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World History Ap Vocabulary Flashcards

Intellectual Vocabulary Chapters 1-17, Stearns Textbook

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16974640Hunting and GatheringMeathod of collecting food in the Paelelithic Era. Berries and plants harvested for food and medicine. Animals hunted for food, skins and bones.0
16974641Homo Sapiens SapiensA breed of human that originated in Africa 120,000 years ago.1
16974642Mesolithic AgeMiddle Stone Age. Span of 12,000 to 8,000 BCE. Stone weaponry became mainstream.2
16974643Neolithic Age/RevolutionNew Stone Age. Civilizations, cities, and agriculture sprang up.3
16974644Sedentary AgriculturePlanting seeds and harvesting them regularly. Began in the Neolithic.4
16974645Animal DomesticityBegan in the Middle East and Asia. Had occured by 9000. Pigs, sheep, goats and cattle were raised.5
16974646SurplusExcess goods caused by agriculture. groups of people could live together.6
16974647Specialized jobssome people, instead of being farmers, could develop iron and metal tools and work to improve them as their job.7
16974648pastoral nomadismtribes that moved with the animals8
16974649civilizationcomes from greek word meaning city. most had writing, government and unity.9
16974650metallurgymetal tools. discovered 4000. Was totally mainstream by 3000.10
16974651catal huyuklarge villiage founded around 7000. located in south of turkey. was 32 acres.11
16974652mesopotamia1st civ. founded in valley of tigris-euphrates. was very advanced, developed from scratch.12
16974653egyptlocated along the nile river in northern africa. founded 3000, benifited from technology of mesopotamia. wasnt open to invasion. collaped 1000.13
16974654indus river valleysprand up 2500. had several large cities. had trading contacts with mesopotamia but mostly kept isolated. modern day india.14
16974655northern chinacivs along yellow river. isolated due to geographic location. legendary ruler p'an ku. by 1500, shangs ruled15
16974656judaismsemitic people influenced by babylonia. settled near the mediteranian in 12000. 1st monotheistic. you cant convert16
16974657iron toolsxtremly popular for farming. took the place of stone17
16974658zhou1029-258. chinese dynasty. opperated through alliances. heightend focas on the central gov.18
16974659qin hanchinese dynasty, ended with emporers death in 210. built great wall19
16974660confuciousKnown to the Chinese as the First Teacher (551-479 B.C.) whose interest in philosophy was political and ethical, not spiritual20
16974661great wallbuilt by shih huangdi, extends over 3000 miles, eide enough for chariots. biggest construction project ever.21
16974662wu timost famous han ruler. 140-87. supported confucionism.22
16974663central govwhere the gov isnt run by city states, but opperates as one.23
16974664professional buerocracyyour trade is being government.24
16974665confucianismthe teachings of Confucius emphasizing love for humanity25
16974666leaglismhated confuscianists. wanted to rule through force. thought nature sucked.26
16974667daoismphilosophical system developed by of Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu advocating a simple honest life and noninterference with the course of natural events27
16974668lao-zi6th century BC Chinese philosopher:reputed founder of Taoism28
16974669aryansConquered Indus River Valley & Ganges Plain29
16974670caste systema social structure in which classes are determined by heredity30
16974671vedasaryans holiest books (writtin in Sanskrit)31
16974672mahabraratagreatest epic poem of india. developed 1000-60032
16974673ramayandanother epic poem, about battles.33
16974674upanishadsmore poems, but with mystical-religious flavoring.34
16974675guptaa dynasty of N India (a.d. 320-540) whose court was the center of classical Indian art and literature. annnnnd under which the arts flourished and a unified code of laws was promulgated.35
16974676chandragupta mauryayoung soldier siezed control and stared the mauryans in 322.36
16974677ashokachandraguptas grandson. 269-232, unified india.37
16974678buddhismthe teaching of Buddha that life is permeated with suffering caused by desire, that suffering ceases when desire ceases, and that enlightenment obtained through right conduct and wisdom and meditation releases one from desire and suffering and rebirth38
16974679dharmamoral law. stresses inner study and meditation. you build divine essense.39
16974680siddhartha gautamaca. 563-483 B.C.E. IS BUDDHA. born a prince.40
16974681cyrus the greatking of Persia and founder of the Persian empire (circa 600-529 BC)41
16974682zoroastrianismsystem of religion founded in Persia in the 6th century BC by Zoroaster42
16974683city-statea city with political and economic control over the surrounding countryside43
16974684periclesAthenian statesman. He was the central ruler of Athens during its golden age. He was the central patron behind many of their achievements. He was also a very skilled speaker. tried to stop peloponesian wars44
16974685peloponesian wars431-404. athens vs. sparta fought for greece45
16974686spartacity that won the peloponesian war46
16974687alex the greatphillip of macedonias son. super great conquerer. died age 3347
16974688hellenisticrelating to or characteristic of the classical Greek civilization48
16974689roman empire550-47649
16974690punic wars3 wars. 264-146. romans vs phonecians. general was hannibal50
16974691carthagephoenician city, site of great battle51
16974692diocletianHe was a general that became emperor in A.D. 284, introduced reforms52
16975911socratesborn 469 in athens. encouraged people to question conventional wisdom53
16975912platoscorates' pupil. 3 perfect forms: true, good, beautiful54
16975913aristotlephilosopher. supported slavery55
16975914kushest 1000. indie nation along upper nile. briefly conquered egypt56
16975915axumbeat kush57
16975916ethiopiabeath axum58
16975917olmes1st america civ59
16975918maya2nd america civ60
16975919aztecs3rd american civ61
16975920hunnomadic warriors responsible for fall of rome62
16975921suibriefly ruled china63
16975922tangthe imperial dynasty of China from 618 to 90764
16975923bedouinsnomadic peoples. direct translation. from middle east.65
16975924meccaCity in western Arabia; birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad, and ritual center of the Islamic religion. (p. 230)66
16975925medina"city of the prophet"67
16975926muhammedin 1610, got message from allah to write the Koran68
16975927five pillars5 basic beliefs : Allah is the 1 and only god, Ramadan, giving of alms, praying 5 times a day, hajj69
16975928abu bakarmuhammeds bff. caliph 632-634.70
16975929umma'community of the faithful". muslim bonding.71
16975930alithe fourth caliph of Islam who is considered to be the first caliph by Shiites72
16975931umayyadmuhammeds clan. didnt want ali to rule73
16975932sunnisbacked the umayyyads.74
16975933shiabacked ali75
16975934mawalimuslim converts. not as good as the originals.76
16975935bhagdadnew capital of iraq77
16975936dhowships with triangle shaped sails78
16975937caliphateleader of muslims79
16975938buyidspersian invaders who invaded abbasid empire and captured bhagdad80
16975939seljuk turksgroup of nomads helped invade persia81
16975940christian crusadesknights from west europe. wnated holy land from muslims.82
16975941persiana very fertile land in the middle east. site of holy land.83
16975942Muhammad the GreatExtended the boundaries of the songyhay empire; Islamic rules of the 16th c.84
16975943Hausacombined muslin and pagan traditions, emerged following the demise of the songhay among the peoples or northern nigeria based on cites such as kano.85
16975944Hagia SophiaNew church that constructed in Constantinople during the rein of Justinian's.86

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