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So! Anyone overstuffing tonight?

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imkonadian88's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
So! Anyone overstuffing tonight?

tell us how your christmas dinner was..i love stories like this >_< cuz theres always something quirkly going on at christmas night (or is it just My family.. :confused:??? )


im overstuffing my family, but i might as well join in (hooray for sirloin roasts!)

for anyone and everyone reading this message, merry christmas! :rolleyes:

"You can do anything in this world if you are prepared to take the consequences." Somerset Maugham, British writer

xenahorse's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

Yeah, it's not just your family...but this didn't happen at Christmas Dinner (haven't had that yet...). Every Christmas Eve I mak a BIG dinner, French-style ('cause I like to cook), and this year things were going great, noteing burned, I didn't throw something neccisary away (one year I threw the stock for a stew I was making away...I added a whole bottle of red wine in it's place. That was int'resting), and everything was on time. Then my mom had an allergic reaction to some of the food. She swelled up, got dizzy, itchy, the whole shebang, right in the middle of 'The Felowship of the Ring'. Boy do I feel bad. Speaking of which, I gotta go. Tonight we're watching 'The Two Towers'....

The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/

imkonadian88's picture
Joined: Nov 2005

ooh french cookinG! id be very interested to know some recipes ;) i love cooking too

"You can do anything in this world if you are prepared to take the consequences." Somerset Maugham, British writer

pianogirl2422's picture
Joined: Mar 2005

My mom's the chef and she cooked for a solid week for Christmas lunch (which is lunch and dinner for the next week and a half). It was good, everything went alright (except for the prelenes, but she found the problem). The thing about Christmas at my house is that something bad generally happens. Usually (every year at this house in fact) my brothers forget to open the vent to the fire and we get a living room full of smoke. By some miracle, no smoke this year!!! Well, not from the fire place at least. We did manage to burn some greenery, but nothing too bad. At least we didn't have wine spilled on the beige carpet this year! :p

But yes, I did get stuffed. Then I went to my step-mother's-parents house and repeated the process. All in all, a great day! I hope yours were too.

[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It

xenahorse's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

It actually was. We just finished the 'Towers. Gotta love the extended version...

I also managed to knock over a glass of water onto the floor while in pursuit of a squirrel (outside of the house, but it's a long story. and embarassing), proceeding to drench my mother, and her precious floor in the process. We just got it put in, and mom is really protective of her bamboo wood floor. Add the fact that we do not have trim up yet, and you've got an interesting story...

But I also got what I had been wishing for as a present (even though I do have to help pay for it, but oh well!), so it was great. And my Mom's swelling has gone down.

I'm not too sure what I can do for you, imkonadian, 'cause I got all of my recipies out of a book, but I think I know of a good cooking site...and if not I'll give you the author's name/book title!

The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/

imkonadian88's picture
Joined: Nov 2005

can you give me both ;) that would be cool..ive always wanted to learn french cooking, although my family is not very fond ethnical(sp?) food other than italian (i.e. pizza, pasta) and korean (which is what we eat every day :S)

ah the bamboo wooden floor..my mom wants that in her future "dream house"..arent they really hard to maintain?

see everyone's christmas has somethin' goin' on :)

"You can do anything in this world if you are prepared to take the consequences." Somerset Maugham, British writer

xenahorse's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

Nope, the floor is wonderful, and is nice to maintain. It's just that we've been living on plywood for almost six years, so mom is a little, protective, of her new floor.

I'll keep lokking for those websites, I can't seem to find them...but the title of the book is "LaVarenne's Basic French Cooking" and it's by Anne Wilan. It is really good- plenty of hard recipies with some easy ones, and explinations of how to do certain things. Have fun finding it! And belated Merry Christmas.

The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/

imkonadian88's picture
Joined: Nov 2005

;) well thanx! i'll have fun with the recipes

"You can do anything in this world if you are prepared to take the consequences." Somerset Maugham, British writer

adrio's picture
Joined: Dec 2005

I've eaten so much food...I haven't been truly hungry for like three days...groan. Well I didn't have anything interesting happen at Christmas dinner, sorry to disappoint

xenahorse's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

Lucky! Giving my mom an allergic reaction was the pits!

The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/

dbgt23's picture
Joined: Oct 2005

HIM- and love said no

"To many people spend money on things they don't need, to impress people they don't like, with money they don't have."

"When all else fails read the directions."


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