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170877666HominidsAppeared 3 to 4 million years ago in southern and eastern Africa Humanlike creatures called primates Mary and Louis Leakey excavated hominid fossils in the Great Rift Valley "Lucy," an Australopithecine fossil, found in 1974 bipedalism - ability to walk upright, a sizable brain - enables abstract thought and fine motor control, larynx - allows complex speech0
170877667Homo SapiensModern Humans emerged from 100,000 to 200,000 years ago Earliest - The Neanderthal Most advanced - Cro-Magnon Advanced tools, wore clothes, permanent and self-permanent dwellings, organized social groups Spread to Europe to Africa and Asia1
170877668Paleolithic Era - EconomyOld Stone Age (c. 10,000 to 2.5 million years ago.) Greatest concerns steady and plentiful food supply and clothing Stone and bone tools include spears, bows, etc. Nomadic hunters and gatherers Predates agricultural societies2
170877669Paleolithic Era - SocietySocial groups: Extended families into clans, chief, leaders, religious figures Organized warfare: Rocks, clubs, etc Deities: Religious rituals, sacrifices, goddesses, spirits Art and music, cave paintings and flutes Men - Hunters, Women - Gathered3
170877670Neolithic Era - OriginNew Stone Age (8000 - 5000 B.C.E.) Origins of agricultural society Domestication of animals / cultivation of crops Slash and burn agriculture Developed complex societies, settled down4
170877671Neolithic Era - CultureAgriculture allowed for food surplus, Led to increase in population Permanent villages appeared; disappearing hunting and gathering civilizations Specialization of labor - no longer dedicated to food production Developed textiles Wealth from specialization of labor led to social classes Status of women diminished5
170877672Bantu MigrationsMovement of Africa across continent of Africa Iron Metallurgy, tools used to clear land for agriculture / herding Decentralized government - Governed through family and kinship groups Village ruled by council made up of 100 male heads of families, village chief Conflict among Bantus led to formation of organized military and formal governmental institutions6
170877673Bronze AgeMetallurgy began with copper Neolithic Era - copper + tin = bronze Bronze tools / weapons first used in Mesopotamia in 4000-3000 B.C.E c. 1500-1000 B.C.E. developed iron tools and weapons7
170877674MesopotamiaIrrigation led to increase in food supply / population and by c. 5000 B.C.E Sumer established World's first cities emerged, Ur and Babylon Sumerian achievements - First form of writing - Cuneiform Sumerians were polytheistic, built ziggurats, please gods organized into series of city states, worked to maintain peace and stability Canals and bridges build8
170877675Hammurabi's CodeHigh standards of behavior, stern punishments in city-state of Babylon Death penalty for murder, theft, fraud, etc. Civil laws regulated prices, wages, conditions of slavery Written set of rules to govern society9
170877676Assyrian EmpireGovernment: Administrative techniques and powerful and intimidating military Officers standardized military units and appointed basis of merit, skill, bravery Horse drawn chariots to conquer Covered much of Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, etc.10
170877677Iron MetallurgyMesopotamia manufactured effective iron and bronze tools / weapons by 1000 B.C.E. Added Copper to iron to increase strength to produce sharper edges Iron Metallurgy spread to Egypt, North Africa, etc. Iron tools to conquer Mesopotamia11
170877678Patriarchal SocietyBasis of Mesopotamia / Egyptian societies - Men made decisions about divisions of household chores among family members and arranged marriages Men dominated public life, kings and pharaohs made decisions of public policy Women punished for adultery by drowning Men able to sell wife and children into slavery to pay debt12
170877679Origins of WritingCuneiform - Earliest writing began in Mesopotamia Record Keeping - trade purposes necessary as society became more complex Sumerian writing system based on pictures Egyptians created hieroglyphics Scribes - prepared legal and other documents13
170877680HebrewsNomads settled in Mesopotamia and Egypt First monotheistic religion - Worshiped Yahweh Bible told of Israelite practices / experiences 1300 B.C.E. Moses went to Palestine to establish kingdom under David / Solomon Extended to Sinai Peninsula14
170877681PhoeniciansEarned reputation as seafaring traders City-states in Mediterranean, dominated trade in Med. basin System of writing with twenty two symbols Alphabet spread through trade of glass, timber, textiles Basis for Latin Alphabet15
170877682Indus River CivilizationMain cities: Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro Well planned, fortified, uniformaly constructed cities Had standardized weights and measurements Long distance trade, pottery found in Egypt, olive oil from Sumer found in that area16
170877683AryansPastoral Nomads spoke Indo-European languages Established small communities in northern India Limited agricultue, prized herds of cattle Horse domestication as use for transportation, war machines when attached to chariots Literary and religious texts memorized and passed down orally Caste system - influenced by contacts and indigenous peoples and invaders17
170877684Vedic AgeIndian period between 1500 and 500 B.C.E. when Vedas primary Hindu text was recorded Aryans recorded number of literary / religious works in Sanskrit Vedas - Provided view of early Aryan society Aryans vs. Dravidians, no common centralized government Cheifdoms based on agriculture or herding Social heirarchy based on caste- maintained order and stability, gender affected based on patriarchal society18
170877685VedasPrimary text of Hinduism Collection of hymns, songs, prayers, rituals honoring Aryan gods Four Vedas - Most important / first Rig Vedas compiled between 1400 B.C.E and 900 B.C.E. Passed down orally until 600 B.C.E. when all four were recorded in Sanskrit Revealed great deal about early Aryans19
170877686Caste SystemFour main varnas (social classes) originally formed around skin color Brahmins - Priests Kshatriyas - Warriors and Aristocrats Vaishyas - farmers, artisans, merchants Shudras - landless peasants, serfs Untouchables20
170877687Yellow River Civilization - Xia DynastyUnpredictable flooding, nickname "China's Sorrow" Regular rain and fertile soil - No need for irrigation system, water control system developed Xia dynasty attempted to organize public life on large scale, precedent for hereditary monarchical rule Yu, the founder, initiated flood control programs, organized large scale public works, set up formal government21
170877688Shang DynastyRise and success based on technology such as bronze Shang produced bronzeby monopolizing mines and employing craftsmen Well armed military, extended control to northeastern China Kings controled surplus agriculture, expensive lavish tombs for emperors Ancestor worship, oracle bones to see the future22
170877689Zhou DynastyRuled by proclamation; military forces and allies disseminated laws of justice Allied with Shang, adopted customs / cultures, overthrew Shang king Events of Heaven and earth are closely related / Mandate of Heaven Cultural Achievements: poetry, history, rituals, morals, religion23
170877690Mandate of HeavenEvents on Earth and Heaven directly connected Power to rule is given by heavenly powers, ruler known as "son of Heaven" Must maintain order, dispense justice to retain power. Fails, the Mandate of Heaven is given to another candidate European concept of Divine Right Used to justify takeover of Shang24
170877691Silk ProductionProduced first under the Shang Raised silkworms on mulberry trees By Han Dynasty, silk was a luxurious product of high demand, production = highly guarded imperial secret 500's Byzantine monks smuggles silk worms and began to produce silk textiles25
170877692Warring StatesTime of disunity for China adopted Legalism as basis for rule Legalism helped State of Qin gain control and unify China Three schools of though developed - Confucianism, Legalism, Daoism Period referred to as Hundred Schools of Thought26
170877693Mayan CivilizationTerrace faring - developed to capture rainwater and silt to increase soil fertility Agricultural production of cotton, maize, cacao Achievements: elaborate system of writing, accurate calendar, concept of zero Solar years (365 days) set agricultural patterns27

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