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World History Pre-AP Fall Review Flashcards

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275905129nomadsmember of a group that has no permanent name, wandering from place to place in search of food and H2O0
275905130pre-historyperiod of time before writing1
275905131Paleolithic PeriodPrehistoric--peroid of time in which people used stone tools and weapons2
275905132Neolithic Periodpeople learned to polish stone tools, make pottery,grow crops and raise animals3
275905133cities first emerged inRiver valleys4
275905134the First civilizaton was inthe Mesopotamia river valley5
275905135Mesopotamiafirst civilization located along the Tigris-Eurphrates rivers6
275905137Monotheismworshipping ONE god8
275905138city planning and plumbing expertsIndus valley civilizaation grid system9
275905139Oracle bonesanimal bones or tortoise shells used by ancient Chines priests to communicate with ancient gods10
275905140Mandate of Heavenin Chinese history,the divine apporval thought to be the basis of royal authority11
275905141theocracygovt controlled by religious leaderss12
275905142pharohking of ancient Egypt, considereda god as well as apolitical +military leader13
275905143Pyramidsbuilt in Egypt as tombs for Pharohs14
275905144Mummificationporcess of drying corpses to prevent decay15
275905145polytheismworshippping more than one god16
275905146Hieroglyphicsegyptian writing systme where picttures represented symbols or ideas17
275905147Hammurabi's CodeMOST FAMOUS early code of law in Babylon18
275905148Important geography of Greeceseparated by mountains +hills---no place more than 85 miles from the sea19
275905149PolisGreek city-state20
275905150Acropolisa fortified hilltop in an ancient Greek city21
275905151Democracygovt controlled by its citizens either directly or through representatives22
275905152Oligarchygovt in which power is in hands of a FEW people--esp in whch one rule is base upon wealth23
275905153Nike of Saothracestatue of a goddess24
275905154Hippocratesfather of medicine--Hippocaratic oath25
275905155Herodotusfather of History26
275905156Socratesquestioned conventionala wisdom to improve the soul27
275905157Aristotlestressed moderation and balance in behavior--wrote on logic and experimentattion28
275905158Platodecrase importance of spirituality , increase importance of human thinking (similar to Confuscius29
275905159PythagorasPythagorean theorem30
275905160differnces between Sparta and AthensSparta--create a good soldier,learned to fight,weak babies left to die---travel FORBIDDEN AThens---create a good citizen beatuiful , hate what is ugly, reading, writing,arats were IMPT31
275905161Romulusaccording to mythology he named Rome32
275905162Plebiancommoners who pleaded for rights33
275905164Hannibalgeneral in Carthages army:hated Rome & sought to destroy it35
275905165Catosenator who wanted to destroy Carthage36
275905166Punic warsrome fought carthage & won dominance of the Mediterranean defeated Hannibals army37
275905167Julius Caesarbrilliant general--March 15 44 BCE conspirators assinated him38
275905168Pax Romanthe peace of Rome39
275905169Octavian(Augustus)Caesars heir--gets Rome40
275905170Rome fell in476 year41
275905171Roman Lawalways supreme;ruler governed , not personal whim,focus on laws:not bureacracy, tolerated local & political diversity42
275905172Differences betw Roman Cath Church & Eastern Orthodox ChurchRC--latin Lang; POPE ruled:used icons EO--Greek lang43
275905173Iconsreligious image---Iconoclats--supporterrs of the emperor44
275905174JUSTINIAN;S codecivil law;uniform code that regulated marriage, slavery, property,womens rights45
275905175Iconclatic controversyicon breaker46
275905176Constantinople fell in1453 to the OTTOMAN Turks47
275905177New RomeConstantinople fell in 145348
275905178IVAN IIIIvan the Great first CZAR of Russia--kicks Mongols out49
275905179Saint CyrilCyrillic alphabet created for Russians50
275905180Third RomeMoscow51
275905181Mongolsnorsmen from central Asia made heir way ato Russia under the rule Ghengus Khan52
275905182Muhammadborn in Mecca---only one god (allah)53
275905183Hajjpilgrmage to Mecca;holy duty to Muslims54
275905184Qu'ranholy book of Islam55
275905186MosqueIslamic place of worship57
275905187Meccawhere Mohammad was born58
275905188MedinaMuhammaed ycreated an agreement that aligned his own people with arabs & Jews as a single community59
275905189Jerusalemholy city in Israel60
275905190Kaab ablack Mystical box in Mecca--most holy location in Islam61
275905191Five Pillars of Islamfaith,prayer,charity fasting, Pilgramage62

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