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WWII, the Great Depression and Totalitarianism Flashcards

AP World History - Mrs. Wilson.

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97062167The Causes of the Great Depression- Improvements in industrial processes reduced need for raw materials (increase in supplies and drop in prices). - Overproduction and falling prices in agriculture. - Buying on margin. - Crash of 1929.0
97062168The Effects of the Great Depression- Decrease in buisiness activities, wages and employment. - German mark inflation. - Smoott-Hawley Tarriff. - Worldwide trade decreased by sixty-five percent.1
97062169Overproduction- Europe's agricultural output declined, farmers in the United States, Canada, Argentina and Austrailia expanded output. - Above-average global harvests from 1925-1929. - Production increased, demand declined, money collapse. - Farmers impoverished, dismissed workers.2
97062170Buying on MarginPurching stock with a little money down with the promise of paying the balance at sometime in the future.3
97062171Stock Market Crash- Boom at the beginning. - Black Thursday (October 24th) investors over-extended, lost life savings, eleven committed suicide, lenders called in loans (sold securities at any price).4
97062172Economic ContractionA slowdown of the economy characterized by a decline in spending and during which businesses cut back on production and lay off workers.5
97062173Popular Front- A leftist coalition organized against a common opponent. - The French government response to the Great Depression. - Ended in 1938 after attack by conservative army.6
97062174French Government Response to Great Depression- Popular Front of 1936. - Unable to take strong measures of social reform. - Popular Front leaders attacked by conservative army leaders in the Spanish Civil War, had to pull back, and the Popular Front fell in 1938.7
97062175British Government Response to Great Depression- Increased government spending. - New levels of insurance -- illness and unemployment. - Industrial sectors under businessmen.8
97062176United States Government Response to Great Depression- New Deal (Roosevelt).9
97062177Weimar Republic Response to Great Depression- German Reich. - Hyperinflation, unemployment, large drop in living standards. - Heavily dependent on American loans, repay debts.10
97062178Smoott-Hawley Tariff- Sponsored by United States Senators Reed Smoot and Willis C. Hawley. - June 17, 1930. - Raised tariffs on over 20k imported goods. - Reduced American imports and exports by over half.11
97062179The New Deal- More direct aid to Americans -- increased unemployment benefits, social security system, protected unemployed and elderly. - Economic plan for industrialization and agriculture. - Install regulations for money. - Government and military went up, confidence increased in political system.12
97062180AppeasementConcessions to Germany by Chamberlain.13
97062181Blitzkreig- Lightning war. - Sudden victories for Germany (took Poland, Netherlands, Denmark and Belgium).14
97062182Vichy France- Limited autonomy, but allowed French to collaborate with Germans.15
97062183Battle of BritainAn aerial battle fought in World War II in 1940 between the German Luftwaffe (air force), which carried out extensive bombing in Britain, and the British Royal Air Force, which offered successful resistance.16
97062184Non-Agression PactGermany (Hitler) and Russia (Stalin) agree not to declare war on each other in 1939.17
97062185North Africa Campaign- Attempt to get Germans out of North Africa; Patton vs. Rommell; pushed Germans out of Tunisia back up into Italy. - Operation Torch.18
97062186US Entry into War- Provided war materials. - Industrial something? - Too much for Germans to handle. - "Liberty ships".19
97062187Three-Prong Attack Against Germany- Russia territory Stalingrad, Germans failed counterattacks and were forced back. - US and Britain attacked through Italy. - French 1943 Royal Air Force.20
97062188Holocaust- Jew genocide, more than a million dead by SS Einsatzgruppen. - Concentration camps, biggest Auschwitz in Poland.21
97062189Anti-SemitismPrejudice against Jews.22
97062190"Stab-in-the-Back"- Germans were told that they were winning, but eventually they surrendered. - Germans felt that they were lied to.23
97062191Nuremburg LawsInternational court, crimes against humanity.24
97062192Final SolutionThe Nazi program of exterminating Jews under Hitler.25
97062193Pacific Asian Theater"Tokyo Rose" spoke English.26
97062194Pearl HarborUnited States military base on Hawaii that was bombed by Japan, bringing the United States into World War II. Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7, 1941.27
97062195Resistance MovementsCampaigns of sabotage, armed assaults on occupation forces, and assassinations.28
97062196Manhattan ProjectCode name for the secret United States project set up in 1942 to develop atomic bombs for use in World War II.29
97062197Effects of WWIImages of peace, sixty million deaths, refuge, treaties and pacts.30
97062198TehranAnother conference between the three powers.31
97062199YaltaWhen FDR, Churchill, and Stalin meet; they agreed to wage war on Japan, to divide Germany into four equal parts, on the big five's veto, and to hold free elections for the liberated countries.32
97062200PotsdamThe place at which the three allied leaders, Truman, Stalin, and Atlee, met to discuss the distribution of Germany and the ultimatum that they would issue to Japan demanding thier immediate surrender.33
97062201Marshall PlanA United States program of economic aid for the reconstruction of Europe (1948-1952).34
97062202COMECONThe Council for Mutual Economic Assistance; Soviet dominated group that provided resources to Soviet countries; ends in 1991.35
97062203Truman DoctrinePresident Truman's policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism or totalitarian ideology.36
97062204ContainmentPrevent Soviet influence.37

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