Covers the Sterns book chapter 1.
86775270 | Paleolithic | second part of the Stone Age beginning about 750,00 to 500,000 years BC and lasting until the end of the last ice age about 8,500 years BC | 0 | |
86775271 | Paleolithic Achievements | Stone tools Speech Cave paintings Fire Clothing Spread of people over earth Equality b/w sexes | 1 | |
86775272 | Paleolithic Drawbacks | Small hunter-gatherer tribes | 2 | |
86775273 | Homo sapiens sapiens | the current human, that wiped out all other species. | 3 | |
86775274 | Mesolithic | Middle stone age, 12,000-8,000 b.c.e | 4 | |
86775275 | Mesolithic achievements | Animal bone/stone tools canoes food storage Pop growth animal domestication | 5 | |
86775276 | Neolithic Era | Farming Started | 6 | |
86775277 | Why Agrc. devs. | 1. Pop increases b/c no ice age 2. Loss of large game animals | 7 | |
86775278 | Animal Domestication | Occurs 9000 B.C. in the middle east and China | 8 | |
86775279 | Where farming devs. | Starts in Middle East (Iraq-Turkey-Syria), and then goes to All of world. | 9 | |
86775280 | Agrg Pro/Con | Slow rev. Intensive labor Pro: FACILITATED SETTLED LIFE, new need-based inventions, | 10 | |
86775281 | Acceptance of Agrc. | Polarized. Hunters resisted long as they could Agrc. brought new diseases Today, hunter/gatherer still exist, but 99% of societies are agricultural | 11 | |
86775282 | "prehistorical" | Neolitihic Era and before it. | 12 | |
86775283 | Metal Tools | Discovered after Agrc. Rev. Started in middle east with Copper 3000 years ago | 13 | |
86775284 | Benefits of metal tools | Efficient, better weaponry, FUNCTIONAL SPECIALIZATION BEGINS | 14 | |
86775285 | Civilization | Result of Agrc. stimulating more settled communitites. | 15 | |
86775286 | Slash and Burn Agrc. | Burn an area of trees, farm that land intensively, and move on. A safety net rather than 100% settled Agrc. | 16 | |
86775287 | Advantages of settlement | Irrigation, stability, food, and defense | 17 | |
86775288 | Catal Huyuk | Turkey Village= Mud/timber homes Religious icons Took over and traded with other cities Ate all porduced goods | 18 | |
86775289 | Origin of Civilization | 1.Middle East 2. Egypt 3. Indus 4. China 5. Central America | 19 | |
86775290 | Civilzation | Societies with economic surplus to form divisions of labor, and a social heirarchy with signifigant inequalities Comes from latin word "civ" for city | 20 | |
86775291 | Trait of a Civ. | Political System Forming Cities Writing Systems Civs. also establish male heirarchies | 21 | |
86775292 | Effects of a Civ. | Technologic innovation New political systems Interction and Destruction of environment (Ex: Danube) | 22 | |
86775293 | Location of a civ. | Near rivver valley developed large population densities | 23 | |
87085091 | 1st Civ. | Tigris-Euphrates | 24 | |
87085092 | Tigris Euphrates Civ. info | Developed from Scratch Bronze Copper Wheel Pottery Complex Farming | 25 | |
87085093 | Cunieform | First lang. Invented by Sumerians, geometric/pictures=sounds | 26 | |
87085094 | T/E culuture | Pictures of Gods everywhere Astronomy Math (10/30/360 time system) Abstract writing | 27 | |
87085095 | Sumerian Religion | 1 city had a patron god Many powerful gods, heaven and hell, divine force Influence monotheism | 28 | |
87085096 | Ziggurat | Priest temple=huge | 29 | |
87085097 | T/E politics | City-states ruled under a king, who came from military, and ruled under divine power | 30 | |
87085098 | T/E slavery | Could buy freedom Slaves came from war. | 31 | |
87085099 | T/E econ. | Coins Trade | 32 | |
87085100 | T/E downfall | Hard to defend borders. Fell to Akaadians, who continued culture Babylon takes over EVERYTHING, and unites law code Indo Europeans take over (Semites influence all things) Persians tae over | 33 | |
87085101 | Hammurabi's law | Babylonian law code= First law code | 34 | |
87085102 | Egyptian Civ. | 2nd civilization | 35 | |
87085103 | Egypt Civ. Traits | Trade and Tech God-King Gov. Unified and Expanded up Nile Invaded by Kush | 36 | |
87085104 | Egypt Civ. Culture | Top arts and Math 24 hour day Influential Architecture | 37 | |
87085105 | Indian Civ. | Harappa and Mojenjo Daro along Indus-River valley | 38 | |
87085106 | Indian Trade | Mesoptamia | 39 | |
87085107 | Indian Downfall | Indo-europeans destroy them, but civ. never has to be completely reinvented | 40 | |
87085108 | Chinese (Hwang-He Civ.) Trade | Isolated, but traded minorly with other civs. | 41 | |
87085109 | P'an Ku | Mythic ancestor whcih ancient chinese said was their creation myth | 42 | |
87085110 | Dev. of Chinese Civ. | 1. Organize state takes control of flood valley 2. High tech/intellect (horses, pottery, bronze, iron, coal) | 43 | |
87085111 | Hunag he culture | Ideography started from bone scratches Astronomy Delicate Art No big monuments b/c of lack of building materials | 44 | |
87085112 | Chinese Civ. Politics | Shng rule, build few palaces Stopped b/c of invasion, but still built future civ on past stuff. | 45 | |
87085113 | Decline of all Civs. | 1000 B.C. India cant start new civ by foundation China had a dynastic cycle | 46 | |
87085114 | Mesopatamina fall effect | Smaller regional tribes that outlasted and spread past the original empire | 47 | |
87085115 | Phonecians | Later sumericans that created alphabet | 48 | |
87085116 | Lydians | Introduced coined money | 49 | |
87085117 | Jews and Judaism | Semite people An Abstract, non-converting, Monotheistic faith (First monotheists) | 50 |