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Part-time jobs anyone?

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Greenlover17's picture
Joined: May 2008

Gotta agree with What on this one. A minimum wage job is completely worth it if you get good experience from it.

I, too, have been a stable hand like xenahorse since I was like five, but I haven't ever been paid for it.

Most teens your age can get a job in a grocery store, (like Effervescent mentioned) or at most fast-food restaurants. More relaxed restaurants like Crackers and Pic-A-Dillys will hire too.

Smaller business will usually hire as well, like house cleaning services, lawn care services, and mail-sorting services; sometimes people will hire 'personal secretaries', or a person who comes in and organizes her/his things on a weekly basis. Baby-sitting and pet-sitting are common areas that actually make decent pay. Paperboys never go out of style, either.

I advise against online jobs, only because too many are scams or have an involvement in illegal transportation of goods via unsuspecting 'employees' (ie, you).

I personally, am working as my mom's slave this year in her interiorscaping business as secretary, pest-management manager, and plant-mover/waterer/driver. So you could always work for your parents or your parent's company-if you can tolerate them as you boss and parent. I pray to god that I can survive my mom-she is such a perfectionist!

Happy job hunting.


Just Breathe...

A relationship is like a shark; it needs a constant current, or it stops living.

Curiouser and curiouser. ~ Alice, from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Rainfall may make


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