The ENTIRE set!
100024874 | a capella | (Italian, from Latin) Singing without musical accompaniment NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 0 | |
100024875 | status quo | (Latin) "the condition in which"; present condition; the state of affairs up to now NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 1 | |
100024876 | kahuna | (Hawaiian) boss, person in charge NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 2 | |
100024877 | du jour | (French) of the day NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 3 | |
100024878 | a la carte | (French) of a restaurant meal - having unlimited choices with a separate price for each item NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 4 | |
100024879 | a la mode | (French) with ice cream on top or on the side or in fashion, of the moment and stylish NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 5 | |
100024880 | élan | (French) distinctive and stylish elegance NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 6 | |
100024881 | éclat | (French) great brilliance, as of performance or achievement; conspicuous success NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 7 | |
100024882 | a priori | (Latin) derived by logic, without observed facts; from what preceeds NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 8 | |
100024883 | ennui | (French) the feeling of being bored by something tedious NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 9 | |
100024884 | ad hoc | (Latin) often improvised or impromptu; put together for a specific purpose NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 10 | |
100024885 | faux pas | (French) a slip in manners or conduct; a social blunder; something to be embassed by doing NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 11 | |
100024886 | aficionado | (Spanish) an enthusiastic and usually expert follower or fan of a hobby NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 12 | |
100024887 | ad nauseum | (Latin) to the point of sickness or a disgusting degree because something goes on and on NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 13 | |
100024888 | ersatz | (German) an artificial or inferior substitute or imitation NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 14 | |
100024889 | fiasco | (Italian) a complete failure NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 15 | |
100024890 | ad lib | (Latin) without advance preparation NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 16 | |
100024891 | al dente | (Italian) "to the tooth"; used to describe a food, usually pasta, that is cooked only until it gives a slight resistance when one bites into it NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 17 | |
100024892 | honcho | (Japanese) person in charge; leader; chief; boss NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 18 | |
100024893 | alma mater | (Latin) the school or college from which one graduated; nurturing mother NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 19 | |
100024894 | et cetera | (Latin) and the rest (etc.) NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 20 | |
106379765 | alter ego | (Latin) other self NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 21 | |
106379766 | gratis | (Latin) without payment; free of charge NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 22 | |
106379767 | amuck / amok, to run | (Malay) furious attack; in a murderous frenzy NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 23 | |
106379768 | gauche | (French) lacking in social graces, tactless, clumsy NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 24 | |
106379769 | incognito | (Italian) in a disguised state, under an assumed name or identity; the state of being disguised; a person in disguise NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 25 | |
125818251 | al fresco | (Italian) in the open air; outdoors; in the cool NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 26 | |
125818252 | hoi polloi | (Greek) the many, common people, the masses, (like latin: civitas) NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 27 | |
125818253 | hubris | (Greek) excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance; insolence NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 28 | |
125818254 | angst | (German) a feeling of dread, anxiety, or anguish NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 29 | |
125818255 | apropos | (French) fitting the occasion; suitable or apt; on the occassion NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 30 | |
125818256 | incommunicado | (Spanish) unable, unwilling or not allowed to communicate with others NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 31 | |
125818257 | berserk | (old Norse) Norse warriors, called bear shirt, legendary for working themselves into a frenzy before a battle and fighting with reckless savagery and insane fury; going crazy or insane NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 32 | |
125818258 | joie de vivre | (French) a delight in being alive; keen, carefree enjoyment of living NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 33 | |
125818259 | bijou | (French) a jewel ; something small, delicate, and exquisitely wrought NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 34 | |
125818260 | kaput | (Germain) ruined; done for; demolished. unable to operate or continue NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 35 | |
125818261 | blasé | (French) indifferent, bored as a result of having enjoyed many pleasures; apathetic NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 36 | |
125818262 | karma | (Sanskrit) all the actions of a person's life that affect his or her life in the future NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 37 | |
150239674 | bon mot | (French) clever saying; witty remark NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 38 | |
150239675 | kudos | (Greek) an expression of approval and commendation NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 39 | |
150239676 | bourgeois | (French) middle class; selfishly materialistic; too interested in material possessions NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 40 | |
150239677 | laissez faire | (French) idea that government should play as small a role as possible in economic affairs NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 41 | |
150239678 | brio | (Italian / Spanish) quality of being active or spirited or alive and vigorous; power, strength, force NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 42 | |
150239679 | magnum opus | (Latin) the greatest work of an artist, writer, or composer; a masterpiece NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 43 | |
150239680 | camaraderie | (French) quality of affording easy familiarity and sociability; trust and friendship NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 44 | |
150239681 | mea culpa | (Latin) an acknowledgment of your error or guilt; accepting fault and offering an apology NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 45 | |
150239682 | carpe diem | (Latin) "Seize the day"; a Latin phrase implying that one must live for the present moment, for tomorrow may be too late. NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 46 | |
150239683 | modus operandi | (Latin) method of operation - usually associated with the way a criminal carries out crimes NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 47 | |
150239685 | nota bene | (Latin) phrase (or its abbreviation -NB) used to indicate that special attention should be paid to something NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 48 | |
150239686 | moratorium | (Latin) a suspension of activity; an authorized delay NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 49 | |
150239687 | cause célèbre | (French) famous case in law that arouses considerable interest; issue, person, incident, or situation attracting much attention NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 50 | |
150239688 | caveat emptor | (Latin) let the buyer beware; the seller is not responsible for disclosing information; it is up to the buyer to find out NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 51 | |
150239689 | nom de plume | (French) pen name; pseudonym NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 52 | |
150239690 | c'est la vie | (French) that's life or such is life NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 53 | |
150239691 | non sequitur | (Latin) a reply or remark that has no relevance to what preceded it; something that does not follow logical thought NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 54 | |
150239692 | coup de grâce | (French) finishing stroke; blow that ends suffering; the final blow to someone who is already down NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 55 | |
150239693 | outré | (French) Deviating from the usual or proper; eccentric; outlandish; unconventional, bizarre NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 56 | |
150239694 | de rigueur | (French) strict etiquette, very formal, in good taste at the moment NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 57 | |
150239695 | panache | (French) a confident and stylish manner, dash; a strikingly elaborate or colorful display NOT PRINTABLE FOR REQUIREMENT | 58 | |
298435800 | per se | with respect to its something's nature; respect to itself | 59 | |
298435801 | quid pro quo | something given in exchange or return for something else; this for that | 60 | |
298435802 | carte blanche | full freedom or authority to act at one's own discretion | 61 | |
298435803 | rigor mortis | temporary stiffness of joints and muscular rigidity occurring after death | 62 | |
298435804 | déjà vu | the experience of thinking that a new situation had occurred before | 63 | |
298435805 | sic | intentionally so written (used after a printed word or phrase); command to an animal | 64 | |
298435806 | quasi | resembling; seeming; half; almost | 65 | |
298435807 | pro bono | done for the public good without payment | 66 | |
298435808 | dues ex machine | Latin for "God in the machine" in ancient Greek theater sometimes gods were lowered from the roof by mechanical devices to set matters right among the mortals below. Using something improbable or unexpected to solve a problem | 67 | |
759762953 | prima donna | principal female singer in an opera; high strung, vain, or extremely sensitive person | 68 | |
759762954 | denouement | the final resolution of the main complication of a literary or dramatic work | 69 | |
759762955 | post mortem | Occurring or done after death. Of or relating to a medical examination of a dead body. | 70 | |
759762956 | placebo | fake medicine; a fake remedy | 71 | |
759762957 | persona non grata | a person who for some reason is not wanted or welcome; usually in another country | 72 |