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WHAP chapter 10-12 test Review Flashcards

This is Ariana's quizlet just without all the extra info!

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243573778Dictator for lifeThe title Julius Caesar claimed for himself0
243573779slaveryrelied heavily on ___ in the roman empire to complete large scale public projects and run the latifundia1
243573780Julius CaesarSeized Rome in 49 B.C.E. Had social reforms and CENTRALIZED control, imperial and centralized political and military government .Assassinated in 44 B.C.E2
2435737811/3slaves made up this much of the Roman population3
243573782generous, exempting them from taxes and allowed them to govern their own affairs.How did the Romans treat people they captured?4
243573783patriciansafter etruscan rule.Dominated the consuls, that had military and political power. The Senate advised the consuls and represented the wealthy class also. This caused tension between the wealthy class and the plebeians.5
243573784Etruscansdeeply influenced early development of Rome. Their society was ruled by kings. They took over italy, built fab cities, had nice bronze/iron, traded with the Mediterranean. THEN their ships were over taken by fleets, & their cities were attacked by Gauls6
243573785plebeianscommon people common people that don't have representation in the government.7
243573786dictatorduring times of crisis, one man held all power for 6 months8
243573787Carthagecity-state in northern Africa that clashed with Rome over Sicily9
243573788punic wars3 major battles with Carthage between 264 and 146 BCE; eventually, Rome smashed Carthage and annexed it and all of its lands to gain oil, grain, wine, etc10
243573789Gaius MariusRoman general. recruited homeless peasants, they were intensely loyal because they had nothing to fall back on. He was a Gracchi sympathizer, he had his army protect the rights of peasants11
243573790Julius Caesarsponsored gladiatorial fights and other forms of entertainment to gain support. Marched on Gaul & annexed it.12
243573791Pax Romanalong era of peace during Augustus' reign extending for 2 centuries13
243573792Augustus Caesarnephew of Julius. His real name was Octavian. His rule was a monarcy disguised as a republic. Reorganized military system, stablilized land racked by civil war, enabled institutions of empire to take root.14
243573793twelve tablesbasic law code for citizens of the early republic, Roman law, tradition.15
243573794pater familiasoldest man = head of family. Rights included arranged marriages for his children, determined the work or duties they would perform, punish them for offenses as he saw fit, sell them into slavery, and execute them. Talk about patriarichal society.....16
243573795Spartacusescaped slave that assembled an army of 70,000 rebellious slaves, during the most serious uprising. & the Romans sent 8 legions(40,000) to quell the revolt17
243573796Stoicismsought to identify a set of universal moral standards based on nature and reason that would transcend local ethical codes. appealed to Roman intellectuals. dem smarties. Cicero was a writer of it18
243573797christianitystarted off as small persecuted Jewish sect, but within 3 centuries, but it became the official religion of the Roman Empire and the predominate faith in the Mediterranean Basin19
243573798paul of Tarsuswas a principle figure in the spread of Christianity. The Roman Empire, again, found this a threat and persecuted the Christians, but their numbers grew rapidly regardless.20
243573799jewish revoltSome imperial governments required their citizens to worship emperors like gods, which the Jews considered blasphemous, and refused21
243573800Essenesobserved a strict moral code and participated in rituals that promoted a sense of community22
243573801Jesus of Nazarethcharismatic Jewish teacher that Christians recognized as their savior. spoke of "kingdom of God is at hand,"& Roman government interpreted as a threatening empire that would rival their own. Was later called Christ, or "the anointed one".23
243573802influence cultural development. Strong appeal to lower classes, urban population, and women.role of religion in roman empire24
243573803roman roads"highways" for religious spread25
243573804plebeiansthreatened rebellion, so the patricians granted them elected officials, known as Tribunes26
243573805Gaius Mariuseventually took over Rome. & executed his enemies. When he died, Lucius Sulla took his place and set a bounty on people's heads27
243573806latifundiaenormous plantations owned by wealthy land owners28
243573807Julius Caesarassassinated by OSTRICHSIZED elites that were trying to restore the aristocratic supremacy, but the government stayed strong29
243573808centralized imperial, republican constitutionJulius Caesar replaced the ______ _______ rule that Rome had fallen into with _______ _______ with a centralized imperial form of government (fill in the blanks) (2 answers)30
243573809Zhang Qiansent by Han Wudi, to find allies to fight against them Xiongnu. Then he was held by Xiongnu for years. He later escaped & told Han Wudi of possibility of establishing trade relations to Bactria31
243573810Chang'anHan Capital32
243573811Chang'ancity that the main silk road went through33
243573812silk roadmerchants and travelers created an extensive network of trade routes that linked much of Eurasia and north Africa. Had land routes and sea lanes.34
243573813manichaeansFollowers of the religion about good & evil/ light & dark. This was a combonation of Christianity, Buddhism, and Zorastianism35
243573814Taklamakan Desertalso known as the Tarim Basin. One of the most dangerous and inhospitable regions on the earth. Its very name, warns that "he who enters does not come back out"36
243573815silkcame mostly from China, where cultivators and weavers had developed techniques for producing it. . It was totes valued in the west37
243573816sericultureSilk farming. The Chinese were pro at this38
243573817sinicizationadapted to the Chinese environment. They took up agriculture and built permanent settlements. Married Chinese ppl took Chinese names, adopted customs of China39
243573818Tetarchsfour co-rulers of the Roman empire that were able to administer the vast empire more effectively than an individual emperor could.40
243573819barracks emperorsgenerals who seized power, held it briefly and then suddlenly lost it when they were displaced by rivals or their own mutinous troops. Most of them died violently41
243573820Attila the Hunwarrior-king of the Huns & organized the huns into a unstoppable military juggernaut42
243573821Attila the Huninvaded Hungary, probed Roman frontiers, placed such pressure on Visigoths, and other Germanic peoples that they invaded/streamed into Roman empire43
243573822Council of Nicaeatook up the contentious issue of Jesus' nature and decided against the Nestorians and others that he simultaneously possessed both human & divine natures.44
243573823oasis towns along the silk road, steppe lands, then foreign merchantsHow was buddhism spread along the silk road?45
243573824Indian influence on SE AsiaRulers built temples in the Indian style. Rulers called themselves RAJAS "kings". Rulers adopted Indian Sanskrit as their written language. Rulers appointed Buddhist or Hindu advisors in their governments46
243573825daoism and buddhismthese religions became more popular when Han fell apart47
243573826impact of the fall of the han empirethe traditions carried on. It was broken up into 3 kingdoms and nomadic invaders came, but they were into sinicization48
243573827odovacerGermanic general who deposed of Romulus Augustulus, the last of the Roman emperors in the western half of the empire49
243573828Constatineruler that defeated most of his enemies, ordered construction of new capital city: Constantinople. With his Edict of Milan, he made Christianity a religion. He reunited eastern and western districts50
243573829at the top- bishop of Rome and patriarchs of Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, and Constantinople Then bishopsstructure of early catholic church51
243573830byazantine empireeastern half of what used to be Roman Empire. Was a political & economic powerhouse of the postclassical era. Influenced the development of the Slavic peoples of Eastern Europe and Russia52
243573831sassanid empirePrincipal foreign threat to Byzantine empire. They were a Persian dynasty, who wanted to rebuild the Achaemenid Empire of classical Persia.53
243573832caesaropapismEmperor with aura of divinity". Byzantine emperors claimed divine favor and sanction. The emperor not only ruled as secular lord, but also played an active and prominent role in ecclesiastical affairs. They became absolute rulers54
243573833hagia sophiarebuilt during the reign of Justinian. It's one of the world's most important examples of Christian architecture. has an enormous dome55
243573834corpus luris civilisCodified Roman law, The Body of the Civil Law. Won recognition as the definitive codification of Roman law. This is the main thing that Jusinian accomplished56
243573835charlemagneFrankish ruler, who in 800, received imperial crown from the pope in Rome, thereby directly challenging Byzantine claims to imperial authority over western lands.57
243573836theme systemUnder this system free peasants received allotments of land in exchange for military service. It strengthened the class of free peasants. It enabled Byzantine forces to mobilize quickly and resist further Islamic advances58
243573837bezantByzantine gold coin. It was the standard currency of Mediterranean basin for more than half a millennium59
243573838arian heresyThe Arians were all "Jesus had been a mortal human and that he was a creation of God, he's not a divine being coeternal w/ God." & this was declared heresy by Council of Nicaea.60
243573839Emperor Leo IIIHe was convinced that the veneration of religious images was sinful, tantamount to the worship of physical idols61
243573840fourth crusadeVenetian merchants diverted it from its original mission in eastern Mediterranean to Constantinople. The Byzantine Empire never completely recovered from the destruction from this62
243573841ottoman turkscaptured Constantinople in 1453. They were the people who finally brought down the byzantine empire. They renamed Constantinople to "Istanbul".63
243573842third romewhat Moscow claimed to be64
243573843kievlarge state, organized by Russians. It served as a conduit for spread of Byzantine culture and religion. Princes here established caesaropapist control over the Russian Orthodox Church. Strategically situated on the Dnieper River along made trade route linking Scandinavia & Byzantium, Dominated land from the Volga to the Dnieper65
243573844sanits methodius and cyrilmost famous of the missionaries sent to the Slavs to convert them to Orthodox Christianity. devised the Cyrillic alphabet. all this happened in the 9th century66
243573845Caesaropapist emperors, powerful patriarchs, and other high church officialspolitical structure of the byzantine empire67
2435738461054important in church history, because this was when the Byzantine patriarch and the pope of Rome mutually excommunicated each other68
243573847Cyrillic writing, literacy, & Orthodox missionsmajor areas in which the byzantine empire influenced the slavs69
243573848manzikertSaljuq Turks had a huge victory on the Byzantine army in 107170
243573849belisariusJustinians fave general and he used him to take down some protestors in the Hippodrome71
243573850unnecessary complexity and convolutionthe word byzantine suggests:72
243573851527-565 CEJustinian was Emperor with his stripper wife, Theadora73
243573852647-678 CEConstantinople under siege by Islamic forces; used Greek Fire74
243573853726-843 CEIconoclastic controversy75
243573854Early 11th centuryByzantine were up against the Normans76
243573855early 12th centurythe Muslim Saljuqs had seized much of Anatolia77
2435738561453 CEWhen Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks78

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