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should i take this class

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bananasortacos's picture
Joined: Nov 2006
should i take this class

whats easier ap bio ap chem or ap anatomy

xenahorse's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

AP Bio. AP Chem is really, really hard. i have no clue as to how AP Anatomy is, since my school dosen't offer it.

The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/

CoURTeSEY08's picture
Joined: Sep 2006

AP Bio is soOO Hard! If you are a good memorizer, i bet you can take it..But it's SOOO hard! It's the hardest science class you'll ever be taken.

fact789's picture
Joined: Apr 2007

AP BIO is VERY hard. I took H-anatomy (honors) and it was soooo easy. I would take AP anatomy

afruff23's picture
Joined: May 2007

There is no such thing as AP anatomy. Anyways, I'm taking AP bio and chem right now and chem is definitely easier.

FeeFee's picture
Joined: Apr 2007

Biology is not only being able to memorize a lot of information but also synthesizing everything into the big picture.

Chemistry seemed more like math skills and logic.

I'm not a very science-oriented person, but I've taken both classes, and I def think chem was easier. It all depends on you teachers and your school's program, so you're most likely better off asking people at your school who have taken the classes.

KaoticKonfuzion's picture
Joined: Aug 2007

it depends what would interest you more. if you like math, logic, and knowing a certain answer, take chem. if you like memorizing information and explaining the processes of what you learned, take bio. i've only taken AP chem, but I'm taking AP Bio this year. personally, i think bio is more difficult than chem, but a lot of other people thing differently. also, in my ap chem class, there were no labs because it would have been very hazardous. bio has labs.

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