Just wondering, what kind of test prep books do you guys use for SAT/ACT? I use Kaplan (the Math helped me get almost a perfect score in both SAT and ACT), Princeton Review, and Collegeboard. I highly recommend Kaplan by the way.
I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception.
-Groucho Marx :p
안녕! 나도 한국사람이야, 도와줄까? 아니면 같Ǿ
I used Kaplan too through my SAT prep course I took last year as an elective. The reading part didn't help me at all, though that was the section I needed little or no help on, but the math was a great help. I got a 1750 for the new ones..not too shabby.
uhhhhhh i just got what ever was in the library. 1750 is pretty damn low. 2 outa my 3 scores added together is almost that....
yeah so just get w/e is in ur library and get 2130 like me
and i also got 2300 combined on subject tests Math 2 chem and physics
770 740 790 respectively
and 35 on ACT
It was good enough to get me into Emerson and TCNJ and I haven't finished hearing back from otehr schools.
It's actually not that bad of a score.
So to you it might be "pretty damn low" but actually, you're pretty damn rude.
well put :D that spells out the letters of my life. LETTER BY LETTER
i was obviously joking