Each vocabulary list will be added to this list throughout the year.
219872498 | abdicate | to step down from a position of power | |
219872499 | abridge | to shorten, condense, or lessen in length | |
219872500 | abysmal | extremely wretched or bottomless | |
219872501 | acquiesce | to comply passively, to give in | |
219872502 | aesthetic | concerned with or appreciative of beauty | |
219872503 | affinity | sympathy, attraction, kinship | |
219872504 | aggrandize | to make great | |
219872505 | altruistic | unselfishly concerned with the welfare of others | |
219872506 | amnesty | an offical pardon for a group of people who violate a law | |
219872507 | animosity | ill-will or hatred | |
219872508 | anomalous | irregular, abnormal, unusual | |
219872509 | arduous | difficult to do | |
219872510 | augment | to increase or enlarge | |
219872511 | austere | stern in manner or appearance | |
219872512 | banal | boring, uninteresting | |
219872513 | baroque | extravagant; characterized by bold ornamentation | |
219872514 | blanch | to turn pale | |
219872515 | blithe | happy, light-hearted | |
219872516 | bracing | invigorating, refreshing | |
219872517 | broach | to open up a subject for discussion | |
219872518 | bulwark | a strong defense or protection | |
219872519 | cache | hiding place or something hidden in a secret place | |
219872520 | candor | truthfulness, honesty | |
219872521 | capitulate | to surrender | |
219872522 | catharsis | emotional release or cleansing | |
219872523 | caustic | biting humor | |
219872524 | censure | act of blaming or condemning | |
219872525 | circumspect | carefully thought-out | |
219872526 | clemency | mildness or mercy | |
219872527 | coalesce | to unite or join together | |
219872528 | colloquial | used in informal speech | |
219872529 | copious | abundant | |
219872530 | corroborate | give evidence to support | |
219872531 | craven | cowardly | |
219872532 | cursory | without much attention | |
219872533 | dearth | a shortage | |
219872534 | deference | respect, courtesy | |
219872535 | deft | skillful | |
219872536 | delineate | to describe, give detail | |
219872537 | depravity | moral corruption | |
228387356 | destitute | very poor | |
228387357 | diatribe | harsh, angry speech or lecture | |
228387358 | didactic | instructive; intended to educate | |
228387359 | diffuse | wordy; to spread widely | |
228387360 | digress | to stray from the main subject | |
228387361 | discerning | perceptive (understanding things others may not get) | |
228387362 | docile | easily taught; submissive | |
228387363 | dogmatic | arrogantly positive about unproven ideas | |
228387364 | dupe | to deceive or trick | |
228387365 | ebb | to decline or recede | |
228387366 | eccentric | nonconventional; odd | |
228387367 | eclectic | drawn from many sources; including many styles | |
228387368 | efface | to erase or obscure | |
228387369 | egocentric | self-involved; selfish | |
228387370 | egregious | extremely bad | |
228387371 | elucidate | to make clear or evident | |
228387372 | emissary | messenger or representative | |
228387373 | emulate | to imitate or strive to equal | |
228387374 | enigma | a puzzle or baffling situation | |
228387375 | esoteric | understood by only a few | |
247578343 | Grovel | to beg persistently,to degrade oneself | |
247578344 | Guile | purposeful deceit | |
247578345 | Guise | an external appearance | |
247578346 | Harbinger | a precursor, an indication, one that forshadows what is coming | |
247578347 | Heresy | any belief that is strongly opposed to established beliefs or practices | |
247578348 | Hiatus | a break or interruption from work or any other established routine | |
247578349 | Hubris | excessive pride, arrogance, exaggerated self-confidence | |
247578350 | Imminent | about to occur, hanging threateningly over one's head | |
247578351 | Immutable | unchangable, permanent | |
247578352 | Imperious | commanding, lordly, arrogant | |
247578353 | Incipient | beginning to be, in an early stage | |
247578354 | Incontrovertible | not disputable, not open to question | |
247578355 | Indigenous | native, produced or living in a particular area | |
247578356 | Indigent | proverty stricken, needy | |
247578357 | Inept | clumsy, akward, incompetent | |
247578358 | Infamy | an evil reputation born of a criminal act, a reputation for evil deeds | |
247578359 | Insidious | treacherous, having a gradual effect | |
247578360 | Insipid | lacking taste, dull, bland | |
247578361 | Intrepid | fearless, having fortitude and endurance | |
247578362 | Irreverent | disrespectful, gently or humorously mocking | |
282945431 | jargon | specialized vocabulary of a group | |
282945432 | jeopardy | exposure to danger | |
282945433 | judicious | wise,cautious, showing good judgement | |
282945434 | juxtapose | to place side by side for comparison | |
282945435 | laconic | breif in speech, using very few words | |
282945436 | latent | present but not visible or apparent | |
282945437 | laud | to praise or applaud | |
282945438 | lax | careless, too relaxed | |
282945439 | levity | lack of seriousness | |
282945440 | liaison | connection between different groups; a close bond | |
282945441 | listless | indifferent; lacking energy; spiritless | |
282945442 | lucid | clear; easily understood | |
282945443 | magnanimous | generous, giving; forgiving | |
282945444 | malaise | a feeling of depression or uneasiness | |
282945445 | maverick | nonconformist; person who breaks away from the crowd | |
282945446 | meander | to wander aimlessly | |
282945447 | mercenary | a person who serves only for money; motivated by greed | |
282945448 | moot | of no matter; not important | |
282945449 | morose | gloomy; bad tempered | |
282945450 | myriad | an immense indefinite number | |
287351551 | relegate | to dismiss to a less prominent position; to banish | |
287351552 | reciprocal | mutual; interchangeable; shared | |
287351553 | pivotal | crucial; something around which things turn | |
287351554 | rebuff | to snub; to refuse in a blunt or rude way | |
287351555 | placate | to soothe or appease with concessions | |
287351556 | plausible | believeable | |
287351557 | raucous | harsh sounding; noisy and disorderly | |
287351558 | quixotic | foolishly impractical and idealistic | |
287351559 | quintessential | the most perfect example of | |
287351560 | quell | to put an end to; to calm | |
287351561 | quaint | pleasantly old-fashioned | |
287351562 | prudent | careful; cautious | |
287351563 | prosaic | dull; unimaginative; lacking excitement | |
287351564 | provincial | narrow in ideas | |
287351565 | poignant | emotionally moving | |
287351566 | precept | a rule or principle to guide conduct | |
287351567 | preclude | to make impossible; to shut out | |
287351568 | pretentious | showy; self-important | |
287351569 | prolific | marked by abundant production | |
287351570 | polemic | a powerful argument to defend an idea | |
302311317 | nemesis | powerful rival, enemy | |
302311318 | nominal | insignificant | |
302311319 | nuance | subtle distinction; slight difference in definition | |
302311320 | obviate | to make unnecessary | |
302311321 | odious | hateful, evil, vile | |
302311322 | odyssey | long, difficult journey marked by changes in fortune | |
302311323 | ogle | to stare at in a disrespectful way | |
302311324 | opaque | difficult to see through; unclear; dark | |
302311325 | osmosis | gradual absorption; unconscious process of absorption | |
302311326 | oust | to banish or expel | |
302311327 | palatable | pleasant to the taste | |
302311328 | paltry | tiny or insignificant amount (paltry amount) | |
302311329 | pariah | an outcast | |
302311330 | paucity | smallness in number or amount (paucity of) | |
302311331 | pedantic | boringly scholarly or academic | |
302311332 | penchant | strong like for something | |
302311333 | peruse | to study or read over leisurely | |
302311334 | philanthropy | good will towards others; acts of generosity | |
302311335 | pious | reverent; devout; dutiful | |
302311336 | pique | to hurt someone's feelings or to irritate | |
302311337 | exacerbate | to make worse or more severe | |
302311338 | exacting | greatly demanding; requiring close attention | |
302311339 | exorbitant | extravagant; exceeding what is usual | |
302311340 | expedite | to make faster or easier; to carry out promptly | |
302311341 | explicit | clearly stated that; precisely shown | |
302311342 | expunge | to erase | |
302311343 | extol | to praise highly | |
302311344 | fallacy | false idea or mistaken belief | |
302311345 | fawn | to show excessive attention | |
302311346 | feign | to pretend or give a false impression | |
302311347 | fledgling | a beginnner or novice; a young bird | |
302311348 | fluke | chance event or coincident | |
302311349 | fodder | raw material for a given end | |
302311350 | foray | an initial venture; a raid in search of plunder | |
302311351 | fortuitous | happening by chance; lucky or fortunate | |
302311352 | furtive | secret | |
302311353 | futile | useless, hopeless, without effect | |
302311354 | gamut | the full range of something | |
302311355 | garner | to gather and store away; to acquire by effort | |
302311356 | gratuitous | freely given, unnecessary, uncalled for |