Ch. 4: Give and Take
Ch. 5: The Menagerie
Ch. 6: Talking about Talking
202885919 | Magnanimous | adj. Extremely generous and forgiving | |
202885920 | Parsimonious | adj. Excessively stingy | |
202885921 | Prodigal | adj. Extremely wasteful or extravagant | |
202885922 | Penurious | adj. Stingy, unwilling to spend money or poverty-stricken, destitute | |
202885923 | Eleemosynary | adj. Contributing to charity or dependent upon charity | |
202885924 | Frugal | adj. Thrifty, extremely economical | |
202885925 | Munificent | adj. Very generous in giving | |
202885926 | Avaricious | adj. Greedy, desirous of gain | |
202885927 | Mean | adj. Miserly and stingy or low in value | |
202885928 | Indulgent | adj. Lenient or willing to gratify | |
202885929 | Equine | adj. Anything bearing the characteristics of horses, asses, or zebras | |
202885930 | Bovine | adj. Of or relating to the characteristics of cows, oxen, or buffaloes | |
202885931 | Lupine | adj. Ravenous, extemely hungry; having the characteristics of a wolf | |
202885932 | Ursine | adj. Bear-like, usually a physical description | |
202885933 | Porcine | adj. Resembling a swine or a pig, either physically or behaviorally | |
202885934 | Simian | adj. Anyone who resembles an ape or a monkey | |
202885935 | Serpentine | adj. Snake-like in behavior or physically resembling a snake | |
202885936 | Pachyderm | n. Large, thick-skinned, hoofed animals, such as the elephant, rhinocerous, and hippopotamus | |
202885937 | Avian | adj. Having the characteristics of birds | |
202885938 | Herpetology | n. The study of reptiles and amphibians | |
202885939 | Laconic | adj. Using few words | |
202885940 | Taciturn | adj. Habitually silent or quiet, inclined to talk very little | |
202885941 | Lapidary | adj. Precision of wording, more often applies to writing | |
202885942 | Pithy | adj. Concise and full of meaning | |
202885943 | Succinct | adj. Concise speaking or writing | |
202885944 | Terse | adj. Brief, to the point | |
202885945 | Garrulous | adj. Talking too much, rambling | |
202885946 | Prattling | adj. Meaningless chatter | |
202885947 | Glib | adj. Speaking without enough thought | |
202885948 | Prolix | adj. Wordiness, too many words or phrases | |
202885949 | Maundering | adj. To talk in a rambling, foolish way |