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Interracial marriage/dating

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pianogirl2422's picture
Joined: Mar 2005

I don't mind being a bit off topic, but this looks like it could snowball into something bigger. Soooo, if you guys would please continue the gay marriage discussion in the [URL=http://www.course-notes.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1892]Gay Marriage Thread[/URL], that would be awesome.

[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It

bebeswe3tz's picture
Joined: Jun 2007

bassoonist@large: I don't see any problem with interracial marriages. My mom opposes it, but it doesn't matter to me. But since it's already a decided debate, I'm not going to bother much.

As for the gay thing, well, it'd be really hard to have a GSA in my school. It's
borderline suburb and rural and they totally oppose of it. (I live in a state in the Bible Belt, to be exact, Georgia)I find it pretty funny because I've met more gay people living here for two years than I did in Atlanta all my life. Heh. I'm more a neutral on this. If they want to be together, fine. It's their life, they can live it as they want. As long as it isn't some sort of secret cult that's out to destroy the world, I'm fine.
I just feel sorry for them when they get picked on. I hang around them too much. (I'm straight though.) If the gay person in question's my friend, I will go to their defense because they're my friend. The details doesn't matter to me, if it's my friends being picked on, the bully is as good as dead. ^^ So although I'm neutral on this, I can't help but sympathize for them.

Well, I am also straight, but I am in Cali and it's near San Jose and San Francisco where all the Gay Straight Organizations are...and yes, I have seen a lot of gay and lesbian people...my friends!! teehee, you should try to start the trend...if the other people around you try to discriminate it, shout in their face, I Don't Care (I just don't want to get you beat up though..:D )
I don't understand why people would be so nosy and annoying about an issue that isn't their right to control, it's up to the couples that want to be together, not the society's choice upon the issue!

And, once again, I have to agree with Zasch...a marriage should be between the couple that is in love, why should one turn against them and become hostile towards them for having a gay or interracial marriage?

And, pg, we'll try to move it over to the gay marriage thread...just for you!

[=2][I][=Comic Sans MS]Smile and stay happy, there'll always be someone out there that's waiting to care for you. Even when life gets hard, all you have to do is try even harder!

[=Teal]Work hard, but let's play h

Zasch's picture
Joined: May 2007

Gwino wrote:
(haha, a lil comic relief never hurt anyone)

Neither does defending your viewpoint using logic and reason.
I mean, you could at least give some support for your position.

Aaronroxx's picture
Joined: Jan 2008

Here's how I see it (it being interracial relationships and not homosexual relationships):

If you're involved in an interracial relationship, you will either love your partner more than your own self-image or you will care more about yourself than about love. The answers for both of those are obvious. If you're not in a controversial relationship, why does it matter? When I was in debate and I first encountered this topic, my starting question was a confused but quite serious "Are interracial relationships illegeal?" After I got that out of the way, this entire debate seems utterly pointless. There's no actual defense or attack; you're either a racist or a racist of racists. If a dude chooses to be rude to girls who dig men of different races, that's just one less girl he will ever date. Convincing these racists to not be racist is kind of like convincing a preacher to not practice his religion. If idiots want to act like idiots, let them and you'll save yourself from wasting words.

Zasch's picture
Joined: May 2007

Aaronroxx;68661 wrote: not homosexual relationships):


Aaronroxx's picture
Joined: Jan 2008

Zasch;68663 wrote:Why?
This is actually a nice question. When I typed it, I was meaning to regress back to the original topic of interracial relationships and attached the "...not homosexual..." bit for clarification. Looking back, all I can say is whoops. My bad. :o Just tossing out a BTW, my view regarding homosexual relationships is the same.

Zasch's picture
Joined: May 2007

Well, that doesn't make for a very fun debate. :(

Aaronroxx's picture
Joined: Jan 2008

Zasch;68700 wrote:Well, that doesn't make for a very fun debate. :(
Oh, wow. For debate's sake then, please allow me to urinate on my morals. Here goes nothing. Ahem.

Gay people are just that, GAY--not in the happy traditional sense mind you, but in the most offensively vulgar sense a word can be used to define any individual. To clarify, I'm talking about the immature middle school definition of homosexuality or the Klan's definition of homosexuality--the bloody best definitions of homosexuality. With that clarified, gay people are gay in every way possible.

Before I proceed, I want you to get some grasp of where this definition is coming from. When you read “immature middle school”, you probably thought that it was satire. With that amount of absurdity, it must be! However I will assure you, it is far from silly comedy. Did you know that kids are the purest of minds, especially middle school students? Little children are actually unable to tell lies, proven countless times by so many different groups and individuals that naming just one would be impossible. Furthermore, by reading “immature”, most people would think negatively of the adjective, and they are wrong. Ought to be dead, wrong. Immaturity should not imply naivety but the brilliance of minds totally untainted by the corrupted beliefs of those liberal devils. Now, with that out of the way, back to my point.

Brace yourself for the Bible--real, bloody 100% proof straight from the highest law ever--directly states clearly and bluntly something along the lines of “Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve”. So what is wrong with Stevie Boy Wonder? I guess the answer here is obvious, but allow me to lay it out for the simple-minded: everything. Everything is wrong about Steve. Why? BECAUSE HE IS GAY. I thought we went over this already.

The way I see things, behind the awesome Hooters shirt I have pulled over my head and the layers of mentally hindering intoxication, gay people do have merit in this wonderfully unbiased country of ours: target practice and human test subjects—although being human is ethnically a stretch. However the first tends to be a waste of good ammunition that should be better used fired at thrown beer bottles and waterfowl; both of those actually move and require skill to shoot whereas homosexuals are too busy raping innocent men to move. The second option isn’t too good either as medicines that actual human men could withstand would obliterate the pain resistance of those pixies. Thus, there is only one solution to this upsetting problem of gay people running about.

I had a dream the other day which almost rivaled the dream of me getting an African-American carcass for Christmas from my daddy or my dream about lesbians. I dreamt that all gays were shipped to frolic on an island of fairy dust. Of course, then the island has to be nuked because everything on it would be diseased with homosexuality. I mean, if all gays were shipped to an island and then nuked, then we wouldn’t have AIDS. It was a moment of sheer brilliance.


kbrow's picture
Joined: Feb 2008

i think that yall are all right i have no problem with interracial anything. im black and i dated a white girl and i thin kit was fun. we were really close the only reason im speaking in the past tense is because i moved away form her and felt she was beautiful and didn't need to be latched down to a boyfriend that she wouldnt see often.

wow i dont even tpe this much for a school paper i guess yall can see where my priorities are

P.S. i may type like an unintelligent dingo but i really am pretty smart.

cubsfan5554's picture
Joined: Mar 2008

As a Child of an Interracial couple I’ve never understood why people have such a problem with it. If you truly believe that someone is the right person for you, how can you possibly refuse to marry because of race?! I think that these are things that (hopefully) will be removed from public opinion when our generation takes over and the segregated, divisive times of generations prior are left in the past.


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