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Worlds Apart: The Americas and the Oceania Flashcards

Ch. 17 of Traditions and Encounters: A Brief Global History 2nd. Edt.

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275695727Aboriginal PeoplesIndigenous peoples of the Australian continent.0
275695728ali'i nuiHawaiian class of high chiefs.1
275695729ayllucommunities that consisted of several families who lived together, sharing land, tools animals, crops, and work. (similar to the Mexica Calpulli)2
275695730AztecCentral American empires constructed by the Mexica and expanded greatly during the fifteenth century during the reigns of Itzcoatl and Motecuzoma.3
275695731CahokiaLarge structure in modern Illinois that was constructed by the mound - building peoples; it was the third largest structure in the America's before the arrival of the Europeans.4
275695732calpulliAn organizational unit and geographical area of the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan. r5
275695733ChimuPre - Incan South American society that fell to the Incas in the late 15th century.6
275695734chinampa systemStyle of agriculture used by Mexica (Aztecs) in which fertile muck from lack bottoms was dredged and built up into small plots.7
275695735CuzcoA town in the Andes in Southern Peru; former capital of the Inca empire.8
275695736HuitzilopochtliSun God and patron Deity of the Aztecs.9
275695737IncaPowerful South American empire that would reach its peak in the fifteenth century during the feigns of Pachacuti Inca and Topa Inca.10
275695738Intithe sun god and major deity of the Inca.11
275695739IroquiosEastern American Indian confederations made up of the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca tribes.12
275695740kapuHawaiian concept of something being taboo.13
275695741maraePolynesian temple structure.14
275695742MexicaAn indigenous people of the Valley of Mexico who became the rulers of the Aztec empire.15
275695743NahuatlAncient language of the Valley of Mexico, and language of the Aztec empire.16
275695744Nan MadolPlace of a massive stone palace and administrative center.17
275695745NavajoNative American group that settled in what is now Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah.18
275695746PachacutiRuler of the Inca society from 1438 to 1471, whose military campaigns greatly extended Inca control.19
275695747Polynesiansmariners who sailed to discover islands such as Tahiti, Hawaii, and New Zealand; domesticated new foods such as the sweet potato.20
275695748PuebloNative American groups native to what is now the southwestern United States, called such because they lived in communal adobe homes called pueblos.21
275695749QuechuaSouth American ethnic group of Peru who were once the ruling people of the Inca empire.22
275695750QuetzalcoatlAztec god, the "feathered serpent," who was borrowed originally from the Toltecs; was believed to have been defeated by another god and exiled, and he promised to return.23
275695751quipuIncan mnemonic aid comprised of different colored strings and knots that served to record events in the absence of written text.24
275695752TenochtitlanCapital city of the Aztec empire, later Mexico City.25
275695753TeotihuacanCentral American society (200 B.C.E - 750 C.E.); its Pyramid of the Sun was the largest structure in Mesoamerica.26
275695754TezcatlipocaA central deity in the Aztec religion.27
275695755ToltecsCentral American society (950 - 1150) that was centered around the city of Tula.28
275695756ViracochaA deity in the Inca religion believed to have been responsible for the creation of civilization.29

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