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Windsor AP English 2009-10 Semester 1

PW = Teacher's last name, all lower case
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30801106Adornment(n.) - something that adds beauty, decoration
30801107Ascetic(adj.) - austere; strict & self-disciplined, especially for religious reasons
30801108Augur(v.) - to foretell; to predict a coming event; syn. = betoken
30801109Betoken(v.) - to foretell; to predict a coming event; syn. = augur
30801110Conjoin(v.) - to join; combine
30801111Contumacious(adj.) - disobedient; rebellious
30801112Edifice(n.) - a building; a structure
30801113Emolument(n.) - payment for services rendered; recompense
30801114Estrange(v.) - to create a sense of alienation/emotional distance from another
30801115Evanescent(adj.) - temporary; fleeting; ephemeral
30801116Exhort(v.) - to urge or advise strongly
30801117Ignominious(adj.) - shameful; disgraceful
30802016Impel(v.) - to force/urge someone to do something
30802017Inauspicious(adj.) - unfavorable; not promising
30802018Incredulity(n.) - doubt; skepticism
30802019Indubitably(adv.) - undoubtedly; unquestionably
30802020Inscrutable(adj.) - not understandable; impenetrable
30802021Insidious(adj.) - spreading harm/evil in a quiet, subtle manner
30802022Intimate(v.) - to suggest; to hint at
30802023Irrepressible(adj.) - unable to be restrained, uncontrollable
30802024Maelstrom(n.) - an upheaval; a state of confusion
30802025Molder(v.) - to decay/disintegrate slowly
30802026Morbid(adj.) - finding interest in dark, gloomy subjects, especially death
30802027Physiognomy(n.) - facial features that reveal one's personality
30802028Progenitor(n.) - a founder; an originator
30802029Prosecutorial(adj.) - implying wrongdoing; accusatory
30802030Sanctify(v.) - to make holy/pure/sacred
30802031Scourge(n.) - something that causes pain and suffering --- (v.) - to inflict pain and suffering
30802032Sepulcher(n.) - a burial vault --- (v.) - to place into such a vault
30802033Subsequent(adj.) - following in order, as a result of something else
30802034Superfluous(adj.) - unnecessary; excessive
30802035Transfix(v.) - to be motionless with astonishment/wonder
30802036Tremulous(adj.) - shaking/trembling from fear
30802037Uncouth(adj.) - ill-mannered; ill-behaved
30802038Vitriolic(adj.) - expressing hatred and ill will toward another; caustic
30802039Voluptuous(adj.) - sensual; seductive
32026483Abashed(adj.) - embarrassed; ashamed
32026484Abateto become less intense or widespread, to reduce
32026485Abridge(v.) - to shorten; to condense
32026486Abstruse(adj.) - hard to understand; puzzling; enigmatic
32026487Abysmal(adj.) - appallingly bad; severe; dreadful
32026488Accolade(n.) - an award; approval; praise
32026489Adamant(adj.) - refusing to be persuaded; resolute; determined
32026490Affectation(n.) - behavior or speech used to impress
32026491Affadavit(n.) - a sworn written statement
32026492Allay(v.) - to put at ease; to relieve; alleviate
32026493Alluring(adj.) - tempting, enticing; tantalizing
32026494Aloof(adj.) - unfriendly; distant and detached from others; standoffish
32034227Amenable(adj) - agreeable; willing to differ to the wishes of another
32034228Anathema(n) - something hated or despised
32034229Archaic(adj) - ancient; outdated
32034230Askew(adj) - crooked; awry
32034231Aspersion(n) - an attack on someones reputation or integrity
32034232Assuage(v) - to soothe; to lessen; to make less severe
32034233Atrophy(v) to wither away ; to become weak
32034234Badger(v) - to annoy; to harASS persistently
32034235Beget(v) To give birth to ; to create
32034236Belittle(v) - to trivialize ; to pooh - pooh
32034237Blather(v) - to talk nonsensically & unintelligibly at length
32034238Bucolic(adj) - rural & rustic in nature ; country-like
32036637Bulwark(n.) - a defensive wall or something serving as a defense
32036638Cacophony(n.) - harsh, unpleasant sounds
32036639Cadaverous(adj.) - corpse-like; ashen-faced; pallid
32036640Cajole(v.) - to coax or persuade someone to do something they do not wish to do
32036641Callow(adj.) - immature; inexperienced
32036642Castigate(v.) to punish; to harshly reprimand; to berate
32036643Catharsis(n.) - an outpouring of emotion that brings out relief/renewal
32036644Chador(n.) - A cloth wrapped around a Muslim woman's head, leaving her face exposed
32036645Chide(v.) - to scold; to admonish
32036646Circuitous(adj.) - indirect; winding; roundabout
32036647Cloying(adj.) - overly emotional; syrupy; cheesy
32036648Corroborate(v.) - to confirm/verify; to authenticate
34762575Aberration(n.) - a departure from the norm; an anomaly
34762576Acerbic(adj.) - sharp in tone or manner; sarcastic; biting
34762577Assent(n./v.) - approval or agreement with
34762578Avail(v.) - to use or take advantage of -- such as an opportunity; a resource
34762579Beneficent(adj.) - generous; well-intentioned; altruistic
34762580Capricious(adj.) - unpredictable; moody; fickle
34762581Capitulate(v.) - to give in; surrender; knuckle under
34762582Caveat(n.) - a warning or contition to an agreement
34762583Defame(v.) - to damage someone's reputation/credibility; slander (in voice); libel (in print)
34762584Defer(v.) - to put off; to postpone OR to yield to someone else's judgment, opinion
34762585Deride(v.) - to express contempt for; to mock; to ridicule
34762586Disseminate(v.) - to spread; to disperse -- such as information, news
34762587Eminent(adj.) - respected; esteemed; august
34762588Enamored(adj.) - in love with; smitten with
34762589Foment(v.) - to incite a riot; to stir up trouble
34762590Heinous(adj.) - shockingly evil; horrid
34762591Imminent(adj.) - about to happen; impending
34762592Impetuous(adj.) - spontaneous; acting hastily; without regard for consequences
34762593Inadvertently(adv.) - unintended; accidental; unplanned
34762594Insolvent(adj.) - unable to pay one's debt; bankrupt
34762595Irksome(adj.) - annoying; irritating; vexing; nettlesome
34762596Mitigate(v.) - to lessen/reduce severity of something
34762597Perfunctory(adj.) - done dutifully; without real care or feeling; half hearted
34762598Peruse(v.) - to read/examine carefully; thoroughly
34770990Promulgate(v.) - to make widely known; to declare officially
34770991Rectitude(n.) - integrity; strong moral character
34770992Restive(adj.) - uneasy; unwilling to be guided or controlled; restless
34770993Ruminate(v.) - to think carefully about/ponder deeply
34770994Sagacious(adj.) - wise; showing good judgment and intelligence
34770995Sequester(v.) - to isolate a person or a group from disturbances
34770996Sham(n.) - a falsehood; a deception; a fake
34770997Shoddy(adj.) - poorly made or done; careless; schlocky
34770998Surmise(v.) - to reach a conclusion with limited evidence
34770999Tacit(adj.) - understood without being openly stated
34771000Tempestuous(adj.) - turbulent; overly emotional; stormy
34771001Vicissitude(n.) - something that is variable; changeable
38071257Comeuppance(n.) - a punishment or fate that is well-deserved; retribution
38071258Congenial(adj.) - pleasant to be around; sociable
38071259Congenital(adj.) - present from birth; inherent; innate
38071260Consecrate(v.) - to make or declare something holy/sacred
38071261Countenance(n.) - one's face or facial expressions
38071262Debauchery(n.) - excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures (e.g. food, drink, sex)
38071263Deify(v.) to portray someone or something as god-like
38071264Democratize(v.) - to spread the ideals/practices of democracy
38071265Demonize(v.) - to portray someone/thing as evil, wicked; to vilify
38071266Denigrate(v.) - to insult; to defame; to sneer at
38071267Draconian(adj.) - harsh; severe; cruel -- especially punishments
38071268Effeminate(adj.) - having/showing traits associated with a woman; unmanly
38071269Effusive(adj.) - enthusiastically expressing one's emotions; heartfelt; gushy
38072425Egalitarian(adj.) - relating to the belief that all people deserve equal rights, opportunities
38072426Emasculate(v.) - to weaken or make less effective; to deprive a man of his male role
38072427Entreat(v.) - to request earnestly; pleadingly; to implore
38072428Excoriate(v.) - to criticize harshly; to censure
38072429Feign(v.) - to pretend; to fake
38072430Fraught(adj.) - full of; teeming with; rife with -- something undesirable
38072431Gird(v.) - to prepare oneself for a challenge or blow; to steel oneself
38072432Glacial(adj.) - extremely slow; plodding; sluggish
38072433Connoisseur(n.) - an expert in matters of taste
38072434Glad-hand(v.) - to greet warmly -- usually insincerely
38072756Gratis(adj.) - without charge; free
38157082Gratuitous(adj.) - excessive and uncalled for, superfluous
38157083Guffaw(n./v.) - a loud hearty laugh/ to laugh in such a manner
38157084Guileless(adj.) - trusting; genuine; innocent; naive
38157085Gusto(n.) - enjoyment; enthusiasm; zest
38157086Hallow(v.) - to make holy/sacred
38157087Harangue(v./n.) - to persistently ctiticize another / speech critical of another
38157088Harry(v.) - to persistently harass. like that butt rumping wizard harry potter
38157089Histrionic(adj.) - overly theatrical
38157090Hoi polloi(n.) - the masses, common person
38157091Homespun(adj.) - simple; unsophisticated
38157092Hubbub(n.) - a ruckus; a commotion; a hullabaloo....wtf is a hullabaloo?
38157093Huffy(adj.) - annoyed; grouchy; testy. ex = woman on period
45118560Affront(n.) - an action or remark that offends or insults; a "slap in the face"
45118561Amorphous(adj.) - shapeless; formless; nebulous
45118562Bifurcate(v.) - to divide into two branches or forks
45118563Bonafide(adj.) - authentic; genuine; the real McCoy
45118564Borough(n.) - a town or district within a larger city
45118565Colossal(adj.) - enormous; huge; titanic
45118566Concatenation(n.) - interconnections; linkages
45118567Convalesce(v.) - to regain one's health and strength after an illness or operation
45118568Convivial(adj.) - friendly; lively; sociable
45118569Extemporize(v.) - improvise; ad lib; wing it
45118570Fait Accompli(n.) - something that's been decided on; an "accomplished fact"
45118571Fortuitous(adj.) - by chance -- not by design; lucky
45118572Fractious(adj.) - irritable; bad-tempered; cross
45118573Goad(v.) - to provoke; to egg on
45118574Immoderate(adj.) - excessive; not sensible or restrained
45118575Ineffable(adj.) - inexpressible; indescribable
45118576Ineluctable(adj.) - unavoidable; inescapable
45118577Innuendo(n.) - a hint/suggestion -- usually of a provocative nature
45118578Jaunty(adj.) - carefree; lively; cheerful
45118579Kismet(n.) - destiny; fate
45118580lackadaisical(adj.) - without energy or enthusiasm
45118581Mete(v.) - to dispense justice or punishment
45118582Privy(adj.) - knowing something personal, private
45118583Protege(n.) - one who is guided and mentored by one who is older and more experienced
45118584Propensity(n.) - a tendency toward something
45118585Proselytize(v.) - to convert to a belief or religion
45118586Querulous(adj.) - complaining; irritable; crabby
45118587Quip(n.) - a witty remark
45118588Rail(v.) - protest strongly against
45118589Sacrosanct(adj.) - sacred/revered beyond all criticism
45118590Sardonic(adj.) - mocking, scornful' cynical
45118591Shiftless(adj.) - lazy; lacking ambition; slothful
45118592Tantamount(adj.) - equal to; commensurate with; same as
45118593Veritable(adj.) - without question; undoubtedly
45118594Wan(adj.) - pale; sickly; ashen -- as in one's expression
45118595Wheedle(v.) - to coax or persuade through flattery; to sweet talk

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