Is religion an institution that provides for a solid base of strength; something in which a human being can never be let down by and therefor draw upon for strength? Or is it a corrupt institution that when involved within large sects of society breeds sectionalism and rebellion benifitting a 'higher good'?
Just want to know views on this 'secular institution'. Pecular do you mean secular?
it's not a cure all nor a downfall. it provides a certain faith and hope for the less fortunate, but to say that it "cures all" leads to an ignorance which kind of says "my religion does everything for me." But it's not like religion is a "corrupt institution" either because as a democracy, we go with the majority but we also protect the rights of the minority, which ensures that all religions are safe, and there *should be* no sectionalism nor rebellion
lol, you're asking whether religion is a conspiracy or a magic force that makes humanities problems vanish. The truth, as my teacher is constantly telling me, lies somewhere in the gray area. I seriously doubt that religion is a huge conspiracy, but it does not just make everything okay. Religion CAN NOT be used as an excuse for a person's actions. However, it is useful as a hope that people can always look towards if they can find none in life.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt" - Abraham Lincoln