduous | diligent, persistent | 164 | |
9661494805 | Condescend | to deal with in a superior way | 165 | |
9661494806 | Epiphany | a revelation; sudden knowledge | 166 | |
9661494807 | Exhilaration | elation, thrill | 167 | |
9661494808 | Panacea | cure-all | 168 | |
9661494809 | Physiognomy | facial features | 169 | |
9661494810 | Polyphonic | many sounds together | 170 | |
9661494811 | Propensity | tendency | 171 | |
9661494812 | Propinquity | nearness; proximity | 172 | |
9661494813 | Rescind | to repeal; void | 173 | |
9661494814 | Revel | to enjoy; take pleasure in | 174 | |
9661494815 | Rhapsodize | to express oneself enthusiastically | 175 | |
9661494816 | Umbrage | offense; resentment | 176 | |
9661494817 | Voluble | talkative | 177 | |
9661494818 | Wizened | shriveled or dried up; withered | 178 | |
9661495670 | Abrogate | to abolish, do away with, or annul, especially by authority | 179 | |
9661495671 | Analgesic | a medication to reduce or eliminate pain | 180 | |
9661495672 | Conflagration | a large, destructive fire | 181 | |
9661495673 | Cumulative | additional, increasing | 182 | |
9661495674 | Discretionary | based on individual judgment; not compulsory | 183 | |
9661495675 | Flummox | to confuse; perplex | 184 | |
9661495676 | Fractious | troublesome, cranky, unruly | 185 | |
9661495677 | Histrionics | exaggerated emotional behavior | 186 | |
9661495678 | Implicate | to connect with; involve | 187 | |
9661495679 | Moribund | near death | 188 | |
9661495680 | Replete | full; abundant | 189 | |
9661495681 | Turpitude | depravity | 190 | |
9661495682 | Unpalatable | unpleasant; disagreeable; inedible | 191 | |
9661495683 | Veritable | real or genuine | 192 | |
9661495684 | Viscera | internal organs | 193 | |
9752631893 | Artisan | skilled manual worker; craftsperson | 194 | |
9752631894 | Boondoggle | unnecessary, wasteful work | 195 | |
9752631895 | Indiscernable | imperceptible; not able to be seen | 196 | |
9752631896 | Opprobrium | disgrace; infamy | 197 | |
9752631897 | Phlegmatic | unemotional | 198 | |
9752631898 | Potentate | monarch | 199 | |
9752631899 | Protege | person under the guidance or training of another | 200 | |
9752631900 | Reciprocate | to give in response to something received | 201 | |
9752631901 | Repugnant | offensive, repulsive | 202 | |
9752631902 | Schism | separation, discord | 203 | |
9752631903 | Somnambulism | sleepwalking | 204 | |
9752631904 | Supine | lying on one's back | 205 | |
9752631905 | Tenable | defensible | 206 | |
9752631906 | Virulent | extremely infectious; malignant | 207 | |
9752631907 | Vituperative | fault-finding; verbal abuse | 208 | |
9902938882 | Anthropocentrism | viewing the world in terms of human values and experience | 209 | |
9902938883 | Appellation | name or title | 210 | |
9902938884 | Autonomy | independence | 211 | |
9902938885 | Coagulation | thickening of a liquid | 212 | |
9902938886 | Jurisprudence | related to law | 213 | |
9902938887 | Malevolent | evil, malicious | 214 | |
9902938888 | Misanthrope | one who hates or mistrusts humankind | 215 | |
9902938889 | Prognosticate | predict | 216 | |
9902938890 | Prominence | importance | 217 | |
9902938891 | Prosaic | straightforward; uninteresting | 218 | |
9902938892 | Puissance | power, might | 219 | |
9902938893 | Satiate | to fill out completely; to satisfy | 220 | |
9902938894 | Scion | descendant, heir | 221 | |
9902938895 | Supercilious | contemptuous, haughty | 222 | |
9902938896 | Utilitarian | useful | 223 |
Vocabulary - AP Language Flashcards
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