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Hurricane Wilma

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Armando's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

Well I have been staying at a friend's house for the past week and from what I have heard from my neighbors it seems we all got power back today. I am still at my friend's house and will be back tomorrow as my father isn't even in town so I can't really go home and be alone. SO yeah, I will be back posting and helping all of you real soon!!!!

BTW: S. FLorida got DESTROYED!

silentdragonzx's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

thats good news and bad...best of luck.......

xenahorse's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

Yeah, I hope your life improves soon. Best of luck!

The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/

dustpal's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

pssh....i still don't have power at my dad's house. Good thing i'm gone from there now...

Armando's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

lol, sucks for you Paul :P


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