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144706080socialisma political theory advocating state ownership of industry0
144706081utopian socialiststhe belief in the equality of all people and want to replace competition with cooperation in Industry.1
144706082trade unionsa group of people with a common goal of winning improvements for members of their own trades.2
144706083principle of legitimacythe lawful monarchs were placed back into power to prevent liberalism from spreading3
144706084conservatisma political or theological orientation advocating the preservation of the best in society and opposing radical changes4
144706085concert of europea series of alliances among European nations in the 19th century, devised by Prince Klemens von Metternich to prevent the outbreak of revolutions5
144706086liberalisman economic theory advocating free competition and a self-regulating market and the gold standard6
144706087principle of interventionIdea that great powers have the right to send armies into countries where there are revolutions to restore legitimate governments.7
144706088Liberalisman economic theory advocating free competition and a self-regulating market and the gold standard8
144706089nationalismlove of country and willingness to sacrifice for it9
144706090frankfurt assemblyGerman Parliament met in Frankfurt to fulfill a liberal and nationalist dream: the preparation of a constitution for a united Germany10
144706091caudillosIndependent leaders who dominated local areas by force in defiance of national policies; sometimes seized national governments to impose their concept of rule; typical throughout newly independent countries of Latin America.11
144706092realpolitikpolitics based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations12
144706093reform act of 1832was an Act of Parliament that introduced wide-ranging changes to the electoral system of the United Kingdom.13
144706094compromise of 1867The Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph's attempt, in 1866, to deal with the demands for greater autonomy from the ethnic minorItles within the Hapsburg Empire. The compromise set up a dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary, where Franz Joseph served as the ruler of both Austria and Hungary, each of which had its own parliament.14
144706095treaty of paris 1763Ended French and Indian War, France lost Canada, land east of the Mississippi, to British, New Orleans and west of Mississippi to Spain15
144706096gothic literatureEmphasizes individuality and imagination with mood of decay, dramatic action that is generally violent, love that is destructive, gloomy settings, supernatural, despairing man alone in dark world, setting and atmosphere are more important that characters16
144706097organic evolutionthe principle set forth by Darwin that every plant or animal has evolved, or changed, over a long period of time from earlier, simpler forms of life to more complex forms17
144706098natural selectiona natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment18
144706099realismthe state of being actual or real19
144706100Marxismthe economic and political theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that hold that human actions and institutions are economically determined and that class struggle is needed to create historical change and that capitalism will untimately be superseded20
144706101class struggleA branch of Marxism which says that in every society in which there is a gap between the classes there will be an antithesis and thus a revolution, or struggle between the classes for power.21
144706102socialist partyPolitical parties formed in the unity of an international organization with a set beliefs inspired by the writings of Karl Marx. They desired economic and political philosophy favoring public or government control of property and income. Their goal was to end the capitalist system, distribute wealth more equally, and nationalize American industries22
144706103revisionismSocialist movements that at least tacitly disavowed Marxist revolutionary doctrine; believed social success could be achieved gradually through political institutions.23
144706104revolutionary socialismThe belief that change could be achieved only through the violent overthrow of the tarist system24
144706105mass leisureThis was a result of the working class having free time after work (10 Hour's Act) and having a little bit of money (increased real wages)25
144706106mass politicsthis encouraged the expansion of political democracy through voting rights for men and the creation of mass political parties - old political forces remained strong in Europe26
144706107anti-semitismprejudice against Jews27
144706108zionismA worldwide movement, originating in the 19th century that sought to establish and develop a Jewish nation in Palestine. Since 1948, its function has been to support the state of Israel.28
144706109slavophilesThose in mid-nineteenth century Russia who believed Russia had a special destiny of its own which imitation of Western Europe would only weaken or pervert.29
144706110anarchistspeople who oppose organized government30
144706111psychoanalysisa set of techniques for exploring underlying motives and a method of treating various mental disorders31
144706112social darwinismThe application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion.32
144706113modernismpractices typical of contemporary life or thought33
144706114impressionisma school of late 19th century French painters who pictured appearances by strokes of unmixed colors to give the impression of reflected light34
144706115cubisman artistic movement in France beginning in 1907 that featured surfaces of geometrical planes35
144706116abstract paintingpainting that has specific objects or events as its primary subject matter36
144706117neo-colonialismcontrol by a powerful country of its former colonies (or other less developed countries) by economic pressures37
144706118berlin conferenceA meeting from 1884-1885 at which representatives of European nations agreed on rules colonization of Africa38
144706119indirect rulecolonial government in which local rulers are allowed to maintain their positions of authority and status39
144706120direct rulesystem of colonial government in which the imperialist power controlled all levels of government and appointed its own officials to govern the colony.40
144706121sepoy rebellionThe revolt of Indian soldiers in 1857 against certain practices that violated religious customs; also known as the Sepoy Mutiny.41
144706122taiping rebellionThe most destructive civil war before the twentieth century. A Christian-inspired rural rebellion threatened to topple the Qing Empire.42
144706123boxer rebellionA 1900 Uprising in China aimed at ending foreign influence in the country.43
144706124anticolonialismstrongly against the idea of colonization and foreign invaders44
145247870Indian congress movementFormed in 1885, the Indian National Congress dominated the Indian movement for independence from Great Britain and has formed most of India's governments from the time of independence.45
145247871Cecil RhodesBritish colonial financier and statesman in South Africa46
145247872Singaporean island south of the Malay Peninsula47
145247873Burmaa mountainous republic in southeastern Asia on the Bay of Bengal48
145247874Vietnama communist state in Indochina on the South China Sea49
145247875French IndochinaFormer name (until 1950) for the eastern part of mainland Southeast Asia. The region now comprises the countries of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. After establishing its rule by 1893, France governed it through the Indochinese Union. During World War II it was occupied by Japan, but the French continued to administer it until the Japanese ousted them in 1945. After the Japanese surrender, the Viet Minh under Ho Chi Minh proclaimed the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Laos and Cambodia were reoccupied by the French, who founded the Indochinese Federation. The First Indochina war soon erupted, and the French ratified treaties (1949-50) that recognized Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia as independent states within the French Union. The area achieved full independence from France after the Geneva Conference of 1954.50
145247876Commodore George Deweyadmiral of the united states navy and best known for his victory during the spanish - american war51
145247877Emillio Aguinaldoleader of the Filipino rebels52
145247878Algiersan ancient port on the Mediterranean53
145247879suez canalShip canal dug across the isthmus of Suez in Egypt, designed by Ferdinand de Lesseps. It opened to shipping in 1869 and shortened the sea voyage between Europe and Asia. Its strategic importance led to the British conquest of Egypt in 1882. (p. 726)54
145247880Zanzibaran island in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of Africa55
145247881BoersDutch settlers in south Africa56
145247882Transvaala province of northeastern South Africa originally inhabited by Africans who spoke Bantu57
145247883Sepoy Mutinydiscontent with British administration in India led to numerous mutinies in 1857 and 185858
145247884self determinationthe ability of a government to determine their own course of their own free will59
145247885King LeopoldKing of Belgium who began imperialistic trade inside of Africa which resulted in the Scramble for Africa.60
145247886Social DarwinismThe application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion.61
145247887Folk cultureCulture traditionally practiced by a small, homogeneous, rural group living in relative isolation from other groups.62
145247888Boer Wareither of two wars: the first when the Boers fought England in order to regain the independence they had given up to obtain British help against the Zulus (1880-1881)63
145247889Zamindar system~british believed this system would make it easier to collect taxes from peasants ~hoped it would create a new land gentry that could become the foundation of imperial indian rule64
145247890union of south africaThe British united the cape Colony, Orange Free state and Transvaal into the Union of South Africa.65
145247891Kenyaa republic in eastern Africa66
145247892Napoleon in EgyptSaw the strategic importance of the Middle East for European powers67
145247893David LivingstoneScottish missionary and explorer who discovered the Zambezi River and Victoria Falls (1813-1873)68
145247894two European economic zoneseurope was divided by which countries were highly industrialized and which countries were highly agricultural, there were two zones69
145247895evolutionary socialismThis was the work that suggested that socialists should combine with other progressive forces to win gradual evolutionary gains for workers through legislation, unions, and further economic development70
145247896revolutionary socialismThe belief that change could be achieved only through the violent overthrow of the tarist system71
145247897suffragistspeople who worked for women's right to vote72
145247898theory of relativity(physics) the theory that space and time are relative concepts rather than absolute concepts73
145247899mexican revolution1810 to 1823.They fought for independence from Spain and for social justice; they wanted equal rights for Indians, mestizos,74
145247900Spanish-American warIn 1898, a conflict between the United States and Spain, in which the U.S. supported the Cubans' fight for independence75
145247901progressive eratime at the turn of the 20th century in which groups sought to reform America economically, socially, and politically76
145247902democratizationthe action of making something democratic77
145247903aryansnomads from Europe and Asia who migrated to India and finally settled; vedas from this time suggest beginning of caste system78
145247904repressiona state of forcible subjugation79
145247905quantum theory(physics) a physical theory that certain properties occur only in discrete amounts (quanta)80
145247906Bosnian crisisThe Bosnian crisis occurred when Austria, who had made a previous agreement with Russia to support opening up the Straits for warships if Russia supported Austria81
145247907First Balkan warAll of these were wars for nationalistic purposes, the third creating WWI82
145247908Second balkan warSerbia and Greece fight w/ Bulgaria over the spoils of 1st Balkan war, Austria intervened in 1913 and forced Serbia to give up Albania83
145247909Balkan NationalismMovements to create independent nations within the Balkan possessions of the Ottoman Empire; provoked a series of crises within the European alliance system; eventually led to World War I.84
145247910triple ententeAn alliance between Great Britain, France and Russia in the years before WWI.85
145247911triple allianceAlliance between Germany, Italy, Austria Hungry86
145247912Reichstaglower house, members elected by universal male suffrage87
145247913Social RevolutionariesThe _______________ were a group of people who directly opposed the Russian Duma and performed acts of terrorism, both political and agrarian, in order to get their points across. This broke off into the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks.88
145247914German nationalismEarly 19th political movement that swept central Europe. It was all the rage in universities. German Nationalist wanted to see all Germanic people living in a single German state. Obviously this could be perceived as dangerous by both the Austrians and Prussians since nationalism could destroy their countries. It was a movement in which Germans became increasingly aware and proud of their "german-ness" All the best music, culture, philosophy, economic growth, was seen by them as coming from German culture. They considered themselves the wave of the future. SPOILER ALERT: Early German nationalism is tied to Liberal political beliefs. It bubbles up from the masses, but is crushed.(chp 21) However, Germany will be created (chp 22) by German Authoritarian/Conservatives from the top down.89
145247915Emperor William IIleader of Germany during WWI90
145247916Emperor Francis JosephHungary-tried hard to centralize the state and Germanize the language and culture of the different nationalities91
145247917Third RepublicFollowing Battle of Sedan, Napoleon III was captured and a revolt happened in Paris; lead to German surrounding of city92
145247918Labour partya political party formed in Great Britain in 190093
145247919mass leisureThis was a result of the working class having free time after work (10 Hour's Act) and having a little bit of money (increased real wages)94
145247920Mass societyA society in which prosperity and bureaucracy have weakened traditional social ties95

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