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WHAP- chapter 8 Flashcards

for Mr. Smarts 6 period class

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82936137ConfuciusThe first Chinese thinker who addressed the problem of political and social order in a straight forward and self-conscious way. Also Known as Kong Fuzi or "Master Philosopher Kong" as his disciples called him.0
82936138AnalectsA book in which all of Confucius' pupils compiled all his saying and teachings. A work that has profoundly influenced Chinese political and cultural traditions.1
82936139Junzi"Superior individuals" who took a broad view of public affairs and did not allow personal interests to influence their judgments.2
82936140Renan attitude of kindness and benevolence or a sense of humanity. Individuals that possessed ren were courteous, respectful, diligent, and loyal, and it was considered a characteristic greatly needed in the government.3
82936141Lia sense of priority, which called for individuals to behave in conventionally appropriate fashion: they should treat all human beings with courtesy, while showing special respect and deference to elders and superiors.4
82936142Xiaoreflected the high significance of the family in the Chinese society.5
82936143Menciusthe principal spokesman for Confucius school. He believed that human nature was naturally good and he argued for policies that would allow it to influence the society as a whole.6
82936144XunziXunzi believed man's inborn tendencies need to be curbed through education and ritual, counter to Mencius's view that man is innately good. He believed that ethical norms had been invented to rectify mankind.7
82936145Laoziwas a philosopher of ancient China, and is a central figure in "Daoism". Laozi literally means "old master", and is generally considered honorific. Laozi is revered as a deity in most religious forms of Daoism8
82936146DaodejingClassic of the way and virtue and the fundamental to the philosophical Daoism.9
82936147DaoThe way of nature or the way of the cosmos. It is an elusive concept that was not generally characterized in positive and forthright terms.10
82936148Wuweidisengagement from the competitive exertions and active involvement in affairs of the world. It required that individuals refrain from advanced education and from personal striving. It called instead for individuals to live simply, unpretentiously, and harmony with nature.11
82936149Shang YangMost notable legalist doctrine that emerged from the insights of men who participated actively in Chinese political affairs during the late fourth century B.C.E. Yang enacted numerous reforms (in accordance with his legalist philosophy recorded in The Book of Lord Shang) in the state of Qin that helped to change Qin from a peripheral state into a militarily powerful and strongly centralized kingdom, changing the administration by emphasizing meritocracy and devolving power from the nobility.12
82936150Han Feizithe most systematic of the legalist theorists, a student of the Confucian scholar Xunzi. He reviewed Legalist ideas from political thinkers in all parts of china and systemized them in a collection of powerful and well - argued essays on state-craft.13
82936151Legalist DoctrineIt basically postulates that humans are evil and need to be controlled using laws in order to prevent chaos. The trends that were later called Legalism have a common focus on strengthening the political power of the ruler, of which law is only one part.14
82936152Qin Shihuangdiwas king of the Chinese State of Qin from 246 BC to 221 BC during the Warring States Period. He became the first emperor of a unified China in 221 BC. He ruled until his death in 210 BC at the age of 49.To ensure stability, Qin Shi Huang outlawed and burned many books.15
82936153Qin Book Burninghe outlawed and burned numerous amounts of books that criticized his regime and his actions. Qin also sentence 460 scholars residing in the capital to be burned alive for their criticism of his regime.16
82936154Qin standardized scriptin hopes of ensuring better understanding and uniform application of his policies, Qin mandated the use of common scripts throughout his empire. It would be like if Europeans spoke English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and other languages but had to write them down in Latin.17
82936155Qin Shihuangdi's Tombhis final resting place was a lavish tomb constructed by some seven hundred thousand drafted laborers as a permanent monument to the first emperor. He laid to rest in an elaborate underground palace lined with bronze and protected by traps and crossbows rigged to fire at intruders18
82936156Liu Banghe restored order throughout china and established himself as the head of the new dynasty. He called it Han, in honor of the native land. The Han dynasty turned out to be one of the longest and most influential in all of Chinese history.19
82936157Han Wudiwas the seventh emperor of the Han Dynasty of China. Emperor Wu is best remembered for the vast territorial expansion that occurred under his reign, as well as the strong and centralized Confucian state he organized. His effective governance made the Han Dynasty one of the, if not the most powerful, nations in the world.20
82936158Confucian Educational systemestablished to prepare young men for government service. Provided rigorous intellectual discipline as the basis for its curriculum.21
82936159Han expansionHan invaded northern Vietnam and Korea, subjected them to Han rule, and brought them into the orbit of the Chinese society. He ruled both land through the Chinese-style government and Confucian values followed he Han armies into new colonies.22
82936160Xiongnua nomadic people from the steppes of central Asia the spoke Turkish language and posed the greatest challenge to the Han Wudi. When they could not satisfy their needs and desire through peaceful trade, the mounted sudden raids into villages and trading areas and because they had no settlement to defend, the quickly disperse when confronted by a superior force.23
82936161Classic of filial pietycomposed probably in the early Han dynasty, taught that children should obey and honor their parents as well as other superiors and political authorities.24
82936162Admonitions for Womenemphasized humility, obedience, subservience, and devotion to their husbands as well as the virtues most appropriate for women.25
82936163Han Iron industrythe significance of the iron industry went far beyond agriculture. Han artisans experimented with production techniques and learned to craft fine utensils for both domestic and military uses.26
82936164Han Silk industryTextile Production - partially sericulture, the manufacture of Silk.27
82936165Han paper industryProbably before 100 C.E. Chinese craftsmen began to fashion hemp, bark, and textile fibers into sheets of paper, which was less expensive than silk and easier to write on than bamboo. Paper soon became the preferred medium for writing28

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