Everyone dies alone. But you can prepare together. (set in progress...)
67484339 | Paleolithic | The Old Stone Age ending in 12,000 BCE; typified by the use of crude stone tools and hunting and gathering for substinence | 0 | |
67484340 | Neolithic | The New Stone Age between 8000 and 5000 BCE; period in which adaptation of sedentary agriculture occurred; domestication of plants and animals accomplished | 1 | |
67484341 | Abbasid | Dynasty that succeeded the Umayyads as caliphs within Islam; came to power in 750CE | 2 | |
67484342 | Abbas the Great | Safavid ruler from 1587 to 1629; extended Safavid domain to greatest extent; created slave regiments based on captured Russians, who monopolized firearms within Safavid armies; incorporated Western military technology | 3 | |
67484343 | Khalifa Abdallahi | Successor of Muhammad Achmad as leader of the Mahdists in Sudan; established state in Sudan; defeated by British General Kitchener in 1598 | 4 | |
67484344 | Muhammad Abduh | Disciple of al-Afghani; Muslim thinker at end of 19th century; stressed need for adoption of Western scientific learning and technology, recognized importance of tradition of rational inquiry | 5 | |
67484345 | Abdul Hamid | Ottoman sultan who attempted to return to despotic absolutism during reign from 1878 to 1908; nullified constitution and restricted civil liberties; deposed in coup in 1908 | 6 | |
67484346 | Peter Abelard | Author of Yes and No; university scholar who applied logic to problems of theology; demonstrated logical contradictions within established doctrine; 1079-1142 | 7 | |
67484347 | absolute monarchy | Concept of government developed during rise of nation-states in western Europe during the 17th century; featured monarchs who passed laws without parliaments, appointed professionalized armies and bureaucracies, established state churches, imposed state economic policies | 8 | |
67484348 | Muhammad Achmad | Head of a Sudanic Sufi brotherhood; claimed descent from prophet Muhammad; proclaimed both Egyptians and British as infidels; launched revolt to purge Islam of impurities; took Khartoum in 1883; also known as the Mahdi | 9 | |
67484349 | African National Congress | Black political organization within South Africa; pressed for end to policies of apartheid; sought open democracy leading to black majority rule; until the 1990s declared illegal in South Africa | 10 | |
67484350 | Afrikaner National Party | Emerged as the majority party in the all-white South African legislature after 1948; advocated complete independence from Britain; favored a rigid system of racial segregation called apartheid | 11 | |
67484351 | age of revolution | Period of political upheaval beginning roughly with the American Revolution in 1775 and continuing through the French Revolution of 1789 and other movements for change up to 1848 | 12 | |
67484352 | Akbar | (1542-1605) Son and successor of Humayan; oversaw building of military and administrative systems that became typical of Mughal rule in India; pursued policy of cooperation with Hindu princes; attempted to create new religion to bind Muslim and Hindu populations of India | 13 | |
67484353 | al-Afghani | Muslim thinker at the end of the 19th century; stressed need for adoption of Western scientific learning and technology; recognized importance of tradition and rational inquiry | 14 | |
67484354 | al-Ghazali | (1058-1111) Brilliant Islamic theologian; struggled to fuse Greek and Qur'anic traditions; not entirely accepted by ulama | 15 | |
67484355 | al-Mahdi | (r. 775-785) Third of the Abbasid caliphs; attempted but failed to reconcile moderates among Shi'a to Abbasid dynasty; failed to resolve problem of succession | 16 | |
67484356 | Harun al-Rashid | (r. 1135-1136) Most famous of Abbasid caliphs; renowned for sumptuous and costly living; dependent on Persian advisors early in reign; death led to civil wars over succession | 17 | |
67484357 | Alexander the Great | Successor of Philip II; successfully conquered Persian Empire prior to his death in 323 BCE; attempted to combine Greek and Persian cultures | 18 | |
67484358 | Alexandria, Egypt | One of the cities founded by and named for Alexander the Great; site of ancient Mediterranean's greatest library; center of literary studies | 19 | |
67484359 | Ali | Cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad; one of orthodox caliphs; focus for Shi'a | 20 | |
67484360 | Muhammad Ali | Won power struggle in Egypt following fall of Mamluks; established mastery of all Egypt by 1811; introduced effective army based on Western tactics and supply and a variety of other reforms; by 1830s was able to challenge Ottoman government in Constantinople; died in 1848 | 21 | |
67484361 | Allah | Supreme God in strictly monotheistic Islam | 22 | |
67484362 | Salvador Allende | President of Chile; nationalized industries and banks; sponsored peasant and worker expropriations of lands and foreign-owned factories; overthrown in 1973 by revolt of Chilean military with the support of the United States | 23 | |
67484363 | Alliance for Progress | Begun in 1961 by the United States to develop Latin America as an alternative to radical political solutions; enjoyed only limited success; failure of development programs led to renewal of direct intervention | 24 | |
67484364 | Almohadis | A reformist movement among the Islamic Berbers of northern Africa; later than the Almoravids; penetrated into sub-Saharan Africa | 25 | |
67484365 | Tupac Amaru II | (1738-1781) Mestizo leader of Indian revolt in Peru; supported by many among lower social classes; revolt eventually failed because of Creole fears of real social revolution | 26 | |
67484366 | American Civil War | Fought from 1861 to 1865; first application of Industrial Revolution to warfare; resulted in abolition of slavery in the United States and reunification of North and South | 27 | |
67484367 | American Revolution | Rebellion of English American colonies along Atlantic seaboard between 1775 and 1783; resulted in independence for former British colonies and eventual formation of United States of America | 28 | |
67484368 | amigos del pais | Clubs and associations dedicated to improvements and reform in Spanish colonies; flourished during the 18th century; called for material improvements rather than political reform | 29 | |
67484369 | anarchists | Political groups seeking abolition of all formal government; formed in many parts of Europe and Americas in late 19th and early 20th centuries; particularly prevalent in Russia, opposing tsarist autocracy and becoming a terrorist movement responsible for assassination of Alexander II in 1881 | 30 | |
67484370 | Anglican church | Form of Protestantism set up in England after 1534; established by Henry VIII with himself as head, at least in part to obtain a divorce from his first wife; became increasingly Protestant following Henry's death | 31 | |
67484371 | animism | A religious outlook that sees gods in many aspects of nature and propitiates them to help control and explain nature; typical of Mesopotamian religions | 32 | |
67484372 | Anschluss | Hitler's union of Germany with the German-speaking population of Austria; took place in 1938, despite complaints of other European nations | 33 | |
67484373 | apartheid | Policy of strict racial segregation imposed in South Africa to permit the continued dominance of whites politically and economically | 34 | |
67484374 | Thomas Aquinas | (1225-1274) Creator of one of the great syntheses of medieval learning; taught at University of Paris; author of several Summas; believed that through reason it was possible to know much about natural order, moral law, and nature of God | 35 | |
67484375 | Corazon Aquino | (b. 1933) First president of the Philippines in the post-Marcos era of late 1980s; served from 1986 to 1992; husband was assassinated by thugs in the pay of the Marcos regime; one of the key leaders in the popular movement that toppled the dictator | 36 | |
67484376 | Aragon | Along with Castle, a regional kingdom of the Iberian peninsula; pressed reconquest of peninsula from Muslims; developed a vigorous military and religious agenda | 37 | |
67484377 | Juan Jose Arevalo | Elected president of Guatemala in 1944; began series of socialist reforms including land reform; nationalist program directed against foreign-owned companies such as United Fruit Company | 38 | |
67484378 | Argentine Republic | Replaced state of Buenos Aires in 1862; result of compromise between centralists and federalists | 39 | |
67678371 | Aristotle | (384-322 BCE) Greek philosopher; teacher of Alexander the Great; knowledge based on observation of phenomena in material world | 40 | |
67678372 | Armenian genocide | Assault carried out by mainly Turkish military forces against Armenian population in Anatolia in 1915; over a million Armenians perished and thousands fled to Russia and the Middle East | 41 | |
67678373 | Aryans | Indo-European nomadic pastoralists who replaced Harappan civilization; militarized society | 42 | |
67678374 | Asante Empire | Established in Gold Coast among Akan people settled around Kumasi; dominated by Oyoko clan; many clans linked under Osei Tutu after 1650 | 43 | |
67678375 | asantehene | Title taken by ruler of Asante Empire; supreme civil and religious leader; authority symbolized by golden stool | 44 | |
67678376 | Ashikaga Shogunate | Replaced the Kamakura regime in Japan; ruled from 1336-1573; destroyed rival Yoshino center of imperial authority | 45 | |
67678377 | Ashikaga Takuaji | Member of the Minamoto family; overthrew the Kamakura regime and established the Ashikaga Shogunate from 1336-1573; drove emperor from Kyoto to Yoshino | 46 | |
67678378 | Ashoka | Grandson of Chandragupta Maurya; completed conquests of Indian subcontinent; converted to Buddhism and sponsored spread of new religion throughout his empire | 47 | |
67678379 | Asian sea trading network | Prior to intervention of Europeans, consisted of three zones: Arab zone based on glass, carpets, and tapestries; India based on cotton textiles; China based on paper, porcelain, and silks | 48 |