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War & Revolution Flashcards

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25593560Bloody Sunday (1905)In Russia 1905 Russian soldiers inadvertently opened fire on demonstrators, turning them against the tsar. Possibly the start of the Revolution.0
25593561Revolution of 1905Civil unrest that followed the failed Russo-Japanese War and the massacre of Bloody Sunday. Forced Tsar Nicholas to issue the October Manifesto in which he promised to create a Duma.1
25593562October Manifesto (1905)Issued in Russia because of fear of a general strike. Granted full civil rights and a popular parliament- Duma.2
25593563Black HandUltra Nationalist, Serbian Society. Secretly supported by members of the Serbian government.3
25593564Entente Cordiale (1904)Britain and France agreed to work together to solidify their position in the world in the face of growing German expansion. Britain gained control of Egypt. France gained control of Morocco. Not a written alliance only an agreement that basically was against the possibility of German aggression.4
25593565LusitaniaSunk in 1915 by a German submarine. 139 American killed. Forced Germany to stop submarine warfare.5
25593566Paris Peace Conference (1919)Post-war conference held in Paris with the 27 victorious nations but dominated by British prime minister Lloyd George, French Premier George Clemenceau, American President Woodrow Wilson and Italian Vittorio Orlando. Germany was not invited, nor was Russia because of the Civil War. The end result was the Treaty of Versailles.6
25593567Wilson's Fourteen PointsPresident Wilson's Peace proposal in 1918 stressed national self-determination and the rights of the small countries. Freedom of the seas and free trade. Clemenceau said, "God only had ten."7
25593568Wilson, WoodrowU.S. President, who led USA into WWI. He proposed the 14 points. He attended the peace conference at Versailles.8
25593569League of Nations (1919)Allies worked out terms for peace with Germany, precursor to the United Nations.9
25593570BolsheviksLiterally means "Majority group"10
25593571ChekaSecret police set up by Lenin-arrested "enemies of the revolution".11
25593572KulaksThe term means wealthier peasants. This class of society was labeled "enemies of the state" by Stalin who sought to wipe them out.12
25593573DumaPopular parliament.13
25593574Mensheviks'Minority group'. They were Social Democrats who opposed Lenin in 1902.14
25593575New Economic Policy(NEP) Lenin's successful attempt to reintroduce limited economic freedom to help stimulate the Russian economy. Peasants were permitted to sell surpluses on the free market.15
25593576Five-Year PlanEconomic plan to bring make the Soviet Union economically competitive. One plan simply replaced another.16
25593577Yat-sen, Sun"Father of Modern China." He succeeded in overthrowing the Qing Dynasty and became President of the Republic of China in 1912. Established government based on his "three Principles of the People:" nationalism, people's choice, and people's livelihood.17
25593578Kai-shek, Chiang (Jang Jieshi)Leader of the Nationalist forces after the death of Sun Yat-sen. He experienced a hot/cold relationship with the Communists and became President Nationalist Republic of China in 1928.18
25593579Zedong, Mao"The Great Helmsman." China's greatest revolutionary leader and founder of the Chinese Communist Party. Won favor with the peasants in his clash with the nationalist forces and recruited them for his Red Army.19

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