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World History AP review Flashcards

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4353530301Neolithic revolution and Civilizationshift from hunting and gathering to relying in the success of cultivation of crops and domestication of animals resulted in -increase of reliable food supplies -rapid increase in total human population -job specialization -widening of gender differences -distinction between settled people and nomads these changes led to development of civilizations characterized as -large cities -architecture and public building projects -complex political organization -written language -advanced art and literature -long distance trade there were advantages and disadvantages for civilizations advantages were -development of skills art inventions and literature,economic and political coordinated cities,protection,improving quality of life disadvantages were -class and gender distinctions,overproduction,increase outside attacks, and disease0
4353625040periodizationagricultural and technological development-small groups practicing crop cultivation and domestication early civilization development- cities,"river valley" civilizations-mesopatamia,Egypt,indus valley,Shang china river valley characteristics-along rivers for crops and transportation,irrigation systems,legal codes,currency,written language, a number system,calendars, and social inequality1
4353646966nomads and migrationslots of kingdoms and empires were founded by nomadic groups 3 major migrations: Phoenicians, israelities, and aryans2
4353886904classical civilizationsafter the decline in river valley civilizations "classical age" these civilizations differ in that they kept better records,were root civilizations,expansionist, and much larger: the Mediterranean, china, and india features:patriarchal family structure,agriculture based economies, complex governments,expanding trade3
4353905186global tradeduring the classical era trade increased along with diffusion of technology, heads and goods. the routes these things were traded on were:the silk road, the indian ocean trade, saharan trade, sub-saharan trade.4
4353919214fall of the empireshan china fell around 220 ce, roman empire 476 ce, and gupta in 550 ce similarities: all suffered attacks from the huns political corruption, trouble maintaining borders, and disease from trade routes resulted in disrupted trade, increase if religious importance and decrease in political authority, and political disunity5
4353937921hinduismpolytheism aryans brought to india around 2000bce, belief that spirt guides all life on earth and the sports desire is to be reunited with the universal spirit, this religion was tied in with indian caste system reincarnation-spirits are reborn in different people karma-cause and effect pattern based on if an individual fulfills their lives duties with effect their next life dharma-duties attached to each caste position highest most sought after goal to be reunited with the universal spirit6
4353955990buddhismbegan in india during the 6th century, founded by siddhartha guatama also known as buddha, buddha created enlightenment reforms based on the tenets od buddhism: the four noble truths, and the eightfold path7
4353962133confucianismemerged in china during the warring states period between the zhou and han dynasties by confucius created a plan to reestablish order in china emphasized on harmony order and obedience and creation of 5 relationships: emperor and subject father and son older brother and younger brother husband and wife friend and friend also said the best man is the one who is kind and loyal to the family8
4353979531daoismfounded by laozi in the 4th century, dao- way of life basically says to live life simply and dont create governenmnets that the less government the better along with confucianism encouraged self knowledge and acceptance. reflective and retrospective9
4353985417legalismthird belief system that arose from the warring states time period contrasting highly to other beliefs. no concern with ethics morality, or property and cared nothing about human nature or governing principles of the world, emphasized on the importance of law10
4353998704judaismfirst monotheistic religion belief in a covenant with god and the jewish people, 10 commandments set rules for relationships among humans,jews didn't seek to convert others remains a small religion known as a root religion11
4354010502christianitygrew out of judaism,founded by jesus of nazareth. belief in the 2nd coming of christ the messiah who will restore the jewish kingdom and that those who followed christian precepts would have life after death12
4354028871changes and major events of period 3changes-mass migrations,imperial conquest,cross cultural trade and exchange major events belief systems became more important than political organizations the bedouins and mongols impact on history islam spreading to middle east, northern africa, Europe , and southeast asia europe becoming a world power empires developing in south america and mesoamerica long distance trade and complexity of trade increased13
4354043822spread of islamfactors that led to spread of islam well disciplined armies weakness of byzantine and persian empires treatment of conquered peoples14
4354051519sunni ans she'a splitarab trivs fought with each other for centuries resulting in splits like sunni and shi'a sunni-wanted peace,beleived that the caliph should continue to be selected from muslin leaders shi'a- believed the caliph should be related to the prophet, rejected the umayyads authority, and sought to revenge ali's death15
4354062957status of womenwomen had rights like inheriting property, ability to divorce husbands ,ability to engage in business in the qur'an all people are equal. but it also controlled women social and sexual life like they could only have one husband but a husband can have four wives16
4354074824arts sciences and technologiesulama and quads bridged the cultural differences and spread islam values through the dar al islam madrassas appeared in 10th century. islamic states adapted mathematics using the concept of zero. ibn Khaldun wrote a history of the world Nasir aldrin studied the stars17
4354095175african societies and empiresin 640 islam spread into africa and many african rulers began converting to the new religion and centralizing states began to form between 600-1450 major empires began to form ghana, mali, and the swahilli city states18
4354104880christian crusadespope urban called for the christian crusades basically invading christian middle east to take holy lands. resulted in conflict no permanent gains for christens and constaintanople being taken over by muslims in 1453 an renamed istanbul19
4354111561MONGOLS!!!!!mongol invasions most influential set of events in world history.mongols were a nomadic group from central asia that swept south and east conquered china,india, the middle east, and part of russia. ruled the largest empire ever assembled in all of world history20
4354125950tang and songeconomic revolutions characteristics of these revolutions: increasing agricultural productions increasing populations urbanization technological innovations and lastly financial inventions21
4354137159neo-confuncianismconflict between buddhism and confucianism during the late tang dynasty that calmed down under the song because of the development of this. important because influence phycological thought in china, korea, vietnam and japan.22
4354169525korea and japankorean silla dynasty recognized the tang emperor as his overlord. chinese influence diffused into korea, then chances influence diffused into japan on the other hand japan remained unique in ways like shintoism and separation of imperial power from real political power23
4354178943feudalism in japan and Europesimilarities: system grounded in political values that embraced all participants,idea of mutual ties was strong, feudalism was highly militaristic with values like courage and family alliances and loyalty differences: Japanese feudalism relied on a group and individual loyalties and legacy was a group on which decision making teams were linked into the state european feudalism ties sealed by contracts. legacy was on the reliance on parliamentary institutions in which participations could discuss and defend legal interest against the central monarch24
4354198217byzantine empirewest was falling to germanic invasions in the 4th and 5th centuries ce eastern was fine since it withstood fewer attacks it survived for a millennium after the west fell becoming powerful christian empire until it fell to ottoman turks in 145325
4354206158church in the westduring the political and economic decentralization of western europe the catholic church emerged as a unifying institution with great religious,political,and economic power it established its influence in many ways development of a church hierarchy establishment of wandering ministries the establishment of monasteries refuge for those in trouble communication to the central church hierarchy centers of scholarship,education, and libraries26
4354224374demographic and environmental changesera from 600-1450 ce time when civilization spread geographically. also a time of great migration arabs turks vikings mongols bantu all moved from one place to another changing places as they went along27
4354237565periodization period 4characteristics of 1450-1750 include globe being encompassed sea based trade arose european kingdoms emerged that gained world power relative power of nomadic groups declined labor systems were transformed gunpowder empires emerged in the middle east and Asia28
4354249058major developments of 1450-1750changes in trade, technology and global interactions major wartime and gunpowder empires slave systems and slave trade demographic and environmental changes cultural and intellectual development29
4354255903european explorationkingdoms in europe were motivated to venture to open seas by the profit from commercial operations and the spread of christianity30
4354262399early spanish expeditionsconquest of the americas diaz, de gama, and columbus and other european explorers did was spark the new era of world trade and cross cultural exchange. these expeditions led to increase prosperity and power for european nations all this exploring led to the treaty of tordesillas which drew a line through north and south atlantic giving portugal lands east and spain lands west31
4354363889the great circuit and the columbian exchangetrade routes that papered in the atlantic ocean during this time period known as the great circuit the great circuit connected north america south america,Europe, and africa. these routes were circular and complex. the cross cultural exchange that developed along the great circuit was known as the columbian exchange which included lots of items that changed diets and work habits around the world32
4354380159absolutism v. constitutionalismspain and france developed into absolute monarchies absolutism was basically backed by the belief that kings had the god given right to govern alone without any say. as opposed to in england and the netherlands where limitations were put on the rulers power like in the magna carta.33
4354404866social and gender structureswith the growth of trade came an increase of cities and population the increase in population led to many changes those being the rise of the bourgeoisie growth in the gap between rich and poor and changes in marriage agreements34
4354413236the muslim empirespolitical power o muslim lands crushed by the mongol invasions but in new era the 3 new empires that emerged the ottoman, safavid, and the mughal supported flowering of islamic civilizations. the 3 empires competed which led to political divisions and military clashes similarities between the empires that led to their fall inadequate transportation and communication systems unruly warrior elites and bureaucracies and the rise of european rivals35
4354435355the ming dynastyming emperors controlled china until mid 1600's chinas ming dynasty faced problems muslim empires faced as well border issues trouble maintaining armies transportation and communication issues and some factors that weaker ming china itself were climate change nomadic invasions pirates decline of silk road and inept rulers36
4354448038tokugawa japangunpowder empire feudalistic leaders unified under one powerful family the shoguns had less patience than chins did with christian missionaries worried europeans might conspire with daimyo to take japan down so basically cut off everyone from entering the country and stopped allowing people to leave the country37
4354461431the russian empirepeter the great rule from late 17th century to early 18th century strengthened russia by westernizing it he instituted multiple reforms to do so military reform building and infrastructure expansion of territory reorganizaton of the bureaucracy and relocation of the capital he transformed russia and left behind a new dynamic in russian society38
4354473846slave trade and slave systemsslavery existed between african nations but when it became part of atlantic trade it was transformed. african laves were traded to two areas of th world: the western hemisphere an the islamic lands in the middle east and india39
4354485712periodization period 5important characteristics 1750-1914 european dominance of long distance trade have, and have not countries created by industrialization inequalities among regions increase due to imperialism political revolutions inspired by democracy and desire for independence40
4354493783the industrial revolutioncrossed national borders, changed development of countries impacted in multiple areas transformed the world effecting lives all areas of the globe began in england in the late 18th century divided the world into have and have not countries increased britains power which helped with colonization41
4354515971changes in social classmajor social change brought by the industrial revolution was creation of a large middle class or bourgeoisie. members generally had comfortable lifestyles and concerned wit being seen as higher social class than factory workers. they valued hard work,ambition and individual responsibility.these distinctions were backed by social-darwinism42
4354535914american revolutionbegan when american colonist resisted britains attempt to impose new taxes and trade control after the french and indian war.colonial leaders set up new government and issued the declaration of independence in 177643
4354547426the french revolutiona civil war against the old kingdom that had risen over the centuries. the king ha absolute power an social classes were divided up between the clergy the nobility and the third estate the problem was it was unevenly distributed giving the third estate the largest of the three no real political power the revolution was very bloody and for a point in time there was literally a reign of terror but after all of it democracy was established in france44
4354566204ideologiesconservatism-supported return of absolute monarchy and disapproved the revolutions liberalism-republican democracy, elected elite, freedom and liberty but not equality radicalism-drastic changes in government,emphasized more on equality than freedom, concerned with narrowing gap between rich and poor45
4354579978imperialismgoals of imperialism obtain natural resources,acquire wealth,surpass enemies, increase power and glory types of imperialism colonial imperialism economic imperialism political imperialism and socio-cultural imperialism46
4354590663periodization period 6characteristics of 1900-1914 redefining and repositioning of the west increase in international contacts the democratic transition changes in belief systems questioning of systems of equality47
4354598944world war 1militarism, nationalism, alliances, and imperialism were the causes of ww1. spark for the war was the assassination of the archduke of franz ferdinand heir to the austrian throne by the black hand which had a domino effect starting the war versiallies treaty held in france, to shape a treaty that would determine punishments for germany whom was solemnly held responsible for ww148
4354616326decolonizationin africa movement was started by african leaders fighting for independence for african colonies there was conflict including border disputes, race conflict, and clash between europeans and natives for political and economic power the ANC formed in south africa in 1912 led to a struggle against apartheid which led to african independence in 1994 when nelson mandela became the first native south african president49

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