Hi! My name is Rose. I'm 13 and I'm a freshman in highschool. I was given this site by a fellow junior who will be taking the same online APsych class with me next year. Right now I am only taking Pre-AP classes, but I will have three AP classes as a sophomore. That is a very confusing thing...So I'll skip the explanation! I will be taking APchem, APsych, and APfrench.
Anyway, I live in Kentucky, and no I don't walk around barefoot everywhere. I'm into all kinds of things. And yea... I think that's it!
Wow, that's a lot! I'm really interested in psychology, math and bio. Do you already know french?
I've always wanted to add foreign language materials to the site. Do any of you guys know of a good AP language resource site? Then again, I'm practically running out of room on the top navigation bar so I'm not sure where I'd put it haha
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