What kind of extra curriculars are everyone doing. They are my life force and the only thing keeping AP from killing me. They are all I do. My friends pretty much consist of all the people in the extra curricular activities. I do Academic Decathlon, Math Club, Italian Club, Knowledge Bowl, Chess Club, Sledding Club, Chinese Club, and Science Bowl :rolleyes: . What do you all do?
You know you're an AP student if...
you think studying is fun.
you constantly find yourself saying "we had homework?"
everything you know about sex, you learned in english class.
If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
President of Computer Club, P.A. Club (Sounds and Lighting), Mock Trial, Model U.N., FBLA, Chiefton (School Newspaper), Yearbook Commitee, National Honor Society, Art Honor Society, Mathletes, and Track and Field. Thats all me.
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cool. I wanted to join Model UN, but it is run by a dumbass teacher and she only takes her favorite students. I laugh at her, she applied to the school for money, but couldn't get any cuz she didn't allow all students to join. Now she's asking parents to donate in the school newspaper and newsletter. B.S. Dumbest thing ever. What are mathletes? That is what we were in middle school for math counts. I also do baseball, but I don't have enough time with all my other junk so I just play in the community league, it starts in the spring and its 3 times a week, no serious time commitment.
You know you're an AP student if...
you think studying is fun.
you constantly find yourself saying "we had homework?"
everything you know about sex, you learned in english class.
If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?