Alright, we all know that alotta people get excited around valentines day. And we also all know that theres alotta people who hate valentines and despise the very thought of a love oriented holiday. today no joke, me and two girls in spanish class were talking about valentines day, (one of them is kinda strange), and she said her shoes were the color of love. they were black. haha.
i am indifferent on this and havent chosen a side. so as far as im concerned tomorrow is thursday, not valentines day. i decided this because, valentines day is a disappointing holiday, at least more so than christmas. LOL. so dont get me wrong, im not a hater or lover of valentines, just a casual observer/ bystander.
so what i want to know is, how does everyone here feel about valentines day and why? details are good.
Straight Edge --
For Life
i was just talking about this today with my english class, (we had a debate about it) and i was talking to my boyfriend about it, and my honest opinion is that while it is nice to get a card or a present i dont need a day that tells me i am supposed to "prove my love". I want to show my boyfriend everyday that i love him, not one day out of the year. And honestly i feel really selfish to think that im supposed to expect a gift for being in love, that gift doesnt prove anything. What really shows me im loved is the little things that happen everyday and the way im treated.
Dont get me wrong, i do like valentines day but, for me atleast its not about how big or expensive the gift, or of theres a gift at all. the greatest gift the guy i love could ever give me, is just to be with him- nothing else.
"Its not easy to be a poet here. Yet I sing. We Sing' - The Exhonerated
Valentines Day doesn't exist anymore. It is now being replaced with Singles Awareness Day. S.A.D. for short. No I didn't make up the stupid acronym haha. Valentines day sucks to tell you the truth. it is so overrated. People make such a big deal out of it. Sheesh. But I do like gettin candy :] That's the only perk...
[=Tahoma]I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out.[/]
It's a very commercial holiday. I havn't quite decided yet if I like it or not. I don't ever get offers to be someone's valentine or anything but at least one friend every year makes me a cute card. And I mean it's supposed to be a day to celebrate love and everything but it's become a day to buy expensive cards and chocolates to impress people. So I guess depending on the way the day goes that year I find it good or bad.
((Mexicana: Haha yeah I heard that around school today))
Music is the arithmetic of sounds.
well i wasn't too disappointed by valentine's day. i mean, i didn't get any gifts (from my nonexistent boyfriend) or have some secret admirer revealed or anything, but i did get cheap valentines from my friends that made me laugh plus some candy.
i know it would be exciting to get some awesome gift from a guy, but then he would have to worry about getting the right thing just to prove that he liked me, and i don't want to base that on a gift. like, if he gets you a bad gift, does that mean he doesn't really like/love you? that doesn't even make sense.
i've also heard guys saying that valentine's day is the worst time to have a girlfriend, which is hilarious, but it's probably also true if there's all that pressure on him to do everything perfectly. and that could completely change the direction of your relationship if he makes one little mistake.
to chula: hmm..ive never heard of SAD before..interesting
to musiclife: i dont know if i like it either, but considering i never get anything at all i dont get why i havent just said i dont like it. dont get me wrong, im a cool dude, people think well of me most of the time, but i guess im just a dude that doesnt get valentines stuff. *sigh* whatever..
to nymcha: yeah me and some friends were talking about v-day is a bad time to have a gf, one friend was saying how he'd never want to have a gf on v-day, or if he did, have a girl thats cool just being together and spending time as opposed to a girl who like expensive gifts.
Straight Edge --
For Life
ok yeah girls that want expensive gifts are annoying. You've got a guy's love that should be good enough for them.
Drummer: Yeah I have a bunch of guy and girl friends and only got one valentine today. We all wished eachother a happy day and what not but at this point none of us do much. We're mostly all single and not the type to get the candygrams our school lets us send to people.
Music is the arithmetic of sounds.
I think Valentine's is just another lame excuse to give out unnecessary I just feel that everyday should be special holiday, you know what I mean?
Seriously people, gifts and materialistic stuff ain't anything if you don't have a special someone to share life with...If you're happy with the people you're around, that's all the happiness you need...spending money on each other is not essential to a happy relationship or friendship...^_^
To me, Everyday's a special happy holiday..make someone smile everyday not only on the specific days that people want to consider an important holiday!!!!! O_O **am I making any sense at all?**
[=2][I][=Comic Sans MS]Smile and stay happy, there'll always be someone out there that's waiting to care for you. Even when life gets hard, all you have to do is try even harder!
[=Teal]Work hard, but let's play h
of course, that makes perfect sense.
which makes me wonder, are all holidays simply a fallacy designed to keep the economy in motion? that sounds a little like conspiracy theory but its not supposed to. its just a thought.
Straight Edge --
For Life
well Valentine's Day probably is but I don't think things like 4th of July and Saint Patrick's day are.
Music is the arithmetic of sounds.
haha yeah true true. 4th of july has important reasoning behind it, and st. pattys day does really encourage the puchase of anything like clovers, lucky charms or..pots of gold for that matter i guess..
Straight Edge --
For Life