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cb5569 wrote:What the crap is "Human geography"???????
Um... well human geography was kinda like learning about culture, popultaion, landscapes, even history (and everything else you can think of), in different geographic regions. It was a really stupid course, one of the free response ap questions in 2003 was about the distribution of chicken production in the united states. So Stupid!! I cant believe how much of the stuff i remember though, even if it is worthless information.
blondeswimmer wrote:Um... well human geography was kinda like learning about culture, popultaion, landscapes, even history (and everything else you can think of), in different geographic regions. It was a really stupid course, one of the free response ap questions in 2003 was about the distribution of chicken production in the united states. So Stupid!! I cant believe how much of the stuff i remember though, even if it is worthless information.
I took this in 9th grade, 2002-2003. I know what you mean blonde. I remember so much stuff that if scares me. Anyways, unless your majoring in foreign policy, or something that involves foreign relations, I would say to steer away from this course. Take something usefull like an AP history class instead. Besides, I have no idea where things are on the map because I took that instead of regular geography.
Anyways, here are the tests I've taken and what I got on them\
Human Geography-3
World History-3
U.S. History-2
Physics B-4
Calculus BC-4
(Subscore for AB-4)
This year I'm taking Physics C and Chemistry as AP and Econ, government, english, and Calculus II at college.
[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It
Quote:the point is for your teachers to prepare you as well as possible, so you SHOULD be well prepared, or else your teachers may be in jeopardy of being which case you can just blame them lol
haha.........i wish this was true at my teacher failed whole A.P classes before....and last year and the year before nobody passed the AP test...(2 students in the M.U.N AP US HISTORY did however).....i kindof want to break the not passing streak.....
Quote:my teacher failed whole A.P classes before....and last year and the year before nobody passed the AP test...(2 students in the M.U.N AP US HISTORY did however).....i kindof want to break the not passing streak.....
^ oh dear...not good heh jeez WHOLE AP classes??? that kind of sucks a lot of butt. well, i guess that's why you're on course-notes then
I got a 3 on the AP US History test. I know some people who got 5's on the test as well as other tests. Of course, they were the ones who studied day in and day out all year long.
I have scored a 5 on the world history test so far. I look forward to scoring a 5 on the rest of my ss tests though. My older brother has scored a 5 on ever AP test there is for SS. :D
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I passed the AP Calc and Euro tests... got a 4 on the Euro test... My main words of advice are... start studying early and use outside study aids, like study books! And yes, I think that they are pretty hard, but they are supposed to be challenging... if you study, you should do just fine...
AP tests for me are like a game. Figure out the best strategies for beating that game, the fastest way to the boss level, if you will, and you'll get your 5. :D the main thing is knowing exactly what the ap exam expects of you at the beginning of the year. some teachers don't know this. IT IS UP TO YOU. don't go blaming the teacher. if they suck, you'll have to make up the difference. PekeAilinaLike is right. buy review books, they have them for every subject from companies like baron's, princeton review, kaplan, rea, and more. i have at least one for every AP test i've taken, except calculus, but the teacher was amazing and knew exactly what needed to be done for the AP exam. I am a junior in high school and have thus far gotten a 5 on physics B, physics C mechanics, physics C electricity and magnetisim, chemistry, biology, calc AB, calc BC, and environmental science. I didnt even take the class for environmental science.(it's not offered at my school) the review book was that good. believe me, i know what i'm talking about. i'll be taking 4 more exams this year: us history, language and composition, statistics, and macro ecomomics, and you can bet that i already have the review books and i'm making the comparisons to the course and to what the books are telling me.
antonini wrote:AP tests for me are like a game. Figure out the best strategies for beating that game, the fastest way to the boss level, if you will, and you'll get your 5. :D the main thing is knowing exactly what the ap exam expects of you at the beginning of the year. some teachers don't know this. IT IS UP TO YOU. don't go blaming the teacher.
That's an awesome strategy... and I totally agree about not blaming the teachers... They cannot take the test for you... They cannot force you to study,... and they do not know everything... so as antonini said, IT IS UP TO YOU!!!!!...
BTW, impressive work on your AP exams thus far... best of luck next year... What college are you interested in attending?
PekeAilinaLike wrote:BTW, impressive work on your AP exams thus far... best of luck next year... What college are you interested in attending?
hopefully somewhere good. haha. i've been looking at some of the top-rated engineering schools, like stanford, berkeley, caltech, MIT, that sort of thing. math and science is my thing, if you could tell by my AP exams. but money is really going to be an issue for me so if I don't get a major scholarship i'll be going to a state school, and then hopefully I can go on to graduate school at somewhere prestigious.