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UC SAT requirements

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electriclunch's picture
Joined: May 2006
UC SAT requirements

Hey guys I was just wondering was SAT II's you are required to take for a University of California.

so far ive taken US history and Literature and did pretty well.

punchinfaces's picture
Joined: Aug 2006

hmm I didn't think UC looked at SAT scores? I'm pretty sure they're one of the schools that doesn't take them into consideration...


Michael Jordan plays ball. Charles Manson kills people. I talk. - Thank You for Smoking

osnakeo's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

uhh yeah they do. Im planning to apply to berkeley and they require two subject tests. I took 3 hahahhahahhahahhahahah
740 770 790

Azntoxicwaste's picture
Joined: Sep 2006

lol the poster who said UC's dont look at it has a pretty good point. To get into Cal of UCLA requires A GREAT DEAL OF LUCK. I'm not saying grades no not matter but it's not the central focus. I have a friend who has 1760, 3.2 unweighted gpa and no extracurriculers and he got into UCLA engineering. How? no one knows, not even himself. When he told us we laughed our butts off but right now he doesn't even know if he can go because he doesn't have over a 3.0 GPA at the moment. I'm not saying that grades do not matter but for UCs they have a WEIRD system of accepting and rejecting people

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