ok so this guy and i dated for almost 6 months. he's an awesome person, but i found things out about him that i didnt particularly like. like the fact that he was super clingy, he was always there and it seemed like i never had alone time with my girl friends. he also made it a habit of having personal discussions in the hall at school. i broke up with him 2 months ago and we didnt talk for almost a month after. we've finally started talking again and i found out how much we really did talk and how much i relied upon him for the smallest things. he's had a girlfriend and broken up with her since we broke up and is now dating another girl who none of our mutual friends think is very good for him. i thought about it a lot and talked to my 2 best buds about it and i decided that i might want to try again. i told him and he was happy, eccept he's not the type of guy to break up with one girl for another, so he asked if i still felt this way when things ended between them if maybe i'd want to try then. i said yes i would wait but my one best friend says i shouldnt and the other says i should. help.
amo te, cordelia
"I'm not confused, I'm just well mixed." - Robert Frost
"If you feel like you're under control...you're not going fast enough." - Mario Andretti
"Roam this world, for it is yours to go insane in." -
you shouldnt. He a bastard if he wants a backup
thanks. i figured that out when i found out he talked to his mom about it and she is basically telling him what to do. that and the fact that he's made like some 'oath' that he'll never break up with a girl he even remotely likes. nice guy huh??
amo te, cordelia
"I'm not confused, I'm just well mixed." - Robert Frost
"If you feel like you're under control...you're not going fast enough." - Mario Andretti
"Roam this world, for it is yours to go insane in." -
Sounds like he has problems that he really needs to get fixed.....or something
The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/
yeah...i know that...my one best bud likes reminding me of that...
amo te, cordelia
"I'm not confused, I'm just well mixed." - Robert Frost
"If you feel like you're under control...you're not going fast enough." - Mario Andretti
"Roam this world, for it is yours to go insane in." -
Hey, that's what best friends are for, right? Keeping us humble...I know that when I was going out with my first boyfriend (I've had all of two...) she sat behind us in the movie theater and threw popcorn at us when we got too kissy-kissy. And she constantly reminds me of what an idiot I was to date the second one....ah well. At least you're out of the screwball relationship.
The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/
yeah...that is what best friends are for arent they? and i've had all of one boyfriend. this guy. my one best bud has done something like that popcorn thing. only hers was a shoe...gotta love best friends...
amo te, cordelia
"I'm not confused, I'm just well mixed." - Robert Frost
"If you feel like you're under control...you're not going fast enough." - Mario Andretti
"Roam this world, for it is yours to go insane in." -
I can see where he wouldn't want to break up with the girl just to go otu with another. Thats just mean.
i understand that too...but the new 'friends' he's gotten thru her are bad for him...like as in he's been to court TWICE since he met them...once for a speeding ticket (he'd never really sped before) and the other was for stealing some election signs...he didnt do anything but was there so he was punished too...
thats why i dont really like the fact that he's dating her...not really her just the people she's introduced him to...
amo te, cordelia
"I'm not confused, I'm just well mixed." - Robert Frost
"If you feel like you're under control...you're not going fast enough." - Mario Andretti
"Roam this world, for it is yours to go insane in." -
Wow, you are a really nice person. He messes up your relationship, make you go through all the secon-guessing, etc, and you're still looking out for him. Wish I could be more like that....
The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/
yeah...i'm protective...i guess it comes from my family...i'm like that with my friends too...like this one friend i have is totally naive...about everything and i look after her because i just have this feeling that she's gonna get hurt...
trust me...its not always a good thing tho...
amo te, cordelia
"I'm not confused, I'm just well mixed." - Robert Frost
"If you feel like you're under control...you're not going fast enough." - Mario Andretti
"Roam this world, for it is yours to go insane in." -