Im 11th grade in HS. I know that junior year is bery important year in HS.
The problem is i cant study very many times. The reason is i cant stop play computer games or watching TV shows..
I uausally study at night untill 2:00a.m, cuz its better study at night for me, and i late to go to school..
I just cant stop these..
What should i do?? How can i fix this problem so i can study more??:(
Plz help me
Ah yeah I am in sort of the same boat as you. I get so distracted sometimes and I'm also in my junior year.
Erm well I would suggest doing your homework in a quiet place away from your computer if you can and the TV. Usually I go up into the attic and do the homework where I can concentrate better. If you have the sites with the games bookmarked, unbookmark them if it's in your toolbar so you'll be less likely to be distracted. Instead add bookmarks of reference sites like your teachers' websites.
If you feel like you're going to miss something important on TV then tape/TiVo it so you can watch it later when you've finished studying/homework. And finally try to set a goal of finishing homeworks in a certain amount of time with half an hour plus or minus so you can go to bed at a more reasonable time. If you do it in small chunks it won't seem as overwhelming as trying to figure out everything for all your subjects at the same time.
Yea, I do the same too. What I do is disconnect my computer down to the last cable. Then I take only that one textbook and that one notebook and lock myself in my closet or bathroom and study only one suject. If there's more subjects, I'd take a break between each subject for 30 minutes or so and play my instrument. If I don't play my instrument, then I'd probably still be watching tv after the 30 minutes is over. If you dont play an instrument, then do something like cleaning up for just 30 minutes. It's boring, but it'll pass the time. Then you may resume studying on the next subject.
And like SweetMisery said, record it if it's really important. It helps becuase you know you'll see it when you're done because you have it recorded. If you didn't record it, then there's the psychological build up that makes you feel like you'll go crazy because you missed it and you probably wont see it again. (my brother is like that, so I figure stuff out for him)
When you're done, you may go and watch it, but during commercial breaks, quiz yourself mentally on what you studied. The commercial breaks are long, so it'll work out.
capitalization? who the heck came up with this horrible rule?!
[=DarkOrange][=2]my ap equilavent courses:
ib art; ib math sl; ib english
I used to have that problem, but now I don't watch T.V. anymore, what I do is watch everything online (I know I probably shouldn't be advising this....). You can find just about every T.V. show online. Some stations like ABC have full episodes available online every week. Then you can watch it when you have time. And I also have to study away from my computer, if I don't I get sucked into games and forums and e-mail and shopping and comics and...well, there's alot of stuff to get sucked into. I actually developed study habits while watching T.V. - drove my mom nuts that I'd watch T.V. and study at the same time, but it did work for me. Music seems to be the better alternative now, although I'll occasionally switch on a movie I've seen a million times to study by...
[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It
DawnPrincess wrote:Im 11th grade in HS. I know that junior year is bery important year in HS.
The problem is i cant study very many times. The reason is i cant stop play computer games or watching TV shows..
I uausally study at night untill 2:00a.m, cuz its better study at night for me, and i late to go to school..
I just cant stop these..
What should i do?? How can i fix this problem so i can study more??:(
Plz help me
You Should Throw Ur Computer Away
My friend actually did dat once @_@ ,And as for your problem you should do ur HW and study right away when you get home , couz most likely good tv shows are shown at night and crappy ones in the afternoon so you probably dont want to watch does (such as retarted cartoons and MTV shows like I love newyork are shown...eww) and for comps.... well theres relly no cure for that but make it your motivation to finish you hw (ex: If i do all my Hw i get to play Halo 3 weeeee , etc) thats all i can say and it worked for me but if that doesnt help then you might want to considered throwing your computer away :D
Same prob! 'sposed to be doing a take home test for APUSH right now, hee hee. BUT- starting tomorrow, I will be on shiny new drugs- for ADHD. I'll post tomorrpw and let y'all know how it goes, mmkay? My doctor told me "Just for tomorrow, go home and do your homework right away, because it might wear off early if your dosage is too low." And I thought [I]yeah right...[I] but IDK, he seems to think it's a legit possibility- wouldn't that be fab??? 'Course... four years ago I was on drugs and HATED it... but that was Ritalin-type stuff, and this lot is completely new, so hopefully better.
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Force yourself. There is nothing that you can't do, you just don't do it. Shut down the TV, get rid of the game. I deleted all my games in my computer.
yeah i kinda do the same thing except what i do is all start reading and then i'll tap out drum beats and i keep on moving closer to my drums and know the rest.
but like what mostly everyone else has been saying, you cant get off task, force yourself. you kinda gotta get in the zone. its tough. just clear your mind i guess..
Straight Edge --
For Life
wow, i do this all the time. mostly on my computer; i don't watch much tv... but some days i don't even let myself turn on my computer if i don't need it for homework b/c i know i'll get distracted. and it's not always playing games either. i'll just waste time doing basically nothing. Aahh!