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WHAP Unit 1 Coach Gilbert Flashcards

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196758637Hunting-gatheringThe process of living that involves hunting for meat, gathering edible produce, and traveling frequently.0
196758638Domesticated plants and animalsStarted around 8000 B.C.E., dogs, horses, wheat, barley, etc.1
196758639Sedentarynot migratory; settled2
196758640Nomadicwandering, moving about from place to place3
196758641Pastoralhaving to do with shepherds and herders4
196758642NeolithicThe period of the Stone Age associated with the ancient Agricultural Revolutions. It follows the Paleolithic period.5
196758643Deitya god or goddess6
196758644Pantheonall the gods of a people or religion7
196758645PaganA follower of a polytheistic religion in ancient times.8
196758646Caste Systema social structure in which classes are determined by heredity9
196758647Priesta person who performs religious ceremonies10
196758648Nuna woman who has taken a sacred vow to devote her life to prayer and service to the church11
196758649Monotheismbelief in one God12
196758650Polytheismbelief in multiple Gods13
196758651Celibacyabstaining from sexual relations (as because of religious vows)14
196758652Monasticisma way of life in which men and women withdraw from the rest of the world in order to devote themselves to their faith15
196758653Afterlifelife after death16
196758654Reincarnationthe Hindu or Buddhist doctrine that person may be reborn successively into one of five classes of living beings (god or human or animal or hungry ghost or denizen of hell) depending on the person's own actions17
196758655Missionariespeople who work to spread their religious beliefs18
196758656PilgrimsEnglish Puritans who founded Plymouth colony in 162019
196758657Filialof, relating to, or befitting a son or daughter20
196758658Kinship groupsgroups of people related by blood or marriage21
196758659Conversiona religious turn to god, thought by calvinists to involve an intense, identifiable personal experience of grace22
196758660Priesthoodthe body of ordained religious practitioners23
196758661Sacred Textsbooks that give religious guidance to their respective groups Bible, Qu'ran, and Tora24
196758662Imperialof, like, or pertaining to an empire25
196758663Feudalcharacteristic of a social and economic system of government used in Europe, whereby a person, in return for being granted control of land, owed service and loyalty to a lord26
196758664The StateA body of people, living in a defined territory, organized politically and with the power to make and enforce law without the consent of any higher authority.27
196758665Empirea political unit in which a number of peoples or countries are controlled by a single ruler28
196758666Ideologysystem of ideas characteristic of a group or culture29
196758667Bureaucracya system of managing government through departments run by appointed officials30
196758668Civil Servicethe group of people whose job it is to carry out the work of the government31
196758669Social HierarchyThe division of society by rank or class32
196758670Stratificationa structured ranking of entire groups of people that perpetuates unequal economic rewards and power in a society33
196758671Inequalityan unfair situation in which some people have more rights or better opportunities than other people34
196758672Patriarchyform of social organization in which the father rules the family or tribe, descent being traced through the father35
196758673Slaverythe condition of being owned by another person and being made to work without wages36
196758674Urbanrelating to or concerned with a city or densely populated area37
196758675Tax Revenuethe money a government gains from the collection of taxes38
196758676Nobilitythe state of being of noble birth39
196758677Elitesa group of persons exercising the major share of authority or influence within a larger group40
196758678Autonomyimmunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political independence41
196758679Trade Goodsthe goods that are being trading between people.42
196758680Role of Nomads in Tradenomads spread ideas from far away lands and traded new technology43

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