dates from the first 4 units of must know dates for AP World Histoy
144059422 | Beginnings of Agriculture | 8000 BC | 0 | |
144059423 | Beginning of Bronze Age - Early Civs | 3000 BC | 1 | |
144059424 | Iron Age | 1300 BC | 2 | |
144059425 | Buddha (Buddhism), Confucius (Confucianis), Lao Tsu (Taoism) | 6th century BC | 3 | |
144059426 | Greek Golden Age - Philosophers | 5th century BC | 4 | |
144059427 | Alexander the Great | 323 BC | 5 | |
144059428 | Qin Unified China | 221 BC | 6 | |
144059429 | Beginnings of Christianity | 32 | 7 | |
144059430 | End of Pax Romana | 180 | 8 | |
144059431 | End of Han Dynasty | 220 | 9 | |
144059432 | Roman Capital moved to Constantinople | 333 | 10 | |
144059433 | Beginning of Trans-Saharan Trade Routes | 4th century | 11 | |
144059434 | Fall of Rome | 476 | 12 | |
144059435 | Justinian rule of Byzantine Empire | 527 | 13 | |
144059436 | Rise of Islam | 632 | 14 | |
144059437 | Battle of Tours | 732 | 15 | |
144059438 | Schism in Christian Church | 1054 | 16 | |
144059439 | Norman Conquest of England | 1066 | 17 | |
144059440 | Battle of Manzikert | 1071 | 18 | |
144059441 | First Crusade | 1095 | 19 | |
144059442 | Mongols sack Baghdad | 1258 | 20 | |
144059443 | Marco Polo Travels | 1271-1295 | 21 | |
144059444 | Mansa Musa's Pilgrimage | 1324 | 22 | |
144059445 | Travels of Ibn Battuta | 1325-1349 | 23 | |
144059446 | Bubonic Plague in Europe | 1347-1348 | 24 | |
144059447 | End of Zheng He's Voyages/Rise of Ottomans | 1433 | 25 | |
144059448 | Ottomans capture Constantinople | 1453 | 26 | |
144059449 | Dias rounded Cape of GOod Hope | 1488 | 27 | |
144059450 | Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue / Reconquista of Spain | 1492 | 28 | |
144059451 | Slaves to Americas | 1502 | 29 | |
144059452 | Martin Luther and 95 Theses | 1517 | 30 | |
144059453 | Cortez conquered the Aztecs | 1521 | 31 | |
144059454 | Pizarro Toppled the Incas | 1533 | 32 | |
144059455 | Battle of Lepanto | 1571 | 33 | |
144059456 | Defeat of the Spanish Armada by the British | 1588 | 34 | |
144059457 | Battle of Sekigahara - Beginning of Tokugawa | 1600 | 35 | |
144059458 | Founding of Jamestown | 1607 | 36 | |
144059459 | 30 years war | 1618-1648 | 37 | |
144059460 | unsuccessful Ottoman seige of Vienna | 1683 | 38 | |
144059461 | Glorious Revolution / English Bill of Rights | 1689 | 39 | |
144059462 | 7 years war/French and Indian War | 1756-1763 | 40 | |
144059463 | American Revolution/Smith writes Wealth of Nations | 1776 | 41 | |
144059464 | French Revolution | 1789 | 42 | |
144059465 | Haitian Independence | 1804 | 43 | |
144059466 | Congress of Vienna | 1815 | 44 | |
144059467 | Independance in Latin America | 1820s | 45 | |
144059468 | First Opium War in China | 1839 | 46 | |
144059469 | European Revolutions/Marx and Engles write Communist Manifesto | 1848 | 47 | |
144059470 | Commodore Perry opens Japan | 1853 | 48 | |
144059471 | Sepoy Mutiny | 1857 | 49 | |
144059472 | End of Russian Serfdom/Italian Unification | 1861 | 50 | |
144059473 | Emancipation Proclamation in US | 1863 | 51 | |
144059474 | German Unification | 1871 | 52 | |
144059475 | Berlin Conference - Division of Africa | 1885 | 53 | |
144059476 | Spanish-American War - US acquires Philippines, Cuba, Guam, and Puerto Rico | 1898 | 54 | |
144059477 | Boer War - British in control of South Africa | 1899 | 55 | |
144059478 | Russo-Japanese War | 1905 | 56 | |
144059479 | Mexican Revolution | 1910 - 1920 | 57 | |
144059480 | Chinese Revolution | 1911 | 58 |