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World War 2 Review Flashcards

Review for World War 2

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552262453Nonaggression pactJoseph Stalin's ten year agreement with Hitler in return of no Russia invasion while Hitler grants Stalin more territory. The secret part of the pact demonstrated that Germany and the Soviet Union agreed on dividing Poland between them, while agreeing that the USSR could conquer Finland , and the Baltic counties of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.
552262454BlitzkriegGermany's newest military strategy of Poland invasion. In addition this strategy was also classified as "lightning war." This involved fast-moving airplanes, tanks, and massive infantry forces.
552262455Charles de GaulleA French general who set up a government- in exile in London. He committed all his energy toward reconquering France. On a radio broadcast from England, he asked for any French to join him in resisting German
552262456Winston ChurchillThe new British prime minister who declared his nation will never give into the Nazis. In one of his speeches he declared, "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields, and in the streets.. we shall never surrender."
552262457Battle of BritainThis battle against Hitler continued until May 10, 1941. Due to British resistance, Hitler called off his attacks; instead he chose to focus on the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe. This battle demonstrated that Hitler wasn't indestructible, but his attacks can be blocked.
552262458Erwin RommelThe general of the Afrika Korps, who was sent as a German tank force from Hitler in order to reinforce the Italians from Britain's invasion.
552262459Atlantic CharterBefore the U.S. entered the war, Roosevelt and Churchill secretly issued a joint declaration dubbed Atlantic Charter.
552262460Isoroku YamamotoJapan's greatest strategist and admiral who called for an attack at the U.S. Pearl Harbor located in Hawaii.
552262461Pearl HarborAn assault on the U.S. fleet in Hawaii from Japan on December 7, 1941. The impacts from this assault lead to 19 sunken U.S. ships including 8 battleships. More than 2,300 Americans were killed with over 1,100 wounded. Afterwards, President Roosevelt declared war on Japan.
552262462Battle of MidwayThis battle turned the tables of the war on the Pacific, due to the U.S.' accomplishment of wiping out 332 Japanese Planes, all four aircraft carriers, and one support ship. This forced Yamamoto to order his fleets to fall back.
552262463Douglas MacArthurThe commanding general of the Allied land forces in the Pacific, who created a plan to storm unarmed islands close to Japan by using the "Island Hop" tactic.
552262464Battle of GuadalcanalA six month battle taken place in Guadalcanal where U.S. were attempting to invade their airfield. These battles lead to savage risks on both land/sea. After Japan lost more than 24,00 forces of 36,000 soldiers, they abandoned the island and dubbed it "Island of Death."
552262465KristallnachtOn the night of November 9, Germany massacred close to 100 Jews which is dubbed "Night of Broken Glass."
552262466GhettosThese regions were segregated Jewish areas ordered by Hitler, who's intention was to leave them starving to death or by disease.
552262467Final SolutionHitler's plan of eliminating the Jews faster than watch them die slowly by starvation/disease.
552262468GenocideHitler's program which systematically kills an entire people.
552262469Battle of StalingradThis battle began on August 23, 1942; where Luftwaffe went on bombing raids to defend Stalin's city.
552262470Dwight D. EisenhowerAn American general who launched Operation Torch, which allowed more than 100,100 troops, composed of mostly Americans in Morocco and Algeria on November 8. This tactic crushed Rommel's Afrika Korps on May 1943.
552262471Battle on the BulgeA campaign of German pushing into Allied territory. On December 16, German tanks stormed through weak U.S. defenses along a 75-mile front in the Ardennes. Most likely, the U.S. eventually forced the German's out of their territory. Which forced the German's to retreat.
552262472KamikazesJapanese suicide pilots who fly airplanes into Allied Ships purposely.
552262473Nuremberg TrialsA trial of 22 Nazi leaders who were charged with creating a war with aggression. Who are also accused of committing crimes against humanity. Their arrogant drive leads to the murder of 11 million people. Hitler, SS Chief Heinrich Himmler, and Minister of Propaganda Jospeph Goebbels committed suicide before these trials took place. Hitler's former deputy Rudolf Hess was sentenced to life in prison. Commander of the Luftwaffe Hermann Goring received a death sentence but committed suicide. Ten other Nazi leaders were hanged on October 16, 1946.
552262474DemilitarizationUnder General MacArthur, he ordered to disband the Japanese armed forces in order to ensure peace. This left Japan with a small police force.
552262475DemocratizationThe process of creating a government elected by the people.
552262476HolocaustGermany's extermination of 6 million Jews, over 90% of Polish Jews (3 million) murdered due to the expansion of space required by Hitler; in order to spread his empire.
552262477D-DayAllies were able to liberate France, Belgium, and Luxembourg due to their heavy artillery on June 6, 1944. In additio allied forces were able to capture Normandy beaches as well.
552262478Battle of Leyte GulfThis battle occurred in the October 1944, due to the landing of Allie troops within the Philippines during the fall of 1944. Under the command of General Douglas McArthur, he was able to crush the Japanese navy. In return, the Japanese sent kamikazes afterward.
552262479Battle of AlameinDuring this battle, under General Bernard Montgomery's control, he was able to force the Germany army lead by General Erwin Rommel out of Egypt and back to the West.
552262480Operation TorchAllied forces lead by General Dwight D. Eisenhower landed within Morocco and Algeria. Thus Rommel's troops were finally forced out of Africa on May 1943.
552262481Invasion of ItalyAllied soldiers of America/Britain invaded Italy, which resulted in the capture of Sicily in August 1943. Therefore Mussolini was cut off from Italy's power along with the surrendering of the new Italian government.
552262482Propaganda campaigns on home frontsAmericans produced more weapons/equipment for the Allies during the war.
552262483Battle of OkinawaAllies capture japan's stronghold island along with Iwo Jima.
552262484What major victories did the Allies win?North African campaign, and the battle of Stalingrad.
552262485Name three events that led directly to Germany's surrender?D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, and Soviet troops surrounding Hitler's headquarters in Berlin.
552262486Name two events that led directly to Japan's surrenderAtomic Bombs in Hiroshima and Hydrogen bombs on Nagasaki.
552262487Bombing of Hiroshima/NagasakiJapan's surrendering due to the Atomic bombs in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 (over 75,000 die immediately). While the Hydrogen bombs in Nagasaki on August 9, 1945 (70,000 die immediately). which lead to Allie's victorious achievement of the war.
552262488What were the economic, political, and social effects of World War II?World war 2's economic resulted in hundreds of destroyed cities, political outcomes in the rise of communist parties, and socially all the nations were miserable.
552262489What were the conditions in Europe after World war 2?The outcome resulted in destroyed cities, disrupted agriculture, scarce amounts of food, and destroyed transportation.
552262490What were General McArthur's changes in Japan?His provisions of Japan lead to their governments elected by their people, farmers/workers gained more power, and workers allowed to create their own independent labor unions.
552262491Battle of the Coral SeaOn May 1942, Allies suffered heavy losses during this battle. Afterward, the Allies were able to stop the Japanese advance and save Australia.
552262492What countries lost territory to Japan in the war?Guam, Wake, Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaya, and Singapore.
552262493Name three Allied victories against Japan?Battle of the Coral Sea, Midway, and Guadalcanal.
552262494Fall of Southeast Asian coloniesJapan continued to strike at British Asian possessions. Japan seizes Burma, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaya, Philippines, and New Guinea.
552262495Why did Poland fall to the Germans so quickly?Hitler had a surprise attack on Sept. 1 1939. German tanks/trucks rumbled the Polish border. Along with the bombing of Poland's capital Warsaw.
552262496What happened on September 17, 1939?Stalin's invasion of eastern Poland after his secret agreement with Hitler. In addition Stalin began annexing the regions of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia covered in the second half of the contract.
552262497What countries did Hitler invade?He captured Greece and Yugoslavia in April 1941, parts of the Soviet Union, Denmark, and Norway.
552262498Red ArmyA Russian army that retaliated from Hitler's reign in the soviet union, in return they destroyed everything leaving nothing behind.
552262499Name two ways the U.S. aided the Allies?President Roosevelt allowed Britain/France to buy U.S. weapons, along with creating the Atlantic charter statement allowing free trade rights of people to form their own government.
552262500Japanese-AmericansJapanese-Americans face prejudice and fear within the U.S. Thus the governments created relocation camps for the sanctuary and protection of these citizens in Manzanar of Sierras.
552262501President Harry S. TrumanThe next president after Roosevelt ordered that atomic bombs are required to drop on Hiroshima/Nagasaki.
552262502Manhattan ProjectA secret program in developing Atomic bombs by Dr. Oppenheimer.
552262503Who were the Axis powers?Germany, Italy, Japan, Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Romania, and Yugoslavia.
552262504Who were the allies?Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, China, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, France, India, Iraq, Lebanon, Mexico, New Zealand, Paraguay, South Africa, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, and U.S.
552262505Why did Hitler persecute Jews?Jews were covered 1% percent within Europe. Which drove Hitler to strategically form tactics to expand his empire by eliminating them either by working/gassing/cremating them to death within concentration camps.
552262506Who were the main leaders of France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, and U.S.?The leaders of France was Charles de Gaulle, Germany's was Adolf Hitler, Italy was Benito Mussolini, Japan was Emperor Hirohito, and the U.K was Neville Chamberlain to 1940; until Winston Churchill took over from 1940. In the U.S. Franklin Roosevelt died in 1945, until Harry Truman took over in 1945 as leader.
552262507How long was World War 2?1939-1945
552262508What happened in the year of 1939?Germany invades Poland annexes Danzig; Britain and France gives Hitler ultimatum (Sept. 1), declare war (Sept. 3). Disabled German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee blown up off Montevideo, Uruguay, on Hitler's orders (Dec. 17). Limited activity ("Sitzkrieg") on Western Front.
552262509What happened in the year of 1940?Nazi invades Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg (May 10). Chamberlain resigns as Britain's prime minister; Churchill takes over (May 10). Germans cross French Frontier (may 12) using air/tank/infantry "blitzkrieg" tactics. Dunkerque evacuation > about 335,000 out of 400,000 allied soldiers rescued from Belgium by British civilian/naval craft (May 26-June 3). Italy declares war on France and Britain; invades France (June 10). Germans enter Paris city undefended (June 14). France and Germany sign armistice at Compiegne (June 22). Nazi bomb Conventry, England (Nov. 14).
552262510What happened in the year of 1941?Germans launch attacks in Balkins. Yugoslavia surrenders- General Mihajlovic continues guerrilla warfare, Tito leads left-wing guerrillas (April 17). Nazi tanks enter Athens; remnants of British army quit Greece (April 27). Hitler attacks Russia (June 22) Adriatic Charter-FDR and Churchill agree on war aims (Aug. 14). Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor, Philippines, Guam force U.S. into war, Pacific fleet crippled (Dec 7). U.S. and Britain declare war on Japan. Germany and Italy delcare war on U.S; Congress declares war on those countries (Dec 11).
552262511What happened during the year of 1942?British surrender Singapore to Japanese (Feb 15). Roosevelt orders Japanese and Japanese Americans in Western U.S. to be exiled to relocation centers, many for the remainder of the war (Feb 19). U.S. forces on Bataan peninsula in Philippines surrendered (April 9). U.S. and Filipino troops on Corregidor island in Manila Bay surrenders to Japanese (may 6). Village of Lidice in Czechoslovakia razed by Nazis (June 10). U.S. and Britain land in French North Africa (Nov. 8).
552262512What happened during the year of 1943?Casablanca Conference-Churchill and FDR agree on unconditional surrender goal (Jan 14-24). German 6th Army surrenders at Stalingrad- turning point of war in Russia (Feb 1-2). Remnants of Nazis trapped on Cape Bon, ending war in Africa (May 12). Mussolini desposed; Badoglio named premier (July 25). Allied troops land on Italian mainland after conquest of Sicily (Sept. 3). Italy surrenders (Sept 8). Nazis seize Rome (Sept. 10). Cairo Conference: FDR, Churchill, Chiang Kiashek pledge defeat of Japan, free Korea (Nov. 22-26). Tehran conference: FDR, Churchill, Stalin agreed on invasion plans (Nov. 28-Dec. 1).
552262513What happened during the year of 1945?Yalta agreement signed by FDR, Churchill, Stalin- establishes basis for occupation of Germany, returns to Soviet Union lands taken by Germany and Japan; USSR agrees to friendship pact with China (Feb. 11). Mussolini killed at Lake Como (April 28). Admiral Doenitz takes command in Germany; suicide of Hitler announced (May 1). Berlin falls (May 2). Germany signs unconditional surrender terms at Rheims (May 7). Allies declare V-E Day (May 8). Potsdam Conference - Truman, Churchill, Atlee (after July 28), Stalin establishes council of foreign ministers to prepare peace treaties; plan German postwar government and reparations (July 17-Aug. 2). A-Bomb dropped on Hiroshima by U.S. (Aug. 6). USSR declares war on Japan (Aug.8). Nagasaki hit by A-Bomb (Aug. 9). Japan agrees to surrender (Aug. 14). V-J day- Japanese sign surrender terms aboard battleship Missouri (Sept. 2).
552262514What were the causes of World war 2?Russia taken over by Stalin in 1920. Mussolini becomes dictator of Italy in 1922. Japan is taken over by Warlords in 1922. Japanese invade Manchuria in 1931.

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