I am generally pleased with the outlines of this website, but I do have some problems with Chapters 15 & 16. It appears that they were only written by an individual for an individual, as the strange abbreviations and lack of structure or description make them confusing. I would appreciate it if there was any action taken to resolve this problem. Thanks!
I sort of thought the same thing. A lot of times I wasn't sure what certain abbreviations were supposed to mean, even after reading the chapter. I'd like it if they were a bit more clear, but I know people worked hard to get them up here so I appreciate all that they can do. :)
I will read them in a bit and try to explain to you what the abbreviations are if I can decipher them by any means.
Actually, if you can just tell me which specific abreviations you don't understand that would work out better.
I already took the unit test on those two chapters, so I think I am all right now...
The main one I had trouble with was USn. At first glance, I thought it stood for U.S. Navy, but after I read the chapters in the textbook I figured out it meant American (pretty clever).
I made outlines on the chapter myself... If you want them, I could submit it - maybe you can use it to improve the ones you already have for others.
You are welcomed to submit your own or correct the ones we already have.
how do you veiw outlines
Click on US History then scroll down a little and click outlines.
HELP!!! i cant get to the outlines!!!