289726659 | Neolithic Revolution | They're not afraid, not afraid to make a switch, make a switch, everrybody, start making food. It was the switch from food gathering to food producing, first occurs in the fertile crescent. Starting agriculture or getting livestock. It is a very gradual process. Importance of surpless. Religion starts to become important when ppl settle down | 0 | |
289726660 | Hanseatic League | Trade network established near the Baltic Sea they were est. to facilitate trade. They were small towns that banded together. Trading up in here. | 1 | |
289726661 | Egyptian economy | had a monopoly(no not the game) over the papyrus. Through cultural diffusion they get the wheel & bronze. They had a large surplus of grains, they were the breadbasket! | 2 | |
289726662 | Ethical monotheism | first attempt at monotheism was in Egypt, but as soon as that king died, it died. Then the Hebrews had a new idea of a god, but he's not a human being, he sets the high bar of how human beings should act, all knowing & all powerful. It's a totes different idea of what we had before. It changes the nature of how they view him. | 3 | |
289726663 | Demographics | study of where people live and how the interact with each other, why do ppl move from one place to another. Push pull factors. Study of human beings how our numbers increase/decrease and why. | 4 | |
289726664 | Hegemony | One area dominating another. Romans practiced this. Tang dynasty is another example. | 5 | |
289726665 | Iron smelting | Got a good metal, shaper edge, harder to make. Could do a lot more than bronze. P.S. smelting is a fun word. | 6 | |
289726666 | 5 traits of a civilization | 1.written language, 2.complex institutions, 3.specialized workers, 4.advanced technology, 5.advanced cities | 7 | |
289726667 | Mandate of Heaven | key component of dynastic cycle in China. They were all "God has given me the right to rule". But if there's a natural disaster or bad thing they're like "oh snap, there goes my mandate of heaven." | 8 | |
289726668 | Causes of the Crusades | pope Urban II called Christian knights to take up arms and seize/liberate the holy land (Jerusalem) from Muslim control 1095. It's a party in Jerusalem, but not really. | 9 | |
289726669 | Impact of the Crusades | increased trade between the eastern and western Mediterranean. It provided direct contact with Muslim ideologies & trade. 1st Crusades recaptured Jerusalem, but then lost it. Fourth Crusade destroys Constantinople. | 10 | |
289726670 | More on Impact of the Crusades | Revived trade in Europe-spices, silk, Persian rugs, cotton A. Rediscovery of Classical (Greece and Rome) European culture B. Rediscovery of classical learning- stimulates a revival of education that leads to the Renaissance C. Eventually leads to exploration D. Weakend feudalism E. Strengthening of Kingship F. Weakend the Catholic Church | 11 | |
289726671 | Phoenician traders | royal purple dye, and the first alphabet, they are not a conquering group. They had a very extensive trade network, they spread a lot of stuff. | 12 | |
289726672 | Alexander the Great | also known as Alexander of Macedon. succeeds his father Philip II, took over Greece, and burned Persepolis. Conquered Syria, Egypt, Mesopotamia. When he crossed the Indus River his army was all "boy please I'm not going any farther". Died at age 33 | 13 | |
289726673 | Kosher laws | they are dietary restrictions, ppl can only consume food prepared a certain way/ certain foods. Jewish food restricitions. No pork!!! (lol Aiman, your english presentation) | 14 | |
289726674 | Covenant | mutual promise/ pledge. There was a covenant between the Hebrew ppl & their god. | 15 | |
289726675 | Bronze | made from copper & tin. It was easy to make and tools could be made from it. It came before Iron. | 16 | |
289726676 | Han Empire | est. by Lui Bang. The deep divisions between the small class of wealthy landowners vs. the masses of landless poor brought the Han dynasty to an end. It turned out to be the longest and most influential dynasty in all of Chinese history. Confucianism was a focus of foundation. | 17 | |
289726677 | More about Han | produced a set of distinctive political and cultural traditions that shaped Chinese and neighboring societies over the long term. Han rulers built a centralized bureaucracy that administered a unified empire. It lasted more than 4 centuries. Main reason for success was Emperor Han Wudi. | 18 | |
289726678 | Constantinople | city of great wealth HAD GREAT LOCATION. EX: Defensible peninsula and blessed with a magnificent natural harbor (Golden Horn). Had potential to control the Bosporus, GREAT location on the BOSPORUS. I hope you got those subtle hints ;) | 19 | |
289726679 | Caste system | provided guidance in absence of centralized political authority. Social hierarchy in India which allows little or no upward mobility during a person's life. It reienforces reincarnation with Hinduism. | 20 | |
289726680 | Bantu migration | Gurl look at that body, they migraaate. These ppl migrated from west African origins(modern day Nigeria), and est. societies & built powerful states. They spread political, social, economic, and cultural influences that shaped African societies. Started slow. | 21 | |
289726681 | Hindu beliefs | Hinduism had no single founder and no central holy figure. Their gods takes on many different forms. Moksha: Hindu belief of attaining the release from reincarnation. | 22 | |
289726682 | Buddha & Buddhist beliefs | founded on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama born around 563 BCE- accepted many Hindu beliefs but attacked the priests and caste system. Buddha argued that holy life could be attained from any level of society by following the 8 fold path. Four noble truths were also important. Personal salvation: nirvana. | 23 | |
289726683 | Gupta Empire | It was decentralized, founded by Chandra Gupta. This was the greatest period of stability for India, they were overthrown by the White Huns in 535 CE. It was a "theatre state". | 24 | |
289726684 | Mexica people | Aztecs | 25 | |
289726685 | Confucian beliefs | goal was social order. Founded by Kung Fu-Tzu. Said that the possession of a stong sense of moral integrity and a capacity to deliver wise and fair judgements was more important then a formal learning. Ren: humanity. Li: propriety. Xiao: filial piety, children must obey/respect parents. Analects; collection of Confucian sayings. | 26 | |
289726686 | Daoism | Founded by Lao- Tzu. school of thought. introspection and reflection, the way, nature. balance, harmony with nature, and simplicity of actions. Dao: the path. Wuwei: less is more, disengaged from world affairs. Daodejing; book of Daoism. happy hippie harmony | 27 | |
289726687 | Legalism | a school of thought, which was pretty strict and devoted all their attention exclusively to the state, which they wanted to strengthen and expand at all costs. They didn't focus on ethics and morality. They focused on their strengths (agriculture & armed forces). It put an end to the Warring States. It developed during the Zhou dynasty. | 28 | |
289726688 | Qin dynasty | was into harsh penalties, even for small wrong-doings. It was the first unification of China. focused on army and agriculture. they were hard co' legalists, short lived dynasty. So oppressive were the taxes and demands for forced labor that when Qin Shih Huangdi died in 210 BCE, a series of rebellions broke out and brought down the Qin Dynasty. It only lasted 14 years. | 29 | |
289726689 | City-state | ex. Sparta & Athens. A polis(city) had enough money to run like a nation or state. | 30 | |
289726690 | Aristotle | Plato's student, but distrusted theory of Forms. Said that philosophers should rely on senses to provide accurate information. Devised rules of logic to construct powerful arguments. Was known for applying reason to all aspects of life. | 31 | |
289726691 | Plato | Aristotle's TEACHER/ friend and student of Socrates. He says there are three different people in the world wise, appetites, and passion | 32 | |
289726692 | Persian Wars | 499 BCE - 479 BCE. Between the Persians & the Greeks, the Greeks won! Ionian(greek) peoples banded together against the Persians. | 33 | |
289726693 | Peloponnesian Wars | Greek poleis divided under the leadership of Sparta vs. Athens. tensions ran thin. Athenians surrenders, Spartan VICTORY. This ends the Greek Golden Age. After this, Alexander the great took over. | 34 | |
289726694 | The Republic by Plato | talked about the idea of a philosopher king | 35 | |
289726695 | Teotihuacan | a fun word to say, LOL. It was a center of religious rituals & government administration. It was the central city of the Maya | 36 | |
289726696 | missi dominici | "envoys of the lord ruler". Imperial officials that traveled erry year to all local jurisdictions & reviewed accounts of local authorities. These don't work if you have a weak king, but they worked well under Charlemagne | 37 | |
289726697 | Dark Ages | Middle Ages, 500-800 CE | 38 | |
289726698 | Twelve Tables | 12 tables made of special wood. LOLJK they were basic law code for citizens of the early republic, Roman law, tradition | 39 | |
289726699 | Sinicization | the nomadic peoples adapted to the Chinese environment. They took up agriculture and built permanent settlemesnts. Married Chinese ppl took Chinese names, wore their cloths and foot adopted customs of china. Because of this, a new imperial dynasty was eventually able to reconstitute a centralized imperal state in north china | 40 | |
289726700 | Impact of the Mongol invasion | They never became totes cool with being administrators, so their conquests fell out of their hands within 100 yrs. Facilitated greater cross-cultural communication and integration. Oh they also caused the spread of the Bubonic plague, lol ooops. | 41 | |
289726701 | Council of Nicea, 325 CE | took up the issue of Jesus' nature. & decided against the Nestorians and others that "he had both human & divine natures | 42 | |
289726702 | Popul Vuh | creation myth of the Maya | 43 | |
289726703 | Islamic beliefs | It was egaitarian. In Allah's eyes, erryone was equal. People really liked that idea. It was also monotheistic. Prophet was Muhammad. The 5 pillars were: Hajj to Mecca, only 1 god, fasting (Ramadan), give alms(charity) to the poor, praying 5 times a day towards Mecca. | 44 | |
289726704 | African trade | was benefited by the domestication of the camel. & in Africa the major traded item was gold. | 45 | |
289726705 | Structure of nomadic societies | 2 classes, Nobles & Commoners. Charming ppl who showed great bravery/military skill were the nobles, and that was hereditary, but you could loose your nobility if you sucked at it/you were stupid. & the commoners could become nobles, by showing great merit & leadership in war. Nobility was a fluid class. BOTTOM LINE: you could move between the two classes | 46 | |
289726706 | Chinggis Khan | "Last name Khan, first name Chinggis, like a poisoned dart, boy he aint nothing to play with Started off local, but thanks to all the Mongols, he united all the Mongol tribes into a single confederation." The name means "universal ruler" He forged the various Mongol tribes into a huge/powerful alliance. He was a conqueror, not an administrator. His real name was Temujin. | 47 | |
289726707 | Socrates | a Greek Philosopher know for values - and there is a reason for everything (knowing who you are) | 48 | |
289726708 | The Torah | holy book of Judaism | 49 | |
289726709 | Dharma | Buddhist doctrine. Says that Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path are the way to end suffering. | 50 | |
289726710 | Ashoka | Ruler who was the peak of Maurya dynasty, converted to Buddhism and was a believer after the bloody battle at Kalinga | 51 | |
289726711 | Qin Shi Hunangdi | Qin empire was est. by him built roads for communication, drafted laborers, and disarmed and destryoed anybody/anything that might rebel or resist against him. was ruthless, had the standardization of Chinese script. He was freaking crazy. | 52 | |
289726712 | Economics | exchanges of good & services | 53 | |
289726713 | Olmec culture | The first Mesoamerican society and foundation for later ones | 54 | |
289726714 | Inca order | hold the people's kids as hostages if they rebel. HOW SWEET! | 55 | |
289726715 | Filial piety | respect for elders & family in the Chinese areas | 56 | |
289726716 | Oh and everyone! | Make sure to see Oak's production of "How To Succed in Business Without Really Trying"!!! Show days are: January 27, 28 & February 3, 4 & 6. | 57 |