72228034 | a-, an- | [not, without] | 0 | |
72228036 | Amoral | without morals or principles | 1 | |
72228037 | atypical | not conforming to type | 2 | |
72228038 | atom | smallest particle of an element; unable to cut | 3 | |
72228039 | apathy | the trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally | 4 | |
72228040 | anesthesia | without feeling or bodily sensation | 5 | |
72228041 | a-, ab-, abs- | [from, away] | 6 | |
72228044 | abnormal | not normal | 7 | |
72228045 | abduct | pull away from the body; kidnap; carry by force | 8 | |
72228046 | absent | not in a specified place physically or mentally | 9 | |
72228047 | avert | to prevent the occurrence of | 10 | |
72228048 | acro- | [high] | 11 | |
72228049 | acropolis | an "upper city"; a common feature of ancient Greek cities; an elevated site for religious observances | 12 | |
72228050 | acrobat | a skilled performer who performs high in the air | 13 | |
72228051 | acronym | a word formed from the initial letters of a name | 14 | |
72228052 | acrophobia | fear of heights | 15 | |
72228053 | ambi-, amb-,amphi- | [both, around] | 16 | |
72228055 | ambidextrous | equally skillful with each hand | 17 | |
72228056 | ambiguous | having more than one possible meaning | 18 | |
72228057 | amble | to walk slowly, stroll; an easy pace; a leisurely walk | 19 | |
72228058 | ambient | Of the surrounding area or environment; completely immersed | 20 | |
72228060 | amphibious | operating or living on land and in water | 21 | |
72228061 | amphitheater | An edifice of elliptical shape, constructed about a central open space or arena. | 22 | |
72228062 | ante- | [before] | 23 | |
72228063 | antedate | establish something as being earlier relative to something else | 24 | |
72228064 | anteroom | A room situated before and opening into another, usually larger. | 25 | |
72228065 | antebellum | belonging to a period before a war --especially the American Civil War | 26 | |
72228066 | antecedent | a preceding occurrence or cause or event | 27 | |
72228067 | ant-, anti- | [against] | 28 | |
72228069 | anticommunist | against communism | 29 | |
72228070 | antidote | medicine to counteract a poison or disease | 30 | |
72228071 | anticlimax | letdown in thought or emotion; something unexciting, ordinary, or disappointing coming after something important or exciting | 31 | |
72228072 | antacid | an agent that counteracts or neutralizes acidity (especially in the stomach) | 32 | |
72228073 | be- | [on, away] | 33 | |
72228074 | bedeck | To cover with ornament. | 34 | |
72228075 | belabor | to work at something beyond practicality; to overstress | 35 | |
72228076 | bequest | gift left by means of a will | 36 | |
72228077 | bestow | to grant or to give | 37 | |
72228078 | beloved | a beloved person | 38 | |
72228079 | bene-, bon- | [well] | 39 | |
72228081 | benefit | something that aids or promotes well-being | 40 | |
72228082 | benefactor | a person who provides help, especially by giving money | 41 | |
72228083 | benevolent | having or showing or arising from a desire to promote the welfare or happiness of others | 42 | |
72228084 | benediction | good wishes; a blessing | 43 | |
72228085 | bonanza | a sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money) | 44 | |
72228086 | bonus | anything good that is received over and beyond what was expected (usually money) | 45 | |
72228087 | bi-, bis-, bin- | [both, double, twice] | 46 | |
72228090 | bicycle | a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals | 47 | |
72228091 | biweekly | occurring every two weeks | 48 | |
72228092 | bilateral | having identical parts on each side of an axis | 49 | |
72228093 | binoculars | an optical instrument designed for simultaneous use by both eyes | 50 | |
72228094 | by- | [side, close, near] | 51 | |
72228095 | bypass | avoid something unpleasant or laborious;to go around a blockage | 52 | |
72228096 | bystander | one who looks on or observes, a person present but not taking part | 53 | |
72228097 | by-product | a side effect; something produced in the making of something else | 54 | |
72228098 | bylaw | a rule made by a local authority to regulate its own affairs | 55 | |
72228099 | byline | the writer's name, appearing above a news or feature story | 56 | |
72228100 | cata- | [down, against] | 57 | |
72228101 | catalog | to list, register; inventory | 58 | |
72228102 | catastrophe | an event resulting in great loss and misfortune | 59 | |
72228103 | catapult | A slingshot-like war machine used for shooting rocks, shells, and other objects | 60 | |
72228104 | cataclysm | a sudden, violent, or devastating upheaval; a surging flood, deluge | 61 | |
72228105 | cerebro- | [brain] | 62 | |
72228106 | cerebrospinal | of or relating to the brain and spinal cord | 63 | |
72228107 | cerebellum | a major division of the vertebrate brain | 64 | |
72228108 | cerebrum | anterior portion of the brain consisting of two hemispheres | 65 | |
72228109 | cerebral | having to do, or relating to the brain | 66 | |
72228110 | circ- | [around] | 67 | |
72228111 | circum- | [around] | 68 | |
72228112 | circular | in the shape of a circle | 69 | |
72228113 | circumspect | careful to consider consequences, cautious, prudent | 70 | |
72228114 | circumference | the length of the closed curve of a circle | 71 | |
72228115 | circumnavigate | travel around, either by plane or ship | 72 | |
72228116 | co-, con-, col-, com- | [together, with] | 73 | |
72228120 | co-pilot | the assistant or second pilot in an aircraft | 74 | |
72228121 | conspire | act in unison or agreement and in secret towards a deceitful or illegal purpose | 75 | |
72228122 | collect | get or gather together | 76 | |
72228123 | compose | draw up the plans or basic details for | 77 | |
72228124 | contra-, counter- | [against] | 78 | |
72228126 | controversy | a disagreement among many people | 79 | |
72228127 | contradict | to express or imply the opposite of | 80 | |
72228128 | counterpart | thing that completes another; things very much alike; thing that has the same purpose in a different system | 81 | |
72228129 | contraindicate | to suggest inadvisiblity of, make a treatment inadvisable | 82 | |
72228130 | de- | [from, down] | 83 | |
72228131 | demote | to reduce to a lower grade or rank | 84 | |
72228132 | depress | lessen the activity or force of | 85 | |
72228133 | degrade | lower the grade of something | 86 | |
72228134 | deprive | keep from having, keeping, or obtaining | 87 | |
72228135 | deject | lower someone's spirits | 88 | |
72228136 | devoid | lacking; empty; entirely without | 89 | |
72228137 | deviate | cause to turn away from a previous or expected course | 90 | |
72228138 | deca- | [ten] | 91 | |
72228139 | decade | ten years | 92 | |
72228140 | decathlon | an athletic contest consisting of ten different events | 93 | |
72228141 | decapod | ten-footed or ten-armed. | 94 | |
72228142 | decagon | a polygon with 10 sides and 10 angles | 95 | |
72228143 | decagram | a metric unit of mass equal to 10 grams | 96 | |
72228144 | di- | [two, twice] | 97 | |
72228145 | divide | separate into parts or portions | 98 | |
72228146 | dilemma | a choice between two unpleasant or difficult options | 99 | |
72228147 | dilute | lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture | 100 | |
72228148 | ditto | repeat an action or statement | 101 | |
72228149 | dioxide | a chemical substance consisting of two atoms of oxygen combined with one atom of another element | 102 | |
72228150 | dipole | a pair of equal and opposite electric charges or magnetic poles separated by a small distance | 103 | |
72228151 | digraph | a union of two characters representing a single sound. | 104 | |
72228152 | diplopia | visual impairment in which an object is seen as two objects | 105 | |
72228153 | dia- | [through, between] | 106 | |
72228154 | diameter | the length of a straight line passing through the center of a circle and connecting two points on the circumference | 107 | |
72228155 | diagonal | having an oblique or slanted direction | 108 | |
72228156 | diagram | a drawing intended to explain how something works | 109 | |
72228157 | dialogue | a conversation between two persons | 110 | |
72228158 | dis- | [apart, away, reverse] | 111 | |
72228159 | dys- | [badly,ill] | 112 | |
72228160 | dypepsia | a disorder of digestive function characterized by discomfort, heartburn or nausea | 113 | |
72228161 | dystrophy | any of several hereditary diseases of the muscular system characterized by weakness and wasting of skeletal muscles | 114 | |
72228162 | dysentery | an infection of the intestines marked by severe diarrhea | 115 | |
72228163 | dysfunction | abnormal functioning, as of an organ of the body | 116 | |
72228164 | em-, en- | [in, into] | 117 | |
72228166 | embrace | the state of taking in or encircling | 118 | |
72228167 | enslave | to take under control and dominate | 119 | |
72228168 | epi- | [upon] | 120 | |
72228169 | epidermis | outer layer of skin | 121 | |
72228170 | epitaph | a brief statement written on a tomb or gravestone | 122 | |
72228171 | epithet | any word or phrase applied to a person or thing to describe an actual or attributed quality | 123 | |
72228172 | eu- | [well] | 124 | |
72228173 | eulogize | praise; extol; laud; glorify | 125 | |
72228174 | euphony | pleasant, harmonious sound | 126 | |
72228175 | eugenics | the study of methods of improving genetic qualities by selective breeding (especially as applied to human mating) | 127 | |
72228176 | euphoria | sense of great happiness or well-being | 128 | |
72228177 | e-, ex-, ec-, ef- | [out] | 129 | |
72228181 | ex-mayor | former mayor of a town or city; out of office | 130 | |
72228182 | exorcism | getting free/rid of; eliminating (especially demons) | 131 | |
72228183 | eject | put out or expel from a place | 132 | |
72228184 | eccentric | irregular; odd; unconventional; whimsical; bizarre; not concentric | 133 | |
72228185 | efflux | the process of flowing out | 134 | |
72228186 | extra-, extro- | [beyond, outside] | 135 | |
72228188 | extraordinary | far more than usual or expected | 136 | |
72228189 | extrovert | one who is outgoing; one who is energized rather than drained by interactions with others | 137 | |
72228190 | extracurricular | outside the regular duties of your job or profession | 138 | |
72228191 | extraneous | not pertinent to the matter under consideration | 139 | |
72228192 | for- | [away, off] | 140 | |
72228193 | forswear | to renounce upon oath. | 141 | |
72228194 | forgo | to do without, abstain from, give up | 142 | |
72228195 | forlorn | pitiable in circumstances especially through abandonment | 143 | |
72228196 | fore- | [before in time] | 144 | |
72228197 | forecast | a prediction about how something (as the weather) will develop | 145 | |
72228198 | foretell | make a prediction about | 146 | |
72228199 | foreshadow | to show or indicate beforehand; prefigure | 147 | |
72228200 | hemi-, demi-, semi- | [half] | 148 | |
72228203 | hemisphere | half of a sphere | 149 | |
72228204 | demitasse | small coffee cup | 150 | |
72228205 | semicircle | half of a circle | 151 | |
72228206 | hex- | [six] | 152 | |
72228207 | hexameter | poetic form of six metrical feet | 153 | |
72228208 | hexagon | a shape with six sides and angles | 154 | |
72228209 | homo- | [man] | 155 | |
72228210 | Homo Sapiens | the biological species to which modern human beings belong | 156 | |
72228211 | homicide | the killing of a human being by another human being | 157 | |
72228212 | hyper- | [over, above] | 158 | |
72228213 | hypersensitive | overly sensitive | 159 | |
72228214 | hyperactive | abnormally or extremely active | 160 | |
72228215 | hypo- | [under] | 161 | |
72228216 | hypodermic | under the skin | 162 | |
72228217 | hypothesis | a prediction that can be tested; educated guess | 163 | |
72228218 | il-, ir-, in-, im- | [not] | 164 | |
72228222 | illegal | not legal | 165 | |
72228223 | illegible | difficult or impossible to read; not legible | 166 | |
72228224 | irregular | contrary to rule or accepted order or general practice; not regular | 167 | |
72228225 | incorrect | not correct | 168 | |
72228226 | immoral | violating principles of right and wrong | 169 | |
72228227 | in-, il-, im- | [into] | 170 | |
72228230 | inject | to insert between other elements; feed intravenously | 171 | |
72228231 | inside | the inner or enclosed surface of something | 172 | |
72228232 | illuminate | brighten; clear up or make understandable; enlighten; enable to understand | 173 | |
72228233 | illustrate | to make clear by examples or pictures | 174 | |
72228234 | impose | to set up, or to force something (or oneself) on others; to take unfair advantage of someone | 175 | |
72228235 | implant | fix or set securely or deeply into something | 176 | |
72228236 | imprison | lock up or confine, in or as in a jail | 177 | |
72228237 | infra- | [beneath] | 178 | |
72228238 | infrared | the infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum below visible light | 179 | |
72228239 | infrastructure | a basic foundation or framework | 180 | |
72228240 | intro- | [into, inward] | 181 | |
72228241 | introduce | bring something new to an environment | 182 | |
72228242 | introvert | a person whose thoughts and interests are directed inward | 183 | |
72228243 | introspection | the act of looking at one's inner self | 184 | |
72228244 | macro- | [excessive, large] | 185 | |
72228245 | macrodent | characterized by large teeth | 186 | |
72228246 | macrocosm | the whole universe; a large-scale reflection of a part of the greater world | 187 | |
72228247 | mal- | [badly, poorly] | 188 | |
72228248 | malady | a sickness, illness, disease, disorder | 189 | |
72228249 | maladjusted | poorly adjusted, disturbed | 190 | |
72228250 | malnutrition | a state of poor nutrition | 191 | |
72228251 | malfunction | fail to function or function improperly | 192 | |
72228252 | meta- | [beyond, after, with] | 193 | |
72228253 | metaphor | a figure of speech in which one thing is spoken of as though it were something else | 194 | |
72228254 | metamorphosis | a striking change in appearance or character or circumstances | 195 | |
72228255 | metaphysical | supernatural | 196 | |
72228256 | mis- | [incorrect, bad] | 197 | |
72228257 | misuse | to use incorrectly | 198 | |
72228258 | misprint | a word that was not printed correctly | 199 | |
72228259 | miso- | [hate] | 200 | |
72228260 | misanthrope | one who hates mankind | 201 | |
72228261 | misogynist | one who hates women/females | 202 | |
72228262 | mono- | [one] | 203 | |
72228263 | monoplane | an airplane with a single wing | 204 | |
72228264 | monotone | sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch; one tone | 205 | |
72228265 | monochrome | having one color | 206 | |
72228266 | monocle | eyeglass for one eye | 207 |
WFC 518-519/WI 372 Prefixes Flashcards
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