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WHAP Book Chapter 1 Flashcards

Covers the Sterns book chapter 1.

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86775270Paleolithicsecond part of the Stone Age beginning about 750,00 to 500,000 years BC and lasting until the end of the last ice age about 8,500 years BC0
86775271Paleolithic AchievementsStone tools Speech Cave paintings Fire Clothing Spread of people over earth Equality b/w sexes1
86775272Paleolithic DrawbacksSmall hunter-gatherer tribes2
86775273Homo sapiens sapiensthe current human, that wiped out all other species.3
86775274MesolithicMiddle stone age, 12,000-8,000 b.c.e4
86775275Mesolithic achievementsAnimal bone/stone tools canoes food storage Pop growth animal domestication5
86775276Neolithic EraFarming Started6
86775277Why Agrc. devs.1. Pop increases b/c no ice age 2. Loss of large game animals7
86775278Animal DomesticationOccurs 9000 B.C. in the middle east and China8
86775279Where farming devs.Starts in Middle East (Iraq-Turkey-Syria), and then goes to All of world.9
86775280Agrg Pro/ConSlow rev. Intensive labor Pro: FACILITATED SETTLED LIFE, new need-based inventions,10
86775281Acceptance of Agrc.Polarized. Hunters resisted long as they could Agrc. brought new diseases Today, hunter/gatherer still exist, but 99% of societies are agricultural11
86775282"prehistorical"Neolitihic Era and before it.12
86775283Metal ToolsDiscovered after Agrc. Rev. Started in middle east with Copper 3000 years ago13
86775284Benefits of metal toolsEfficient, better weaponry, FUNCTIONAL SPECIALIZATION BEGINS14
86775285CivilizationResult of Agrc. stimulating more settled communitites.15
86775286Slash and Burn Agrc.Burn an area of trees, farm that land intensively, and move on. A safety net rather than 100% settled Agrc.16
86775287Advantages of settlementIrrigation, stability, food, and defense17
86775288Catal HuyukTurkey Village= Mud/timber homes Religious icons Took over and traded with other cities Ate all porduced goods18
86775289Origin of Civilization1.Middle East 2. Egypt 3. Indus 4. China 5. Central America19
86775290CivilzationSocieties with economic surplus to form divisions of labor, and a social heirarchy with signifigant inequalities Comes from latin word "civ" for city20
86775291Trait of a Civ.Political System Forming Cities Writing Systems Civs. also establish male heirarchies21
86775292Effects of a Civ.Technologic innovation New political systems Interction and Destruction of environment (Ex: Danube)22
86775293Location of a civ.Near rivver valley developed large population densities23
870850911st Civ.Tigris-Euphrates24
87085092Tigris Euphrates Civ. infoDeveloped from Scratch Bronze Copper Wheel Pottery Complex Farming25
87085093CunieformFirst lang. Invented by Sumerians, geometric/pictures=sounds26
87085094T/E culuturePictures of Gods everywhere Astronomy Math (10/30/360 time system) Abstract writing27
87085095Sumerian Religion1 city had a patron god Many powerful gods, heaven and hell, divine force Influence monotheism28
87085096ZigguratPriest temple=huge29
87085097T/E politicsCity-states ruled under a king, who came from military, and ruled under divine power30
87085098T/E slaveryCould buy freedom Slaves came from war.31
87085099T/E econ.Coins Trade32
87085100T/E downfallHard to defend borders. Fell to Akaadians, who continued culture Babylon takes over EVERYTHING, and unites law code Indo Europeans take over (Semites influence all things) Persians tae over33
87085101Hammurabi's lawBabylonian law code= First law code34
87085102Egyptian Civ.2nd civilization35
87085103Egypt Civ. TraitsTrade and Tech God-King Gov. Unified and Expanded up Nile Invaded by Kush36
87085104Egypt Civ. CultureTop arts and Math 24 hour day Influential Architecture37
87085105Indian Civ.Harappa and Mojenjo Daro along Indus-River valley38
87085106Indian TradeMesoptamia39
87085107Indian DownfallIndo-europeans destroy them, but civ. never has to be completely reinvented40
87085108Chinese (Hwang-He Civ.) TradeIsolated, but traded minorly with other civs.41
87085109P'an KuMythic ancestor whcih ancient chinese said was their creation myth42
87085110Dev. of Chinese Civ.1. Organize state takes control of flood valley 2. High tech/intellect (horses, pottery, bronze, iron, coal)43
87085111Hunag he cultureIdeography started from bone scratches Astronomy Delicate Art No big monuments b/c of lack of building materials44
87085112Chinese Civ. PoliticsShng rule, build few palaces Stopped b/c of invasion, but still built future civ on past stuff.45
87085113Decline of all Civs.1000 B.C. India cant start new civ by foundation China had a dynastic cycle46
87085114Mesopatamina fall effectSmaller regional tribes that outlasted and spread past the original empire47
87085115PhoneciansLater sumericans that created alphabet48
87085116LydiansIntroduced coined money49
87085117Jews and JudaismSemite people An Abstract, non-converting, Monotheistic faith (First monotheists)50

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