cards for classical china
590650007 | Civil Service System | system stating that officials should gain jobs by passing exams | 1 | |
590650008 | Confucius | founder of Confucianism | 2 | |
590650010 | Silk | most valuable Chinese product | 3 | |
590650013 | Great Wall of China | built by the Qin dynasty to protect against outside invaders | 4 | |
590650016 | Silk Road | trade route that connected China to the medditeranean | 5 | |
590650021 | Confucianism | 1. everyobdy should repect there elders/parents 2. a leader should be everthing he wants his people to be | 6 | |
590650025 | Daoism | 1. go with the flow 2. less focus on politics | 7 | |
590650029 | Legalism | 1. focused on strict punishment 2. people were scared of their rulers | 8 |