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WHAP Chapter 9 Flashcards

a few facts for chapter 9....

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242778833ConstantinopleCapital of the Byzantine empire1
242778834The byzantine empire was...a political heir to Rome2
242778835The step-child of the Byzantine Empire...Russia3
242778836JustinianAutocratic ruler of Byzantine (came in 553), had high hopes for westward expansion. Was influenced by wife Theodora.4
242778837Good things that Justinian did...1. rebuilt constantinople 2. systemized the Roman legal code -reduced confusion and united the empire 3. The Hagia Sophia (church) 4. With the aid of Belisarius, he made new gains in North Africa and Italy5
242778838Greek firebyzantine creation, made of: petroleum, quicklime, and sulfur....devastated Arab ships6
242778839Economic burdens on the empire-taxation -invasion -weakened famers positions -made the aristocracy stronger * main focus became on army/navy7
242778840TsarSlavic version of the word Caesar8
242778841Basil II-byzantinian emperor known as the "slayer of Bulgarians" -used the empires wealth to bribe the Bulgarian nobles -defeated the Bulgarians in 10149
242778842Empress Theodora-named after Justinian's wife -shared the title of empress with her sister Zoe -checked unruly nobles -limited bureaucratic corruption -severeness towards personal enemies brought criticism10
242778843Things that made China/Byzantine alike...-aristocrats -educated bureaucrats -provincial governors to keep tabs on military officials11
242778844iconoclasmattack against idol worshipping "breaking of images" in the end, state reigned over church, but the icons remained12
242856170864the year that the byzantine government sent Cyril & Methodius to convert peopple north to Orthodox christianity.13
242856171the two missionaries that created the Cyrillic language/alphabetMethodius & Cyrill14
242856172Language of roman catholicismLatin15

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