I found a website that helps me study. WWW.Bubbabrain.com
1. Click on Junior
2. Click on the drop down arrow under AP BIO
3. Select a set of words and hit submit
4. The top left card will say "find this" and a definition will be listed below
5. Click on the term that matches the definition and clear the board
It has helped me remember the material.
Yeah, if you need outlines, I had it the last 3 YEARS!!! (I know, a lot of bio: honors, and 2 yrs of IB)
check out my website:
and click on biology,
then you should probably click on either 3-4 or 5-6.
hope this helps you too. you can never have too many ways to study, right?
If you're looking for flashcards for ALL chapters and ALL VOCAB go to [URL=http://www.biologysap.com]www.biologysap.com[/URL] and you'll find a link at the top.