Well, this thread would've been created sooner or later. That's just how it is!
Um, it's pretty self-explanitory. Just post your New Year resloutions here. Maybe explain why a little? I dunno.
Here's mine: I want to jump (with my horse, of course!) over 4ft this year. I've had a fear problem with jumping, and I WILL get over it:D
Also, I'm gonna try to freak out a lot less. If something goes wrong I'll relax, take a chill pill, and calmly fix it....I hope......:o
The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/
My main resolution is to produce and edit a segment for Alt.News 26:46 that is not only worthy of Emmy-nomination, but of winning an Emmy itself in the 2008 Emmy's.
I want to be able to jump 4 feet too, just without the horse. I'm 5'7" and I want to be able to dunk. I can do it on a 9 foot basket, but I can barely touch the rim of a 10' one, much less dunk on it.
other than that...
I made a destructive resolution. I decided that I want to just go to my local college because my town(BOULDER CO) absolutely rocks and I don't want to leave. Some people want to go off to college to get away from my parents. I want to stay here for college, and then have my parents go away...not going to happen but whatev. Now I'm not stressing about school anymore. I have almost reached the min requirements for automatic acceptance. makes everything run a lot better...I like it, and my parents can't complain because I'm going to stay in state, and my dad graduated from CU anyway. YEAH!!! w00t! I resolve to be a bad student!!
You know you're an AP student if...
you think studying is fun.
you constantly find yourself saying "we had homework?"
everything you know about sex, you learned in english class.
If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
i just wanna pass high school. i know if i make anyother resolutions i won't do them.
'Parody of an angel, miles above the sea. I hear the voice of reason,screaming after me:
"You've flown far too high child now you're too close to the sun,Soon your makeshift wings will come undone!"
But how will I know limits from lies if I never try?'
and become less OCD with certain stuff, like my hair and guys and junk.........
chessmaster1990 wrote:I want to stay here for college, and then have my parents go away...not going to happen but whatev.
That's horrible! x]
It's a little late but I resolve to be... rather continue to be...
( APUSH, AP Lang & Comp, APEuro*, AP Physics*, AP Chemistry* )
* current
that was my resolution last year!^^
'Parody of an angel, miles above the sea. I hear the voice of reason,screaming after me:
"You've flown far too high child now you're too close to the sun,Soon your makeshift wings will come undone!"
But how will I know limits from lies if I never try?'
I resolve to quit being tied for first in my class and actually make it there.
Lleu wrote:I resolve to quit being tied for first in my class and actually make it there.
Wish you the best of luck, although I don't think you need it.