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WHAP Midterm Exam Flashcards

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272763415First migration from Africa100,000 years ago0
272763416Paleolithic Artcave paintings in the Lascaux and the Venus figurine in Austria1
272763417Paleolithic EraThe old stone age2
272763418Egalitarianeveryone is seen as equal, pretty much ceased to exist after patriarchy began3
272763419AnimismThe aboriginal Australian belief that everything has a soul4
272763420NeolithicBetween 16,000 and 10,000 years ago, the agricultural revolution led to the beginning of the neolithic era5
272763421Ice AgeAs the Ice Age ended, the ice melted, making way for the beginning of the Agricultural Revolution, as well as the neolithic era6
272763422DiffusionThe gradual moving or spread of something over a period of time. Plants or animals.7
272763423DomesticationThe taming of animals or plants for the use of humans. Plants or animals.8
272763424Intensification of LivingInstead of depending on a large amount of land for a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, people were able to get enough food on a small amount of land by farming.9
272763425Domestication of Teosinterelative of maize that was domesticated in Mesoamerica10
272763426Domestication of LlamasLlamas were the only domesticated animals in the Americas. They weren't really good for much.11
272763427Domestication of HorsesFirst domesticated in the steppes, which were wide open fields of grass that weren't really suitable for farming12
272763428Domestication of CamelsFirst domesticated in Saudi Arabia, but they eventually move to Africa.13
272763429Pastoral Societies in the AmericasThere were none because the only large animal were the llamas. And they suck.14
272763430Pastoral SocietiesSocieties based on the domestication of animals because they can't farm. They are egalitarian (usually). Pastoral = Herders15
272763431River Valley Civilizations- Egypt - Mesopotamia - Mohenjo Daro and Harappa - Olmec - China (Shang and Zhou) - Norte Chico16
272763432Egypt (RVC)- By the Nile River - Farming?17
272763433Mesopotamia (RVC)- By the Tigris and Euphrates (Sumer) - Oldest civilization - Invented cuneiform writing18
272763434Norte Chico (RVC)- Pacific Ocean (coastal Peru) - No writing language, they had quipus19
272763435Mohenjo Daro and Harappa (RVC)- Indus River (present-day Pakistan) - Well planned city with clearly defined streets, buildings, and walls20
272763436Shang and Zhou (RVC)- Yellow River - Written language called oracle bones, carved on turtle shell - Bronze Tiger (Shang Dynasty): for the emperor to communicate with the heavens21
272763437Mandate of HeavenIn China, the emperor was called the Son of Heaven and had to posses the Mandate of Heaven which could be lost, leading to a change in power.22
272763438Olmecs- Gulf of Mexico - Influenced the Mayans - Olmec Heads: carvings of the heads of rulers23
272763439PatriarchyMen and women are no longer equal after chiefdoms (which are then followed by civilizations). Social classes form when a chief is put in charge.24
272763440Patriarchy in MesopotamiaPatriarchy originates in Mesopotamia. Women were not strong enough to plow fields, therefore men were superior and took over. There are no Mesopotamian queens.25
272763441Divine Right TheoryThe belief that the ruler was chosen by God. Used in Egypt.26
272763442Classical Civilizations- Persia - Greece - Rome - China (Qin and Han) - India (Mauryan and Gupta)27
272763443Persia (CC)- Capital: Persepolis - Included present-day Iran and present-day Turkey - Empire of 35 million - Zoroastrianism28
272763444Greece (CC)- Athens and Sparta were two of the most important city-states - Alexander the Great ruled during the Hellenistic Age - Population: 2 - 3 million - Made up of competitive city-states rather than cohesive empire like Persia29
272763445Politics in Greece (CC)- All citizens were equal under the law (but only the wealthy/well-born really had rights) - Eventually rights went to the middle and lower class MEN30
272763446Hoplitea person who buys armor and fights for city-states31
272763447Sparta- one of the first city-states to get rid of tyranny - ruled by a council of elders32
272763448Athens- ruled by direct democracy - they directly elect representatives to participate in government - Golden Age of Pericles: built the parthenon33
272763449HelotsPrisoners of war who were enslaved in Sparta34
272763450Peloponnesian WarSparta vs. Athens - Sparta circles Athens and lets no one in or out for many years - they are hit by the plague (30,000 die including Pericles) - Athens loses MACEDONIA takes over both35
272763451Alexander the Great- starts a massive takeover of everything because he can... - Destroys Persepolis as payback for the Persian wars - Takes over Egypt (is appointed pharoah and called Son of the Gods) - Everything from Greece to India is part of his empire36
273056552Hellenistic SyncretismSeveral different elements form something, but retain the original characteristics. Alexander the Great's empire combines Greek, Indian, and Persian cultures but they still remain their own37
273056553Greco-BuddhaStatue where Buddha was depicted wearing Greek robes38
273056554Ashoka- Leader of India during the Mauryan - State support of Buddhism39
273056555CasteBrahmin: priests Kshatriya: rulers and warriors Vaisya: peasants Sudra: dark-skinned natives Untouchables: below the caste40
273056556BhaktiGods and Goddesses - Shiva: the destroyer - Vishnu: the protector and preserver - Ganesh: the elephant child, mover of obstacles41
273056557BrahmanThe world's soul42
273056558AtmanA person's soul43
273056559MokshaThe joining of Brahman and atman44
273056560Samsaralife and death cycling (life, death, rebirth)45
273056561ConfucianismFounded in China by Confucius about good leadership used by Han46
273056562BuddhismFounded in India by Siddhartha Guatama Mahayana = the kind that spreads47
273056563DaoismAll about nature founded by Lao Zi (rode of on a water buffalo)48
273056564Greek RationalismNot about the gods anymore Socrates is the first rational philosopher Aristotle is a mixture of Socrates and Plato Hippocrates: father of medicine Herodotus: father of history49
273056565LegalismUsed by Qin Shihuandi50
273056566Qin Dynasty (CC)Qin Shihuandi and Legalism51
273056567Han Dynasty (CC)Confucianism52
273056568Athens vs Spartan PatriarchyAthens had a more male dominated society than Sparta. Women in Sparta had to take care of their homes when the men went off to battle, which meant they had to take over leadership positions.53
273056569ZoroastrianismPersia Prophet: Zorothustra Monotheistic (Ahura Mazda)54
273056570JudaismIsrael During the Babylonian Captivity, they are exposed to Zoroastrianism which influenced them. (Noah's Arc is similar to the Epic of Gilgamesh, their laws are similar to the Law of Hammurabi)55
273056571HinduismA collection of Indian religious traditions56
273056572Three Obediences...57

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