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WORLD WAR 1-2 Flashcards

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159074900Long term causes of World War 1?Competition over the empire, Angelo-German rivalry over the empire, industrial competition, naval superiority, rising nationalism in Europe (especially in Balkans), and conflicting interests of Italy, Hungary, Russia, and Ottoman Empire in the Balkans0
159074901Where did World War 1 begin?In the Balkans1
159074902What sparked World War 1?The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne on June 28, 1914.2
159074903Who was the assassin of Archduke Francis Ferdinand?A Bosnian student of Serb descent3
159074904Austria blamed Serbia for:The murders, and used them as a pretext to humble its troublesome neighbors.4
159074905Austria's ultimatum to Serbia:A list of humiliating demands, and Austria threatened to declare war.5
159074906Russia played "Big brother" to what country?Serbia6
159074907What is the Blank Check?Germany supporting Austria7
159074908When did World War 1 begin?July 28, 1914 when Austria declared war on Serbia.8
159074909Who were the allies?Great Britain, France, Russia, (later the United States)9
159074910Who were the central powers?Germany and Austria10
159074911When did the United States join the allis?191711
159074912What is the Schlieffen Plan?Germany would send 75% of its army to France, in order to capture Paris and knock France out of the war in 6 weeks. The rest would defend Russia.12
159074913During the Schlieffen Plan, where did the French army make a heroic stand?The Marne river13
159074914Describe the Trench Warfare on the Western FrontArtillery, machine guns, and modern rifles. Horrific styles of combat. Consisted of 500 miles of trenches, bunkers, and barbed wire to separate the Germans from the Allied forces (stretched from the English Channel to Swiss border) Filled with lice, rats, disease, dead bodies.14
159074915What event in 1916 resulted in hundreds of thousands of casualties on the Western front?Battle of Verdun and Battle of Somme.15
159074916Describe the Eastern FrontMuch longer than the Western front (over 1000 mi) Serbia fell to the Austrians. Germans and Austrians moved quickly against the Russians. Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire joined the central powers - removing Russia from the allies.16
159074917Who used Submarines and how were they used?Germany, to do economic damage to Britain- island nation which could run out of food. Germany sank U.S ships in 1917 which brought the them into the war.17
159074918How were Africans involved in World War 1?Brought in by the French, Africans fought in the Western front. 2.5 million were involved.18
159074919Zimmerman telegram:Germany tried to convince Mexico to declare war in the United States. In 1917, the U.S declared war on Germany. The German goal was to transfer soldiers from the Eastern front to the Western front. Germans launched a massive offensive against France, hoping to take Paris. This attack was halted by the stand at the Marne River.19
159074920When did World War 1 end?November 11, 1918.20
159074921The nations of World War 1 drafted ___ men?More than 70 million21
159074922Women and the War effort:Served as truck drivers, farmhands, factory workers, and ammunition workers. In Britain, more than 1.35 million women who never worked before took jobs. In Germany, women made up 38% of the work force.22
159074923Woodrow Wilson's 14 points:Called for an end to secret treaties, freedom of the seas, free trade, arms reduction, decolonization, the rearrangement of European borders according to self determination of national groups, and the establishment of an international dispute resolution body called the League of Nations.23
159074924Paris Peace conference:Peace terms decided from 1919-1920. All decisions were made by the leaders of the allied nations. All delegated from the defeated Central powers were excluded. The allies drew up 5 treaties, one for each defeated power:Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Ottoman Empire. The most important was the Treaty of Versailles, signed by Germany on June 28,1919.24
159074925Who were the major people of the Paris Peace conference?President Woodrow Wilson-US,Prime Minister David Loyd George-Britain, Premier Georges Clemenceau-France, Prime Minister Vittoria Orlando-Italy.25
159074926What were the terms of the Treaties?Dismantling Austria-Hungary, New nations (Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia), Italy gains part of Austria, population transfer in the Balkans, Ottoman Empire stripped of Middle Eastern territories.26
159074927What was the Treaty of Versailles?Germany - blamed for the war, loss of territory (13%), loss of colonies, disarmament, war payments (32 billion) The harsh treatment of Germany would be a factor in the Rise of Hitler and World War 2.27
159074928Statistical costs of World War 1:10 million soldiers killed, 3-5 million civilians killed, 32 billion in cost.28
159074929Long term consequences of World War 1:Destruction of Eastern & Central European empires, instability in Eastern Europe, social and political transformation, further industrialization and modernization of European economics, women's suffrage, German resentment, General decline in European economic and global power, uncertainty and anxiety in European culture29
159093420The start of World War 2:Resulted from aggression on the Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and militaristic Japan.30
159093421AppeasementTerm meaning to let the aggressors have what they want.31
159093422The Axis AscendantDuring the first half of the wear, Axis powers were triumphant. The only major powers opposing Germany were France and Britain.32
159093423Technology of World Warr 2:Naval aircraft, long range submarines, new artillery, tanks, strategic bombers, jet crafts, synthetic materials (nylon), rocketry, atomic energy, computer science33
159093424How did World War 2 begin?With Germany's invasion of Poland in September 1939.34
159093425Blitzkrieg:German lightning war of using tanks and airplanes to penetrate deeply and quickly into enemry territory.35
159093426Sitzkrieg:Winter of 1939-1940 nicknamed Sitzkrieg, or phony war because Britain and France just waited for a German attack.36
159093427Germany's invasion of the Western front:Hitler launched his assult on western Europe. The next several months were successful. Denmark,Luxembourg,Belgium, and the Netherlands were all defeated in weeks/days.37
159093428Fall of France:Germans attacked France on May 10, 1940. By June 22, the largest and most powerful democracy in Europe surrendered.38
159093429The Battle of Britain:Germany concentrated its attention on Britain. Italy launched attacks in the Mediterranean trying to take Greece, Yugoslavia, and Egypt. Hitlers attempt to knock Britain out of the war failed.39
159093430What protected the British isles from actual invasion?The Royal Navy40
159093431Invasions in the East:Hitler shifted his focus from Britain to Eastern Europe. Rommel was sent to Africa to fight the British in Egypt.41
159093432Operation BarbarossaThe invasion of the Soviet Union. German invaded the Soviet Union, starting the largest ground war in history. 60-75% of German armed forces would be fighting on this eastern front. The Germans surrounded Leningrad, but did not get Moscow.42
159093433Japanese Aggression in Southeast Asia:Japan's eventual goal was to establish it's Greater East Asian co-Prosperity Sphere over the entire Chinese coast, all of SE Asia, India, Indonesia, Australia, and New Zealand. By 1941, Japan's takeover of Indochina and increased aggression toward SE Asia compelled the US to impose economic sanction on Japan.43
159093434Pearl Harbor:On December 7, 1941 Japan launched its surprise attack on the US naval installation at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The Japanese bombed and invaded US bases throughout the Pacific and on the Philippines. By 1942, the Japanese were masters of the South Pacific and South East Asia.44
159093435The shifting balance of World War 2:France dropped out and the US and USSR had joined in. The advantages were - geographic size, huge reserves of human power, large economies, and abundant natural resources.45
159093436The turning point of World War 2:Midway US navy destroyed a huge portion of Japanese aircraft carrier fleet, El Alamein- British drove back Rommel, Stalingrad- Soviets stopped Germans in the South46
159100039The shifting tide:Americans pushed the Japanese westward. Guerrilla uprisings in Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Philippines hurt Japan badly. Britain and America took control of North Africa and then used it as a platform which to invade Italy.47
159100040D day invasion:June 1944, British, Canadian, and American troops, ships, aircraft crossed the English Channel and landed on the coast of France.48
159100041War at sea and air:Submarine fleet became ineffective by 1943. Allies had complete control of the skies by late 1943. In 1944, US bombers were able to pound Japan from the air constantly.49
159100042End of World War 2:The Axis surrendered. Germany surrendered in May. Harry Truman chose to use the Atomic bomb against the Japanese. On August 6, the Enola Gay dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima which killed atleast 78000 people. On August 8, the second bomb was dropped on the port of Nagasaki. Japan surrendered on September 2nd.50
159100043War crimesThe red army committed many crimes-rape, plunder, wanton destruction of civilian property. The American and British policy of strategic bombing and the use of nuclear weapons. Japanese forces raped, pillaged, and butchered civilians in China. Prisoners of war were used as test subjects for scientific experiments (chemical weapons)51
159100044Nazi Atrocities in Germany:Germany secret police, concentration camps, euthanized medical patients with incurable diseases, eliminated homosexuals, mentally disabled, and political dissidents.52
159100045What law deprived all German Jews of their civil rights?Nuremberg Laws of 193553
159100046The Holocaust:Jews called in the Holocaust, Germans called it the Final Solution. Yellow stars worn by Jews, ghettos and concentration camps started forming. They had special action squads and cyanide-based insecticide Zyklon B. Of Europe's 11 million News, approximately 6 million were killed.54

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