hey ya'all so I am moving this summer to the bay area and i am trying to decide on what High school I should go to....based on the classes mostly, then the people etc...
Anyway my two options are basically Benicia High School or Clayton Valley so if anyone goes there I would appreciate insight because I want to have a good senior year. If you go to any other school in that area that is awesome, do tell. Anyway that is something about me so now you know...
p.s. I am totally procrastinating right now:confused:
CJade Publishing Co. :rolleyes:
Lol, who isn't procrastinating. I should be doing physics homework right now, and yet I'm checking forums and e-mails. Anyways, I've never lived outside of the metro Atlanta area, so I'm no help to you. Good luck though and I hope that you enjoy yourself in the forums and that you also can get some help with your prob.
Best of luck!
[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It