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World History - Unit 1 Flashcards

This is for World History - Unit 1

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680801453democracythe process of creating a government elected by the people
680801454direct democracya form of government in which citizens participate in the government
680801455republica form of government in which powers rest with citizens who have the right to elect the leaders who make governmental decisions
680801456Twelve Tablesan important victory for the Plebians - it was forcing creation of a written law code
680801457Qur'anthe holy book of Islam is called the Qur"an
680801458Diasporawas when Jews were expelled from their homeland to many parts of the world where they shaved their bellies and spread Christianity and Judaism
680801459Renaissancein the 1300's a brilliant cultural movement arose in Italy over the next 300 years - it spread to the rest of Europe and helped develop the printing process
680801460humanisman intellectual movement thr focused on human potential and achievements
680801461secularthe basic spirit of Renaissance society
680801462patronchurch leaders during the Renaissance who beautified Rome and other cities by spending huge amounts of money on art
680801463perspectiveshows three dimensions on a flat plane
680801464vernacularDante's native language instead of Latin
680908646Explain how a republic is different from a direct democracyA republic is where the citizens elect leaders to make decisions.In a direct democracy the citizens participate directly in the government.
680908647What did the Jews teach about the responsibilities of the individual and community to combat injustice?Each person is responsible for their own choices. Each person has dignity that can never be taken away.
680908648Explain why Italy was the birthplace of the RenaissanceItaly was the birthplace of the Renaissance because it helped the development of the printing press
680908649Explain what it meant to be a Renaissance manTo be a Renaissance man meant a man who excelled in many fields
680908650Describe the focus of the northern RenaissanceThe focus of the northern Renaissance was to inspire people to live a Christian Life
680908651Explain the importance of the printing press in spreading ideasThe printing press helped spread ideas in Europe because of the many languages
680908652Periclesincreased the number of paid public officials and paid jurors, which enabled poorer citizens to participate in the government
680908653Leonardo da Vincian Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist; he was considered a true Renaissance man; he painted the Mona Lisa
680908654PlatoGreek Philosopher who felt that society should be governed by philosophers-kings; he wrote The Republic
680908655Niccolo MachiavelliA Renaissance writer who wrote "The Prince" in which he examined how a ruler can gain power and keep it in spite of his enemies
680908656Johann Gutenbergdeveloped the printing press, making it possible to produce books quickly and cheaply
680908657Thomas MoreA Christian Humanist of the Northern Renaissance; wrote "Utopia" about an imaginary land without greed, corruption, and war
680908658SolonPassed a law outlawing slavery based on debt;established four classes of citizenship based on wealth rather than heredity; created the Council of Four Hundred
680908659William Shakepearean Elizabethian Age writer whose works were inspired by the classics and displayed a deep understanding of human beings
680908660AristotleGreek Philosopher who examined the nature of the world and of human belief, thoughtm and knowledge; wrote politics
680908661Jan van Eyckused oil based paints to develop a new technique that created subtle colors in clothing and jewelry;his paintings displayed unusually realistic details and reveal the personality of his subjects
680908662Cleisthenesregarded as the founder of democracy in Athens;created the Council of Five Hundred that proposed laws and counseled the assembly
680908663Albrecht Durerproduced prints that portrayed religious subjects, classical myths, or realistic landscapes

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