Hey, I'm new here, so I figured since there's an introduce yourself section in the forum, I might as well do just that. PS: I'm bad at describing myself :rolleyes:
So, anywho, I'm Brittney (nicknames: Brit, Beatriz, Svetlana/Svetz; feel free to call me whatever you want... people are always making up nicknames for me). I'm 17, a senior in CT, and, in case you're actually wondering what AP classes I'm in, I'm currently taking AP Spanish and AP Language and Composition. It seems there isn't currently anything for Spanish on here, but for those who need help, I'm always willing to give advice.
That goes beyond course help, too FYI. I'm quite friendly, and looking forward to making friends on here :D
If you want to chat, either private message me, or IM (AIM) me at beyah x treez
You can also check out my facebook or myspace if you want to be added as my friend :cool:
PS: I love smilies, hehe. Oh, and if you ever need a good laugh, I'm the person to go to!
We could steal time...
Welcome to the site! Sorry I'm a little late. Ah, so someone else is taking AP Foreign Language. I'm taking German myself. Anyways, welcome again!
Name: Kwame
Location: Bronx/ Brooklyn (NYC)
Age: 16
Grade: 10
AP Courses: US History, Chemistry, World History, American History, Government, Biology, English, maybe calculus
School: Brooklyn Technical High School
No sports, but would love to go and get active.
That's awesome that you're taking German! =) Seriously really cool.
We could steal time...
Welcome!!!!!! Always nice to see new faces. :)
Hi, I'm new here. How is everybody today?
Welcome to the site! Thanks. I really want to learn Spanish though, but my school's Spanish program leaves much to be desired. Lol. Are you doing anything "special" to prepare for the AP Spanish exam? My teacher is new to AP, so she's kinda making stuff up as we go.
ok, so i'm in spanish 3 right now, but my teacher recommended that i skip spanish 4 and go straight to AP spanish/spanish 5. she said a few students had tried it other years, but they felt sort of behind. So she suggested i do a little extra on my own so i can be ready for both the class and the AP test. I'm thinking i probably will take it, but i just wanted to know if anyone has any advice about this...? And since there's no actual spanish section on here...