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WHAP Must Know Dates (8000bc-1914) Flashcards

dates from the first 4 units of must know dates for AP World Histoy

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144059422Beginnings of Agriculture8000 BC0
144059423Beginning of Bronze Age - Early Civs3000 BC1
144059424Iron Age1300 BC2
144059425Buddha (Buddhism), Confucius (Confucianis), Lao Tsu (Taoism)6th century BC3
144059426Greek Golden Age - Philosophers5th century BC4
144059427Alexander the Great323 BC5
144059428Qin Unified China221 BC6
144059429Beginnings of Christianity327
144059430End of Pax Romana1808
144059431End of Han Dynasty2209
144059432Roman Capital moved to Constantinople33310
144059433Beginning of Trans-Saharan Trade Routes4th century11
144059434Fall of Rome47612
144059435Justinian rule of Byzantine Empire52713
144059436Rise of Islam63214
144059437Battle of Tours73215
144059438Schism in Christian Church105416
144059439Norman Conquest of England106617
144059440Battle of Manzikert107118
144059441First Crusade109519
144059442Mongols sack Baghdad125820
144059443Marco Polo Travels1271-129521
144059444Mansa Musa's Pilgrimage132422
144059445Travels of Ibn Battuta1325-134923
144059446Bubonic Plague in Europe1347-134824
144059447End of Zheng He's Voyages/Rise of Ottomans143325
144059448Ottomans capture Constantinople145326
144059449Dias rounded Cape of GOod Hope148827
144059450Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue / Reconquista of Spain149228
144059451Slaves to Americas150229
144059452Martin Luther and 95 Theses151730
144059453Cortez conquered the Aztecs152131
144059454Pizarro Toppled the Incas153332
144059455Battle of Lepanto157133
144059456Defeat of the Spanish Armada by the British158834
144059457Battle of Sekigahara - Beginning of Tokugawa160035
144059458Founding of Jamestown160736
14405945930 years war1618-164837
144059460unsuccessful Ottoman seige of Vienna168338
144059461Glorious Revolution / English Bill of Rights168939
1440594627 years war/French and Indian War1756-176340
144059463American Revolution/Smith writes Wealth of Nations177641
144059464French Revolution178942
144059465Haitian Independence180443
144059466Congress of Vienna181544
144059467Independance in Latin America1820s45
144059468First Opium War in China183946
144059469European Revolutions/Marx and Engles write Communist Manifesto184847
144059470Commodore Perry opens Japan185348
144059471Sepoy Mutiny185749
144059472End of Russian Serfdom/Italian Unification186150
144059473Emancipation Proclamation in US186351
144059474German Unification187152
144059475Berlin Conference - Division of Africa188553
144059476Spanish-American War - US acquires Philippines, Cuba, Guam, and Puerto Rico189854
144059477Boer War - British in control of South Africa189955
144059478Russo-Japanese War190556
144059479Mexican Revolution1910 - 192057
144059480Chinese Revolution191158

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