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Vocabulary F Unit 8

This set deals with vocab from Unit 8 from Vocabulary Workshop Level F.

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258932219acrimoniousstinging, bitter in temper or tone
258932220bovineresembling a cow or ox; sluggish, unresponsive
258932221consternationdismay, confusion
258932222corpulentfat; having large, bulky body
258932223disavowto deny responsibility for or connection with
258932224dispassionateimpartial; cal, free from emotion
258932225dissensiondisagreement, sharp difference of opinion
258932226dissipateto cause to disappear; to scatter, dispel; to spread foolishly squander; to be extravagant in pursuit of pleasure
258932227expurgateto remove objectionable passages or words from a written text; to cleanse, purify
258932228gauntletan armored or protective glove; a challenged; two lines of men armed with weapons with which to beat a person forced to run between them; an ordeal
258932229hypotheticalbased on an assumption or guess; used as a provisional or tentative idea to guide or direct investigation
258932230ignoblemean, low, base
258932231impugnto call into question; to attack as false
258932232intemperateimmoderate, lacking in self-control; inclement
258932233odiumhatred, contempt; disgrace or infamy resulting from hateful conduct
258932234perfidyfaithlessness, treachery
258932235relegateto place in a lower position; to assign, refer, turn over; to banish
258932236squeamishinclined to nausea; easily shocked or upset; excessively fastidious or refined
258932237subservientsubordinate in capacity or role; submissively obedient; serving to promote some end
258932238susceptibleopen to; easily influenced; lacking in resistance
259770253acrimonioussynonyms: biting, caustic, rancorous, hostile, peevish
259770254bovinesynonyms: stolid, dull, slow, stupid
259770255consternationsynonyms: shock, amazement, bewilderment, dismay
259770256corpulentsynonyms: overweight, heavy, obese, stout, portly
259770257disavowsynonyms: disown, disclaim, retract, abjure
259770258dispassionatesynonyms: unbiased, disinterested, cool, detached
259770259dissensionsynonyms: strife, discord, contention
259770260dissipatesynonyms: disperse, strew, diffuse, waste
259770261expurgatesynonyms: purge, censor, bowdlerize
259770262gauntletsynonyms: dare, provocation, trial, punishment
259770263hypotheticalsynonyms: assumed, supposed, conjectural, conditional
259770264ignoblesynonyms: inferior, unworthy, dishonorable, sordid
259770265impugnsynonyms: challenge, deny, dispute, query, question
259770266intemperatesynonyms: excessive, extreme, unrestrained, inordinate
259770267odiumsynonyms: abhorrence, opprobrium, shame, ignominy
259770268perfidysynonyms: betrayal, disloyalty, treason, duplicity
259770269relegatesynonyms: transfer, consign, demote, exile
259770270squeamishsynonyms: nauseated, queasy, delicate, oversensitive, priggish
259770271subservientsynonyms: secondary, servile, obsequious, useful
259770272susceptiblesynonyms: vulnerable, receptive, impressionable
259770273acrimoniousantonyms: gentle, warm, mild, friendly, cordial
259770274bovineantonyms: alert, sharp, bright, keen, quick
259770275consternationantonyms: calm, composure, aplomb
259770276corpulentantonyms: slender, lean, spare, gaunt, emaciated
259770277disavowantonyms: acknowledge, admit, grant, certify
259770278dispassionateantonyms: committed, engaged, partial, biased
259770279dissensionantonyms: agreement, accord, harmony
259770280dissipateantonyms: gather, collect, conserve, husband
259770281hypotheticalantonyms: actual, real, tested, substantiated
259770282ignobleantonyms: admirable, praiseworthy, lofty, noble
259770283impugnantonyms: confirm, prove, verify, validate
259770284intemperateantonyms: moderate, restrained, cool and collected
259770285odiumantonyms: esteem, admiration, approbation
259770286perfidyantonyms: faithfulness, loyalty, steadfastness
259770287relegateantonyms: promote, elevate, advance, recall
259770288subservientantonyms: primary, principal, bossy, domineering
259770289susceptibleantonyms: resistant, immune

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