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WHAP Book Chapter 4 Flashcards

Chapter 4 of the stearns book

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87210820Persian influeceCultural sphere existing beside Greece Developed Zoroastrianism Conquered by Alexanderf the Great of Macedonia0
87210821CreteWhere ME/Africa people his after diffusion precedents of the roman empire1
87210822MyceanceWhere Greece started Destroyed by Indo European invaders2
87210823Greek Political systemCity-states under tyrant or aristocracy Mountains prevented unified gov. Trade devs./alphabet3
87210824Sparta/AthensTop 2 city-states4
87210825Sparta gov.Military Aristocracy Major slave pop.5
87210826Athens gov.Democracy Slaves, artistic leadership6
87210827PericlesRuled Athenian polictics through an advisory position7
87210828Peloponesian WarAthens and Sparta war, and Macedonia swoops in and takes over EVERYTHING8
87210829Hellenistic CultureMix of greek persian culture after Grrece and Persia fell to Macedonians9
87210830Hellensitic empireMix of long lasting regional kingdoms10
87210831Roman Political HistoryMonarchy->Aristocracy(strong military orientation)11
87210832Punic WarRome defeats Carthage, takes over EVERYTHING12
87210833CaesarFirst emporer. Arose from a battle between two generals, and took absolute power13
87210834AugustusCaesar's grandson Establishes basic structures of empire14
87210835Marcus AureliusEmpoere whoo brought peace, expanded empire15
87210836Rome declineTrade falls Birthrate falls Weak Gov. Army relied on foreigners Huns invade16
87210837PolisGreek word for politics17
87210838General Civ. PoiticsNo unifying gov Local units had considerable power Grrece= Active participation in policitcs NO MONARCHIES tyrants developed18
87210839Grrecian Politics (athens)Democratic gov. Open to all, But only male citizens could participate NO WOMEN judges chosen by lottery19
87210840Spartan politicsArtistocracy="rule by the best"=MOST COMMON GOV FORM BACK THEN20
87210841Roman politics (pre-empire)Assemblies, open to all, to choose who would be an elected leader in the Senate Senate= had people elected to rep. commoners Senate= ruled over by two consuls Consuls could elect dictator in times of War.21
87210842Political writingEmpahsixed pilitcal ethics, structureof state22
87210843Roman poilitcs (empire era)Senate became useless City-state organization expanded Tolerarnce for Local customs and religions 12 Tables= Law code to restrian top class/subjgate lower class Laws of common sense, laws govern relationships Citizenship= acces to law system23
87210844Roman State functionMilitary power State road system Official religion Colisseum24
87218846Greek/Roman religionStory telling thing Used to emphasize Greek values. HAd their own ceremonies Lack of spiritual passion= HUMANISM Greek philiosophy= Moderation25
87218847SocratesExiled, but chose a path of "rational inquiry"26
87218848PlatoSocrate's pupil, focused on indivual understanding of True, Good, and Beautiful27
87218849Greek ScienceNot Empircal, more speculative Geometry(Euclid/)pythagora) Anatomy Incorrect Terra-centric theory of Space movement28
87218850Roman Scientific achievementAn engineering people Aquducts Arches Sappho-female poet29
87218851Greek Lit.Plays-Comedy/Drama/Tradgety Sophocles wrote Oedipus Rex Homer-Illiad30
87218852Greek Art/Roman ArtHumanism art Greeks-Ceramics Roman- heroic-realistic tradition31
87218853Greek Architecture3 columns, monumental architecture32
87218854Roman ArchtiectureMoumnetal, Colusseum33
87218855Art of the ancient mediteraaneanMEANT TO BE USED BY THE PEOPLE34
87218856AgricutureMost of people were farmers "Mediterranean Agrc"- olives and grapes Intensicve farming caused farmers to become dependent of Landlords=> decline of Rome Few tech. innovations35
87218857Roman economyPrivate people owned merchant ships Produced goods for upper class State reguulated grain production and public works36
87218858Roman tradeMerchants= high class Traders mostly foreigners Mediterranean trade at diadvanteage b/c product wasn't high classs compared to other Civs. Patrician=top class37
87218859SlaverySlaves did EVERYTHING38
87218860Family LifeMen>Women, but women held econ/political power Patriarchal system39

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