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World Cultures Maturing Flashcards

(ca. 600-1450 C.E.)

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162241682Early (500-1000 C.E.), High (1000-1300 C.E.), and Late (1300-1500 C.E.)divisions of the medieval era0
162241683Renaissancethe period of European history at the close of the Middle Ages and the rise of the modern world. Rebirth1
162241684knightsin the Middle Ages, lesser noble who served as a mounted warrior for a lord2
162241685code of chivalrya code of behavior that governed the aspect of all knights behavior3
162241686serfsservants (more like slaves) to the lord4
162241687Roman Catholicismthe beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church based in Rome5
162241688Eastern OrthodoxyOfficial religion of Russia; rejects the Pope, but is otherwise the same as Roman Catholicism.6
162241689CrusadesA series of holy wars from 1096-1270 C.E. undertaken by European Christians to free the Holy Land from Muslim rule. Holy Wars7
162241690Holy Inquisitiona special court with power to inquire about and judge matters of heresy8
162241691Battle of Tours732 C.E. Christians defeat Muslim invaders and stop the spread of Islam into Europe9
162241692Charlamagnea powerful king who's name means "Charles the Great", he saw forced conversion as a way to strengthen his kingdom while increasing the membership of the church10
162241693VikingsScandinavian pirates who plundered the coasts of Europe from the 8th to 10th centuries.11
162241694Magna Cartathe royal charter of political rights given to rebellious English barons by King John in 1215 C.E.12
162241695Parliamentthe lawmaking body of British government13
162241696Hundred Years' WarSeries of campaigns over control of the throne of France, involving English and French royal families and French noble families14
162241697Habsburgsleading family in the Holy Roman Empire, ruled Austria15
162241698ReconquistaThe effort by Christian leaders to drive the Muslims out of Spain, lasting from the 1100-1492 C.E.16
162241699Córdobacapital of Muslim Spain, an economic center, hundreds of workshops, culture and learning flourished there17
162241700Constantinoplecapital of the Byzantine Empire18
162245418fall of Holy Roman Empire145319
162245419Council of ClermontAn assembly heard the a speech given by Pope Urban II and basically he said they was a direct path to heaven for those willing to fight in the first crusade20
162245420Hanseatic LeagueAn economic and defensive alliance of the free towns in northern Germany, founded about 1241 C.E. and most powerful in the fourteenth century21
162245421guild systemslabor groups that maintained a monopoly on their respective trades22
162245422witchcraftthe major cause of fear in Europe during the 1400s. Elderly, unattractive widows were the common victims of accusation23
162245423Black Deaththe epidemic form of bubonic plague experienced during the Middle Ages when it killed nearly half the people of western Europe24
162245424Joan of Arcled the French to several victories during Hundred Years' War, but was tried and burned for witchcraft25
162245425Geocentric TheoryAristotle's theory that the earth is the center of the universe26
162245426RomanesqueArchitectural style which was an adaptation of the Roman basilica and barrel arch form.27
162245427GothicArchitectural style developed featuring pointed arches and flying buttresses as external supports on main walls28
162245428printing pressinvented by Johannes Guttenberg29
162245429humansimA philosophy in which interests and values of human beings are of primary importance30
162245430Medici familyDominating family of Florence, acquired wealth through banking. Spent lots of money on art.31
162245431Leonardo da VinciItalian painter and sculptor and engineer and scientist and architect. Most famous for Mona Lisa32
162245432MichelangeloFlorentine sculptor and painter and architect. Most famous for Sistine Chapel33
163079452Umayyad dynastyIslamic dynasty established by Muawiya, moved capital from Medina to Damascus, that action split Islam (Shi'ites and Sunnites)34
163079453Abbasid Caliphatefollowed the Umayyad dynasty. (750-1258 C.E.)35
163079454Haroun al-RashidMost famous Abbasid Caliphate, ruled from 786-809 C.E., made achievements in art, science, politics and military36
163079455Maliwest african empire that flourished and grew rich from trade (1250-1460 C.E.)37
163079456Mans MusaMali's most powerful ruler (1312-1337 C.E.)38
163079457MamluksMuslim slave warriors; established a dynasty in Egypt; defeated the Mongols at Ain Jalut in 1260 and halted Mongol advance39
163079458Seljuk Turksnomadic Turks from Asia who conquered Baghdad in 1055 and allowed the caliph to remain only as a religious leader. they governed strictly40
163079459SunidataMali epic poem41
163079460SaladinThe leader of the Muslims in the third crusade and captured Jerusalem in 1187.42
163079461Mongolsnomads from Mongolia, known for their brutality and war tactics. Seized Baghdad in 1258 C.E.43
163079462Ottoman Turkscaptured Constantinople in 1453 and rename it Istanbul; as a result the Byzantine people flee to Italian City-States which becomes a catalyst for the expansion of language and art44
163079463fall of Constantinople145345
163079464Ibn BattutaMoroccan Muslim scholar, the most widely traveled individual of his time. He wrote a detailed account of his visits to Islamic lands from China to Spain and the western Sudan. Garbee46
163079465Genghis Kahn(1162-1227 C.E.) Leader and founder of Mongol tribes of Asia. Ruled from 1206-1227 Matt47
163079466Kublai KahnMongol Leader who conqured Tibet, but failed to take Japan Rachael48
163079467Yuan DynastyMongol dynasty in China49
163079468Marco PoloVenetian traveler who explored Asia in the 13th century and served Kublai Khan (1254-1324) Rachel50
163079469The Forbidden CityBuilt in the Ming Dynasty, was a stunning monument in Bejing built for Yonglo. All commoners and foreigners were forbidden to enter without special permission.51
163079470porclaina thin beatufiul type of pottery, famous in China during Ming Dynasty52
163079471Heian period(794 to 1185C.E.) Japan had highly refined court society, etiquette, rules for properness, expected to write poetry and paint53
163079472Taira-Minamoto wardestroyed Heian regime. (1156-1185 C.E.)54
163079473daimyoa Japanese feudal lord who commanded a private army of samurai55
163079474samuraia Japanese warrior who was a member of the feudal military aristocracy56
163079475Bushidotraditional code of the Japanese samurai which stressed courage and loyalty and self-discipline and simple living57
163079476Zen (Chan)strict meditation to achieve enlightenment; students learn everything from a master; high disciplined method; appealed to Warrior Class (ruling class)58

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