Alright, so I'm editing this post from what it was - a place to suggest internship ideas. We're still very open to suggestions for internship programs, so if you think of something you'd like to see we'd love to hear it either here or you can PM me. But for now, this post will be a list of projects already in full swing and projects that we're thinking of starting in the future. I'll be updating as ideas come in, so if you see a new section here that you're interested in or one in progress you'd like to join e-mail [email protected]" class="bb-email">[email protected] and we'll get you all set up!
Projects in Progress:
- Article Writing
- Blogging
- Promotion
- Book Reviewing
- Editing
- Example Work Database
- Homework Reviewing
- Video Tutorials
- Study Session Moderators
- Current Events
Projects in Planning:
- Newsletter
Note: A post will be made upon update.
[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It
In the Contribute tab, I know you can upload documents for the Content, Multimedia, and Photos sections, but is it possible to have that option for the blog section in addition to the copy-pasting? I have no idea if this is in progress.
Do you mean to have the users able to upload attachments to the blog posts they make? I can look into that
Course-Notes.Org Administrator If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, complaints, rants, raves, random thoughts, etc etc- feel free to direct them at me :)
Would it be possible to somehow fiddle around with the Blog section so that all blogs from user are sort of grouped together? It's very confusing to follow one particular person amidst all the submissions.
At the bottom of the blog posts, there's a link that should say "visit __(insert username)'s___ blog" above the comment section. That shows all the posts by that user.
In general:
Also, I was thinking a newsletter would be good eventually.
[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It
double post I know - sorry about that everyone.
But blogs definitely need to be searchable. I tried the search function earlier, and I couldn't search content, not sure if it's not open yet or what, but it would definitely be to our benefit to be able to search blogs.
[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It
I usually write my articles in a word document program, and I thought it might make it easier by uploading the word document. I guess the amount of effort that goes into copy-pasting is about equal to the amount that goes into uploading, but I was just thinking some people might prefer one over the other.
pianogirl2422;93324 wrote:
In general:
Also, I was thinking a newsletter would be good eventually.
I agree with this, would be a great benefit.